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Rio International

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  • Rio International

    It has come to my attention that RIO will most likely soon be in deep financial trouble if the owners continue to gamble excessivley while playing with YOUR money!!!

    STAY AWAY!!!!!

    you have been warned!!!!!

  • #2
    Rio's demise has been predicted for years now. Somehow they keep right on trucking. The big gambler that was involved is no longer there, or so I thought.

    While there current relations with some certainly would discourage me from playing there, who knows if it will actually lead to them closing up shop and leaving town.


    • #3
      ***Please note***

      We at Bettorsworld know of no indivduals with specific problems with Rio International.

      Judge Judy, Blowfish or anyone with specific problems or complaints can call Dave at Rio at 800-809-4363.

      Otherwise we'll have to assume these are personal grudges and urge readers to disregard the comments made above.

      I have played at Rio and have several friends that have played at Rio and none have reported any problems.


      • #4
        In our defense

        Judge Judy and Blowfish,

        We here at RIO do not know where you guys get these false allegations from but our company is not and has never been in financial trouble. If you have any evidence on the so called slanderous remark you made please feel free to call one of the owners Dave at his direct number 1-800-809-4363 and explain to him where and how you got your information from. If any of you have any evidence of anyone that states that we owe him or her any money we would also like them to call us. As to date we here at RIO do not owe and have never refused to pay out funds to any of our customers upon request.
        Rio’s reputation is impeccable just ask any of the largest gamblers in Las Vegas and or any other major sportsbook.

        To All Our Valued Customers,

        Rio International would like our valued customers not to worry about their accounts. Rio is one of the respected and stable offshore companies out there and we defy anyone to repute that. Our reputation is impeccable and we have defend ourselves with the fact that we at RIO CAN DO TRANSFERS WITH THE FOLLOWING SPORTSBOOKS THAT HAPPEN TO ADVERTISE WITH BETTORSWORLD:

        MVP BETS

        Plus ANY MAJOR SPORTSBOOK in the offshore industry.
        If anyone of our customers have any questions about their accounts or money please feel free to call one of our owners Dave directly at 1-800-809-4363.


        • #5
          I tried to transfer to wwts and was told no. This must have changed recently?


          • #6
            WWTS Transfers

            Rio International has what is called a "Post-Up" account with WWTS. So the amount of transfers we are allowed to do with varies them weekly. So prior to requesting a transfer to or from WWTS please call into our customer service department to check on our status.
            We would like our customers not to feel apprehensive with any transfers you might want to make with any of the sportsbooks listed above. As a matter of fact our reputation is so strong that just last week alone we transferred over $250,000 to Pinnacle without any problems. So to be able to move money of that amount to one of the listed sportsbooks should be proof enough that we are not in any financial trouble.
            By the way Dave our GM is still awaiting calls from Judge Judy and Blowfish to defend their slanderous comments made earlier.
            If any of our Rio International customer have any questions or problems with please feel to call us at 1-800-809-3246 or 1-800-809-0834.
            Last edited by Rio_Support; 05-22-2002, 02:23 PM.


            • #7
              That explains it. So you guys have an account at say, wwts, just like we do and then have them take it from your account and put it into ours. First come first serve. If you're account is tapped out we can't do the transfer.

              Thanks for the explanation. Appreciate it.


              • #8
                In fairness to Rio we have changed the original title of this thread.

                We have taken on a no delete policy over the last year or so which is why the thread remains.


                • #9
                  Judge Judy and Blowfish

                  Judge Judy and Blowfish,

                  I am still waiting for your response to our post earlier refuting the slanderous remarks you made about our company. I find it amazing how some people can just post allegations onto forums and when asked for evidence to support their thread they do not respond. I will be in my office for a few more hours if any of you guys can muster the courage to call and tell me from whom and where they heard these lies about our company.

                  Dave Mahoney
                  General Manager


                  • #10
                    Still waiting

                    Judge Judy and Blowfish,

                    I am still waiting for your response. This whole fiasco is starting to remind me of that thread that was posted about Cascade on The Prescription about a month ago. Some guy started a thread about that sportsbook and he could not find the courage to call the owner even though he was asked to call in his grievance several times by Lenny personally. So if you two guys are for real, please give us all here on this forum some type of response or at least call me. One again here is my personnal phone number 1-800-809-4363.
                    If I do not get some type response from these two guys, I think they should be banded or at the very least be discredited from any future threads they might respond to or start on this watchdog site or any of the others out there.

                    Dave Mahoney
                    General Manager
                    Last edited by Rio_Support; 05-22-2002, 06:48 PM.


                    • #11

                      I have no reason to call you for my post was not "slanderous". I simply said that there was always talk of you guys going down and it never happened. If you search this forum or some of the others I think you will be surprised what you will read about your book that is posted by all sorts of people. That is what I meant when I said I wouldn't play there because of what I have read elsewhere.

                      The more you post looking for people to call you, the more prominent the thread stays. No disrespect meant. Since you are looking for clarification apparently: I have not heard of any person not being paid by Rio. I simply had always heard ex-employees, etc. badmouthing. My post was cynical, that is my attitude towards the industry; however, it did not directly accuse you or your book of any wrongdoing.


                      • #12
                        JUDGE JUDY: Many fo us are waiting your explanation.

                        Many people like to get on this forum and blast sport books with no solid information to back up their claims. Someone is going to get there ass sued.


                        • #13

                          I happen to agree with you. In this case, no real problem with Blowfish. But Judge Judy, yes, at another time, Judge Judy would have been given the boot.

                          Unfortunately the industry in general has not shown support for running a forum in that manner.

                          So, we changed our policy close to a year ago.

                          We don't delete (unless it's something really horrible)

                          We don't ban.

                          That was a decision dicated by the industry in general, not necessarily the way we would have liked it.

                          This is what happens as a result.

                          Some wingnut makes off the cuff remarks.

                          Maybe there will come a day when keeping the trash out becomes the "in" thing again.

                          But until then.....


                          • #14
                            judy judy judy that you lack all credibility (and integrity)....go away you garbage spewing saggy breasted instigator


                            • #15
                              Rio doesn't need me to respond but since I'm here browsing tonight I will. My partner and I have an account with Rio and never have had one problem with a pay-out. Last month we took an upper 4 digit withdrawal and there was no sweating like normal. Arrived just when they said it was.

                              I'm just one guy but most won't even repond to this kind of foolishness.

