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What's going on with Bet Mega?

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  • What's going on with Bet Mega?

    I know Columbia isn't the safest place in the world. I hope everything is ok. I haven't been able to reach their site. What's going on?

  • #2
    The link at the top of the page is not working either. They just posted a special on here within the past few days so I am guessing that there may just be a technical glitch. Anyone have a phone number?


    • #3
      It was down this morning. Its working now!


      • #4
        anyone know where they do their banking?


        • #5
          Why would it matter where they bank? If they are no good, they are no good. Whether they bank in drug infested Columbia or Switzerland. right?

          Although I would doubt they would bank in Columbia.

          Anyone see that movie Blow? Where the dude goes to get all his millions only to be told it was gone? That's happened before! I hope these sportsbooks spread their dough around.


          • #6
            I hope they aren't banking in ColUmbia. That's in the United States. ColOmbia would be a better choice.......that's the one in South America.


            • #7
              They did Post, Just not in Oddswiz

              They posted their problem in Bookie's Hell:

              Internet problems

              Our ISP is experiencing problems with a fiber optic cable so our internet service has been up and down all morning.

              Please call 1-888-535-1346 or 1-888-621-7150 for wagering purposes. You may also call 1-888-535-8830 (customer service) and we'll transfer your call.

              We apologize for the inconvenience.

              Pamela Pierce
              [email protected]

              Mega SportsBook International


              • #8
                does anyone know why bmega moved to colombia? I can tell you and is not pretty


                • #9
                  mega sportsbook left Venezuela because their Turkish A??hole bosses open an illegal casino in Colombia...
                  They left Venezuela with out paying one of their line movers started fiering everyone so that they didn't have to pay them.
                  They also owed a person that used to work for them 30 million Bolivares around us$ 30 thousand. They Fired a pregnat girl for something that the head brainers in marketing always handled, they gave her the wrong information and she got blamed for it, they also did not finish paying her, Venezuelan Laws say that no woman that is pregnat can be fired... and they did...

                  Their Turkish bosses used the sportsbook as a personal bank for them and there prostitutes..etc. most of the time they didn't have enough money to pay all the payouts and had to call home and beg for money to the Turkish A..holes... and half of the time they said no.....

                  Megasportsbook is probably right now the Illegal casino PIGGYBANK.....
                  keep away from Mega they play with your money..

                  have a nice day

