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If You Want To Hear Music....

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  • If You Want To Hear Music....

    you have to pay the fiddler.

    In the case of Weitzner, the man has committed atrocities against undeserving individuals and businesses in the industry.

    He has copied documents to the Virginia offices of the FBI.

    He has dropped some of the biggest names in the industry with no concern as to how it might affect them.

    These are all now hard copy documents available on the web.

    His defense is what it always is. Have lackey posters like clevfan disregard the truth and cry "this is all crap-its bad for the industry".

    Why don't the lackeys question the terrible mistakes made by this very cowardice man who angered a u.s. judge so much he was very close to being locked up.

    The "crap" being referred to is the so called "flaming" of RX.
    Here is the typical sequence of events.

    1.) RX RATS someone in a court doc.

    2) He is called on the table as to why he is a RAT

    3) his lackeys disregard any evidence of this and come to his defense.

    4) RX deflects any criticism that comes his way and it builds.

    5) Books like RIO quitely come to aid of their intimate friend.

    6) RX comes out and attempts to look like a hero by saying "we won't get involved in this type of thing-we are better than that!"

    7) The lackeys say "Good for you RX for taking the higher ground"

    8) The only people with LESS integrity than RX are the lackeys whether they be the players like myself or the books who back him.

    He has messes up and until he publicly admits to and apologizes in a big way his torment will continue. That is his punishemnt.


  • #2
    ANYTIME anything gambling related goes to court it is bad press for the industry. Even two books squabbling over ownership, or someone crying foul because they have been defamed.......It makes the offshore industry look more and more like a circus.

    And if Shrink is dropping names to FBI Agents in Virginia (which would be the headquarters.........since it is there, I believe), then the entire industry should STOP talking to him, and STOP inviting him in for intimate tours.

    Of course, since all court documents are generally made public all you have to do is file a lawsuit and names start dropping......


    • #3
      Very interesting. Vey well laid out JJ. I think by now most people not living in a cave realize what a waste this guy is. No one really takes him seriously. He's joked about behind his back by the very same people who pretend to like him. Can't have much respect for people who take him seriously or do business with him. Quite the opposite actually.


      • #4
        did you see the latest crap from the weitz where he thanks this site for keeping his name in all the threads and making his site have its best month ever, traffic wise? thats a load of crap...his top month was in april? everyone knows these forums have triple their normal hits (or even more) during football season when more people are betting

        weitz desperately hates all the bad ink he's getting and he's crying wolf

        i'd love to shove a gefilte fish up his anus

