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Delmar closes post up/internet

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  • Delmar closes post up/internet

    We regret to inform you that we are closing our postup/internet division of Del Mar Sports. Our first and foremost priority is to payout each funded account in a timely manner. Accounts funded via credit card will receive a credit back. Accounts funded in any other manner will need to submit their payout request to [email protected] at that time we will process your request.

    Western Union of $500 or less
    Bank Draft sent out via Federal Express
    or you may choose to transfer your balance to

    Thank you for your business it has been a pleasure servicing you.
    Del Mar Sports

  • #2
    why are they shuting down the post up division.

    who is and are they credible.


    • #3
      I guess they weren't happy with the business they were doing over the net.

      They still have post up accounts over the phone, but I imagine only for larger players......


      • #4
        Everybody gets on the internet because of the peer pressure and the fear of "losing out" or "missing the boat". This applies to both gaming and non gaming websites. I'd bet that these guys did just that and then they realized that there's no profit there unless you have a clear strategy as to how to manage the internet part of the business and since they probably had no real expertise in those matters.............. they pulled back.
        It's not that surprising. I know a number of small business owners with internet sites who barely break even on that part of the business...........and some of them have been online for years. It's really no different. And frankly it reenforces my assertion that the number of potential players vis-a-vis the proliferation of books makes the whole assumption of continued success for smaller books online, tenuous at best.


        • #5

          Why do you think the business people who run internet sites don't turn a profit? I am talking about the friends you mentioned, not the books.

          I realize there are some start up costs associated with internet businesses, but after you overcome the start up costs, the monthly cost should be fairl small.

          I am talking about an e-commerce site where you are selling a tangible product.

          The monthly cost can be much more than $50 - if you didn't sell item one.

          I am really interested in this process . . . really - get back to me if you would.
          As Always - Good Luck,



          • #6
            The actual operating costs of running the Internet site are not high; however, the security costs are becoming increasingly higher. Kids are getting smart, and hacking is becoming prevalent and next to impossible to detect and prevent.

            Not to mention with the crackdown on funding methods, many players are probably shying away from using the Internet. They cannot use their credit cards anonymously and cannot easily set up accounts with third party processors anonymously.

            Phone accounts are more expensive to maintain and attract the larger bettors, but also the wiseguys. With all the adjustments going on in the industry right now I think a lot of books are dumping the least profitable areas of their businesses and looking to focus on what makes them the money to survive--with the possibility of jumping back into to other areas later.


            • #7
              In many cases it's simply the fact that the book has no clue how to market their internet business.

              They decide to compliment their phone business with internet betting but have no game plan and no experience in internet marketing.

              It takes more than just advertising on a couple if websites.

              It's easy to see why a book like delmar would be disappointed with their internet business.

              Most "internet players" have never even heard of them.......


              • #8
                I heard some managment were leaving Costa Rica for the USA


                • #9

                  I agree. To tell you the truth I had completely forgotten they had went online. They were not talked about in the forums much at all. I don't think they marketed themselves well.
                  Kudos for a book closing up shop the right way though. Hopefully it will set a precedent...

