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All World Sports Announcement

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  • All World Sports Announcement

    To all concerned:

    The new owners of All World Sports would like to make an announcement to all of the old accounts and all of the prospective new accounts, that as of today 04/10/2002, the entire players account balances of All World Sports has been put in a separate trust account. They would also like everyone to know that each and every penny that is sent into All World Sports by the players will go into that trust account.
    However our work is not finished. We feel that it is very important for each and every one of our clients or prospective clients to be able to verify this fact. We are working very hard with some different companies to figure out a way that this fact can be verified by each one of our players. We are not asking anyone to take our word that this has been done, but it is taking us a little longer to figure out just how to do this so the players can verify this on a regular basis. We have figured out two or three ways to do this but we want to make sure that we do this and do it right, so all of our clients feel that their funds are safe and secure while they are dealing with All World Sports.
    We are willing to do whatever it takes to regain the trust and confidence of the players, that might have been lost or at least misplaced in All World Sports, and to give the new team behind All World Sports a chance to show everyone that they are people of honesty and integrity.
    Thanks to all of you who hung in their with us thru our complicated times and we will look forward to serving all of you in the future.

    Best Regards
    The Team of All World Sports
    Last edited by Platoon; 04-10-2002, 04:20 PM.

  • #2
    Is there anyway to verify that this is being done? If so, that is a great step!! The Unified books used to claim they did the same thing. If there was a way for players to confirm the safety (an independent opinion, etc.) of their money, you've got a good thing going!


    • #3
      It's a step in the right direction but still wouldn't mean much. Big deal, you can see actual funds in a bank account. Will you also be able to see the bets a book takes? Will you know when they get buried on a game or series of games? Of course not. It means very little to be able to verify funds. WHO CONTROLS THE TRUST????? The only sure way to gain player trust is to offer them credit.


      • #4
        Yeah--but there are a lot of slimeball players out there that ruin credit for those that don't abuse it. Those operating offshore would have a hard time tracking down people who owed money. The trust would have to be monitored and actually the financial activities moinitored by an agency much like the SEC (not that they did a good job with Enron).

        Would any consulting or auditing firms even take on this task considering the legal gray area?

