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Anyone Heard of These Guys

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  • Anyone Heard of These Guys

    20% Sign Up Bonus
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    I want to post up, but am a little put off by the name. What do you think?


    As Always - Good Luck,


  • #2
    I'd say it's a bad time to go experimenting...

    Longevity is what you should focus on right now.


    • #3
      Maybe my "humor" was just too subtle. The graphic should be easily recognizable to anyone who ever visted Aces Gold.

      So, it wasn't a big linguistic leap to come up with "Places Fold," which I though was kinda funny.

      Now if you look closely at the graphic and read the text, I was hoping it would be readily apparent to anyone that it was a, perhaps feeble, attempt at humor.

      No one would open, much less post up with, a place called Places Fold!

      At least I'd hope not.

      Maybe I'll try something less subtle . . .

      A guy walks into a bar with a duck on his shoulder . . .
      As Always - Good Luck,



      • #4
        Umm........there are people that post up with places called "Mars Casino" (that was a Starnet book at one time), and even some place called SPORTS POTATO (no, I am not making this up). Sometimes you just GOTTA get down on that game......


        • #5
          LOL. I thought it was pretty funny! You have one thing wrong though. I think people WOULD post up with a place called Places Fold. No one ever accused sportsbettors of being rocket scientists!


          • #6
            sure go for it!

            Why are people playing "Russian Roulette" with their hard earned money?

            It amazes me that some people are still willing to send their money to unproven books, let alone proven considering the state of the industry.


            • #7
              The state of the industry right now is no different than it ever has been.

              For as long as there has been betting on sports, players have been stiffed, and have had to worry about being stiffed.

              Offshore books have folded every year since 1995 when we started doing this.

              Stateside bm's have less than perfect records.

              Vegas books have folded in the past and in the process stiffed players. Currently that can't happen due to the books being bonded, however if a vegas book goes under, you'll be waiting quite a while to get paid. It's not overnight.

              The only thing that makes this year any different is that a book that had a reputation as being among the elite went down. Being such a popular book, if effected many more people.

              Let's not make it sound as though all books are in dire straits.

              Sure, more books will fold as time goes on. Like anything else, the strong will survive. That's the way it goes.

              Until there's some form of regulation or legalization, it will always be that way.


              • #8
                There are those of us that believed we could avoid getting stiffed by reading, listening, and exchanging information about sportsbooks such as is on this forum. Now I believe any negative inputs on a sportsbook are still worth considering, but all the positive inputs are just junk.

                How many times have I said that certain sportsbooks are "solid", "safe", "trustworthy", etc. What a bunch of junk - I don't really know those things! And for that I aplogize to this forum.

                The bottom line is, almost no one knows what's in the bank account of a sportsbook; and what is their profit/loss situation.

                And honorability - I don't really know anymore. I've seen quite a few people you'd swear was honorable get themselves into a trap and become less than honorable.


                • #9

                  Honor is a good thing to bring up in this business. Because of the stigma attached to gambling, it has attracted mostly less than honorable people to participate and take other people's money. Greed motivates many. And although I agree with what Jeff has said, that the industry will always have people bailing and books folding, the climate is different due to the different world we live in. It is getting harder for books to get customers, hold customers, and make it easy and anonymous for them to get their funds in. Countries don't want to be on any 1st world country's black list.

                  Back to honor--it takes a lot more to stand up and admit that you are down and out and need help or just cannot go on, than to pick up and run off with what is left. Pay as many people as you can, settle your outstanding bills as best you can, and be honest. In the long run, honesty will get you the farthest with anyone that is worth dealing with.

                  Anyone watch the movie The Last Castle with Robert Redford? That will teach everyone a little bit about what true honor and integrity is.

