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Royal Review 12/7

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  • Royal Review 12/7

    Royal Review
    by Victor Ludorem

    An interesting note: O.J.Simpson’s house was raided in Miami on Wednesday. Authorities suspect his involvement in an ecstasy smuggling ring from Holland and dealing in bootleg satellite TV cards. The very next day my satellite card gets zapped along with most all the cards here in the Netherlands Antilles. Any connection? I certainly hope not. The last thing we need is Orenthal James Simpson and his blocking-sled team of lawyers screwing up our civil liberties to watch football. Coast to coast, once a troublemaker always a troublemaker in my book. Now he’s even giving Dutch people a bad name. Pirates of the Penzance…Pirate cards. What’s the difference? We’re in the Caribbean for crying out loud. Listen OJ, you can make a bong out of your Heisman Trophy for all I care but leave my ESPN alone, thank you.

    Speaking of ecstasy, Royal players were euphoric as leprechauns after they had their way with us on Saturday. A 14to1 ratio of bettors got off all over Pitt-7.5 against UAB. The Panthers scored early and were then ‘off like a prom dress’ in route to a 24-6 conquest. Next up a stadium full of Volunteers+16 slipped something into the Royal line maker’s drink in Gainesville. This game kicked off and the date rape was on. The game was quite entertaining but the final score Tennessee 34 Florida 32, make for a combination hangover and mega-sore ass to start off a Sunday.

    In the pros, we had a good day going 4 out of 5. We lost a bundle on Monday Night with GreenBay’s Favre-led comeback against the Jaguars 28-21. However the Vikings meaningless 4th quarter rally to cover against the Steelers was huge for Royal and the Ravens win over the hapless
    Colts, a pair of Unders in the Rams-Falcons game and the Bills-Niners game helped turn around the weekend for Royal. Sorry for filing this brief report but our focus is on preparing for moving to our new facility. Don’t forget to tell OJ….”I want my MTV !”

  • #2
    I was one of the 14 to 1 ratio on pitt :

    By the way, I hear OJ isn't really involved in the scam after all. Too bad. He needs to do SOME time.


    • #3
      The trick is to add up all the Royal reviews and determine if the good weeks out weigh the bad ones.....then you'll have a good idea of how the books are doing in general.

      If you're dealing with a shaky shop.......well, it's almost Super Bowl time!

      Word is there are more than a couple shops teetering on the brink.

      Be careful!

