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carib problem resolved

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  • carib problem resolved

    This is the situation: I made several horse racing wagers at carib for approximately $750 for the breeders cup. I also made wagers at sportsinteraction. I am aware that some sports books such as aces gold consider action even if the horse does not race while others refund your money. It is clearly labeled at Ace's Gold. It is not in the rules or labled on the sites at sportsinteraction or Carib. So I call each of the places and they both tell me that if the horse does not run I will get my money back. So I deposit money and place the wagers online. Now I find out my horses do not run and call sportsinteraction and true to their word they voided my bet. I call carib and they say they will not refund my money. I explain to them I talk to a clerk and he put me on hold and checked and came back and said if the horse does not run, my money will be refunded. I gave them the date and the time so they could check the recording. They tell me to call back later after they review and when I call they tell me that they only keep the recordings for 3 days. Now I can not believe this - If you place a wager on a Monday for a Sunday football game - they do not keep your wager. The people at carib are liars or either too lazy to check or don't care. I knew before I place these wagers that there was a good chance they would not race - I would have never placed these wagers if I knew they were action - this is why I called. I don't know what I am going to do about this. I am extremely upset about this and it is not the money but the principal. I placed $500 by credit card and $200 by paypal. I'm thinking of disputing with my credit card and paypal. I do not want this company to see a single dime for this wager. Has anybody had experience with disputing with credit card or paypal. Also I'm interested in your opinions. null

    [ 10-22-2001: Message edited by: Jeff ]

  • #2

    Wouldn't it make more sense to e-mail people who own this website and ask 'em to call Carib for you? I see Carib advertises here, they could help you get the money.



    • #3

      Did you get this issue worked out? Man, why is nobody posting in this thread? Doesn't anyone care one way or other???


      • #4
        BobbyTex, you're right that the post shouldn't just die. Your suggestion was the right one - sword1 should contact Jeff and have him get the problem straightened out.

        As Sword1 has described things, it certainly seems that he has money coming back.

        I'm a little disappointed that Carib hasn't already stepped in and corrected the problem, or at least posted a response if they don't believe there is any money that should be returned for whatever reason.


        • #5
          Bobby Tex,

          Thank you for your reply, and yes I agree it would make more sense trying to have bettorsworld work out the problem then taking things in to my own hands. I was just so upset with the situation. I can't believe they did this to me. I have been with them for awhile and never had a problem. Of course you never know about customer service until you have a problem. I spoke with two supervisors before posting this message. The one named Dawn, was nice and seemed like she really cared, but said that management would not void the bet because they do not keep recording past 3 days. She said If I knew the person's name who I talked to. Well I did not, I never get anybody's name until there is a problem or if I think there is going to be a problem. I never thought there was going to be a problem, I thought that was their policy. I do not understand why they can't quiz the employees and ask if they remeber me calling. I gave them the date and time, I would have called. They could figure out who was working and ask them. Also I thought all conversations were recored and stored. I'm not a 100 % conviced that if somebody really wanted to go through the trouble of getting stored tapes, they couldn't find my recording asking the question. I got the feeling that Dawn wanted to help me, but couldn't because of someone above her. She said she beleived me and wish she could do something. I just don't understand the whole problem. The whole situation is very fustrating the reason I call sportbooks and ask question is to avoid problems like this and her I am with a problem like this I wish bettorsworld would step in.


          • #6
            Generally we'd wait until you contacted us......

            However, when I saw your post yesterday, I contacted Carib and am awaiting to hear back.

            It would help if you could email me so I can notify you of the results if any.

            [email protected]


            • #7

              Did they credit back your account yet?

              If the horse doesn't run they should credit it back. All sportsbooks should void a wager like this, because its the only right thing to do.

              You can challenge the CC charge but as for paypal I'm sure that's a losing battle.


              • #8

                No I did not get my money credited back and apparently they have not responded to bettorsworld's inquiry either.


                • #9
                  Actually they have responded and we should have a definite final answer this coming week..........


                  • #10
                    I am glad i saw this post. I am about to post up with a new outfit & had narrowed it down to Carib or Royal. If this is how Carib treats their customers then your misfortune may have saved me down the line. I wish you luck & please post the outcome.


                    • #11
                      I received an e-mail today from Dawn from Carib saying she referred the matter to William who could help me. William left me a message saying they would void all my breeder cup bets or none.( I still had one pending that was going to race)
                      I took him up on the offer and voided all my bets, the money is currently in my account. I am happy with the result. I want to thank bettorsworld for their assistance in this matter. Its great to have a third party that can assist in problems like this. Thanks again bettorsworld.


                      • #12
                        thats great that the situation was resolved
                        and points to how things should work and why players should only post with books that have a relationship with bworld evn if they don't although they should advertise although i'm not one for censorship i feel that after something like this is resolved an inflamatory headline like carb stole my money should just be deleted ofcourse with the consent of the original poster. its just not fair for them to lose business to those who don't reAD MORE THAN THE HEADLINES ! we know that someone out there sees that and deciedes not to use them lets leave that for the real problem books out there of which unfornutely do exist more than we'd like to admit,.


                        • #13
                          We changed the title of the thread......I think it's important to remember that disputes will happen from time to time.

                          9 out of 10 times, the disputes are settled in the players favor.......


                          • #14
                            Rich, Jeff,

                            I agree, I'm glad the title was changed. I was going to suggest that myself. It is the end result that matters and in the end Carib did the right thing. To be fair, some of my statements I made such as Carib being liars,lazy and not caring were written when I just got off the phone as was extemely angry. As you could probably tell from my second post, after I settled down, I thought about it rationally and Dawn from customer service did actually care and was very professional. I retract those statements. I was just upset about the situation.

