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Jimmy V Column 9/21

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  • Jimmy V Column 9/21

    As I See It, by Jimmy Vaccaro

    September 21, 2001

    Before we get into betting stuff, let me say I am just starting to get up off the floor from the sucker punch that was delivered to us last week.

    In another column, I will give you my take on the events, which might be a little different slant than you might expect. For now, let me say simply that the hollow feeling I have is something I have not experienced since John Kennedy was assassinated, when I was a teenager.

    Talking about my teenhood, that was when I first heard the oft-used gaming phrase, “It reads well.” I’m sure many of you have also heard it. Essentially, it means that after you have broken down an event from a fundamental, technical and situational standpoint, you follow up by devouring as much additional info as you can about a team from both national and local sources.

    Finding out a nugget of info that might be useful for a possible play can put you over the top and ready to put up your money. It can be quite revealing, but never conclusive on its own, but it does “read well”.

    In the process of reaching conclusions that may be diametrically opposed, two ‘cappers might each present analysis that “reads well” and is based on the same information.

    This happened recently to a couple of seriously respected handicappers. Each produces his own gaming publication and made a strong recommendation on the Wisconsin @ Penn State game this weekend. The pubs I am referencing have a steady core audience: The Gold Sheet, by Mort Olshan; and Power Sweep, by Phil Steele.

    Incidentally, I come by my info most legitimately. I subscribe to both pubs and have done so for several years. I have been getting The Gold Sheet since the early ‘60s, when I had to drive to the Comet newsstand in Braddock, PA.

    I have used Mort’s power ratings practically my entire professional life, and see no reason to stop. I get Phil Steele’s pre-season books and have been a customer of the Power Sweep for about five years. These pubs do yeoman’s work and are appreciated throughout the gaming community.

    So, it is not such an extraordinary occurrence that on one occasion, these two companies – each of which does diligent analysis – came up with completely different views and projections, despite identical source material.

    Of course, there are many times when they are in agreement on a game.

    This week The Gold Sheet makes Wisconsin a key release, and Phil has Penn State as a four-star selection.

    I myself sell selections, expend a lot of time and effort, and use all my resources to help develop my analysis and final selections. At times I wind up with the same sides as other pro handicappers, but at other times my picks will be on the other side of theirs.

    As I have said so many times, the final decision rests with the bettor. After you’ve read my analysis, you might agree with me but you might “read it” a little different.

    Of course, The Gold Sheet and Power Sweep are both excellent publications and healthy disagreement among them on some games is confirmation of that.

    Let me add a post script. Our friends in the offshore industry are 100 percent American and are suffering right along with us regarding recent events. My good buddy Roger, from Heritage 2000 (, said they are continuing to work, but do so with a heavy heart.

    And my main man, “Big Al” from Hollywood International – – has his post up operation in high gear as bettors once again can bet into a full football schedule. Al and I go back a long time, to when he was at Point Park College in Pittsburgh.

    I’m looking at about five games, but did play Syracuse over Auburn. Circled three pros, but have yet to make a move. No hurry this week.

    I’m always pleased to converse with other bettors, and may be reached at [email protected].

    Stay well and stay loose,

    Jimmy V.

    [ 09-21-2001: Message edited by: Jeff ]