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Sportsbook Scene - Buzz Daly

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  • Sportsbook Scene - Buzz Daly

    September 12, 2001

    Cowardly Attack Causes Games to Cease
    But Resilient Country Will Rebound

    The games have stopped, and we as Americans are forced to take a hard look at the dichotomy of our free, democratic society coexisting with tyrannical forces of darkness, whose values are so foreign from ours they resemble the beliefs of netherworld bottom crawlers, and with whom we have no common reference points.

    The images of destruction on our TV screens were so apocalyptic, it was hard to absorb them with anything other than shock, horror, disbelief, and ultimately, rage.

    The world of sports wagering, which is our normal beat, seems distant and irrelevant against the backdrop of Tuesday’s appalling events. But it behooves all of us to get back into a regular routine as quickly as our sensibilities will allow. That’s one way we have of fighting back. By not allowing those who would intimidate us to succeed.

    Upon reflection, it should be noted that the contemptuous people behind the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon did not achieve complete success.

    Passengers on the plane that crashed outside of Pittsburgh apparently rose up against the hijackers. We can only speculate on what happened, but knowing they were doomed, some of the passengers overwhelmed the hijackers and caused the plane to crash in an unpopulated area.

    In World War II, kamikaze pilots smashed into American warships. These were warriors committing honorable acts against military targets in defense of their homeland.

    But the deranged religious zealots who hijack planes with the purpose of killing civilians and children are not honorable. They are simply morally bankrupt cowards with no reason to live, who rationalize their desperate acts.

    It is not difficult for the leaders of this rabble to find volunteers for suicide missions, given their empty, meaningless existences. With nothing to live for, they truly are better off dead.

    But the treacherous acts that brought America to her knees on Tuesday should not be mistaken for knockout punches. We took a terrific sucker punch at Pearl Harbor, that put us behind the eight ball immediately.

    However, let it be noted that WW II concluded with two Atomic bombs being dropped on those who started the war, as the U.S. emerged victorious, and our enemies were forced to surrender unconditionally.

    The sight of Palestinians celebrating the carnage we suffered, and passing out candy while shouting “God is great,” sickened most Americans who saw it. If they believe such acts of abject cowardice advances their cause, they have sadly miscalculated.

    The liberation they so avidly wish for has been set back 1,000 years. They have only their continued miserable existence of wandering in the desert to look forward to as the legacy of Sept. 11, 2001.

    Having said that, it is important that Americans not let hatred cloud their judgment. Retaliation against the perpetrators is a given. But taking out our frustration against people whose only offense is to be an Arab, or a Muslim is un-American. We should never sink to the level of the barbarians who are our enemies.

    On a personal note, the tragedy of the WTC destruction hit very close to home. Our graphic artist’s brother-in-law Matt, from Utah, was at in Tower 1 Tuesday morning, in a training course at Morgan Stanley. It was his first visit to New York.

    Before a 15-minute break in the training session, the group was admonished by the instructor not to leave because they might not get back in time. However, Matt was so hungry – having not eaten dinner the night before because he was rejoicing in a severe thunderstorm in the city – that he had to listen to his stomach and not the instructor. He took an express elevator down to a Starbucks on a 30-something floor.

    While he was on line, the first plane crashed into the tower. His training group was above the impact of the crash and he believes all his associates have perished.

    When we lived in NYC, and worked in lower Manhattan, we enjoyed many lunches at the WTC. There was a grand selection of eateries, and a fine newsstand where we could browse for the gaming pubs we wanted. It is just inconceivable that those structures have been destroyed.

    If there is a singular trait that links Americans is our optimism. We generally look for the silver lining. We are optimistic that this will unite us as a nation, and that there will be swift, massive retaliation against the groups and people guilty for the tragedy.

    Meanwhile, our website nears completion; our weekly paper will be distributed in Vegas and Reno-Tahoe this week, and our annual magazine, Players Guide to Sports Books, will be put into the distribution pipeline by the end of the week.

    Please send questions and comments to [email protected].