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Are YOU Bettorsworld Approved?

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  • Are YOU Bettorsworld Approved?

    If so take this and display it proudly!

  • #2
    how do we get Bettorworld approved

    Best Line Sports


    • #3
      Just stick around and keep a good track record of prompt payouts and good customer service.

      Once you're added to "the list", you're "approved".

      The list will be going through some changes as football draws near.

      The most important thing to bettorsworld is to have an open line of communication with the books on the list and a good working relationship.

      This way, if and when a problem occurs, we can feel confident about solving it.

      In reviewing the list recently, I'd have to say there are a couple of books that I don't have that confidence in. It will be updated shortly.

      Many people take the list very seriously. No point in having someone view that list, sign up with a book on there, then come to us with a problem that we can't assist with.

      We'll also make a list of books using the approved logo without permission. :mad: :mad: :mad:


      • #4
        I'm one of those people that take the list seriously. In addition to you, I only communicate with 2 other people who use offshore.....and they're not the type to have more than 2 outs. You know what I mean. So, I use the list as a "starting point" or a lithmus test on any book, since I don't have the time, resources or contacts to investigate them individually. My question is whether there is a way that you can let us, the posters and readers, know when a book is dropped from the list without causing "legal" or "ethical" problems for you or BW?


        • #5
          will you e-mail me or call us if Best Line Sports is approved by Bettorsworld


          • #6
            chestrockwells- I'll put a "last updated" date on the page.......

            best line sports - please email me. I'd like to ask you a few questions. Thanks!


            • #7
              Jeff, it's probably due to the fact it was 100 degrees in California today, but I'm not entirely sure how your response answered my question.


              • #8

                I was thiking that if I put "last updated 6/21" for example, then at least people would know there was a change on 6/21....

                I don't like pointing out the book, or bringing any attention to the book that's dropped though. Not my style. I just don't think it's right.

                It would be very easy to make headlines about xyz book being dropped. Send out newsletters, put it in the forum, breaking news, etc.etc......but then there are alot of variables to consider.

                For example, that approach only hurts players who still have their money there.

                Hey, the National Enquirer sells alot of copies, but I don't like that approach.


                • #9
                  Jeff, I know exactly what you mean. In fact I think that the current "warning" you have posted above "The List" is rather bold, especially from a legal standpoint.

                  Hey, I wonder what would be the reaction at the Enquirer if one of their outrageous headlines were actually to be confirmed as true. You never know, after all they did break the Jesse Jackson baby out of wedlock story. Of course I'd rather it would have been the woman delivers a litter of puppies...... or a 400 lb. baby.


                  • #10
                    I receive the sun. it claims a baby was born with a chicken face. I saw the picture.
                    It appeared real. The youngster clucked.


