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Olympic lines (overnight) on Don Best

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  • Olympic lines (overnight) on Don Best

    Don't get updated.........any reason why???

  • #2
    Island Express is a toy at best.

    I'd rather pay for it and have some assurance that the lines are at least updated every once in a while.

    There are a ton of books that would pay to be on IslandExpress even if Dana were to enforce the same integrity he does with the premium service.

    If a guy can't afford the $500 a month, he's got no shot with the current offerings. Olympics web site better than anything else.

    It highlights when a line moves, etc.


    • #3
      Actually, I'm referring to Olympic lines on the premium service. Seems to happen mpstly on Friday nights for Saturdays college hoops.

      Numbers are off as much a a point at times.

      As for IX, I disagree. True, there are some books on there that appear to be just for show, because they don't update, however all the books that are on both the premium and IX are updated within the 2 min timeframe.

      If used properly, the IX can be a useful tool, and much more than a toy.

      For that matter, for those that know where to look, you have a helluva shot of being on top of things, for free.....

