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You might like 5 Dimes BUT......

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  • You might like 5 Dimes BUT......

    l look at what some people consider "little" things and consider THOSE things when choosing to do business. 5 dimes and 4 sites that i believe are affiliated with them decided to try to beat my "Top 50" Software system by somehow inflating the number of hits they were sending to bworld. So you know, the more hits we receive from a partner site, the higher they rank. if yoy are in the top 10 your banner will also appear.
    concerned about the numbers i thought were a little strange, i decided to visit these sites to see where we were linked from. 5 DIMES was my 1st stop. We were NOT linked. there are different ways to beat the system and i figured if ANY book would try to do this 5 dimes would be one of them.
    The other sites in question had the same results. No link TO bettorsworld but they were benefitting from bworld traffic.
    You might see this as a small issue but i don't.
    Don't try to beat us with garbage tactics like this. It does not speak well of your book's marketing practices.
    If you want bettorsworld customers then consider parting with a few bucks (ha!) and advertising because you will not cheat bettorsworld. Conversely, you expose yourself and your book as less than honorable. At least in the eyes of Bettorsworld.
    Thank you


  • #2
    Good job brian and I agree with you. They should at the very least give you a link back and quit forging the hits.


    • #3
      while i am disappointed to hear anything negative about my favorite book, i have some concerns about some of the implications in the post.

      brian - what did you mean by "i figured if ANY book would try to do this 5 dimes would be one of them"
      why were you suspicious of 5dimes.

      while i agree a stunt like this makes them less than honorable in their advertising practices, it doesn't change the fact that they are a great book for the player.


      • #4
        Good question parlay - particularly since Bettorsworld has 5Dimes on "the List."

        If Brian really had suspicions about 5Dimes then why are they listed as a cream-of-the-crop book??


        • #5
          Suspicions about free advertising tactics and suspicions about a books financial well being and overall strength, are two completely and obviously different things.

          If you guys think they should be releated, let me know and we'll remove them from any and all lists.


          • #6
            I have no knowledge of the practices payment wise of 5 dimes. i have heard nothing negative myself.

            my point is that in my opinion if a book will stoop to these levels to garner traffic then i might consider this a microcosm of a companies regular business practices. to me that is a concern.
            i see these practices by touts but 5 dimes is the 1st to do it from a sports book on our site.
            play by the rules. thats all we ask.



            • #7

              I would think that something of this nature could be handled by directly contacting the book(s) in question. This is the first I've heard of anything regarding your "Top 50" listings. I will immediatly contact the individuals in charge of our internet marketing. I can assure everyone that altering "Top 50" rankings on the Bettorworld site was not approved by anyone AT 5 DIMES. If anyone (including the operators of Bettorsworld) has any further questions for 5 Dimes regarding this or any other matters, please contact 5 Dimes directly. BOOKYBASHR and Bettorsworld have always had what I thought was a very good relationship. I would hate to see that effected in any way because some "marketer" decided to run up a "Top 50" ranking.


              • #8
                jeff - i agree. marketing tactics should not change the rating of a book that has been a solid out for the player.

                brian - once again, i agree that if this practice occurred, it is a concern. however, i still want to understand your original statement: "i figured if ANY book would try to do this 5 dimes would be one of them"

                my concern with this statement is that it implies that you had a low opinion of 5dimes prior to this. if that is not the case and you were just reacting angrily to their tactic, please let us know.
                however, if there in fact was something that led you to believe 5dimes would be #1 on your list, i would be interested to know what it was since i play there.


                • #9
                  Parlay, 5 dimes is a good book. They are on the list. That's about it. I don't think the book, or BWorld, wants to continue this thread. If you want Brians opinion, just email him. Thanks!

