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Heritage- Review

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  • Heritage- Review

    When this site first started out, Jeff used to do comprehensive reviews on different sportsbooks. I really enjoyed his perspective and am going to do a review on an overlooked sportsbook which does not get as much attention as they deserve. In the early 90’s, when there were only a handful of offshore books, I played extensively with Heritage, Tradewinds, and WWTS. At that time, Heritage was my favorite sportsbook, and I am pleased to say, that they still remain one of my favorites today.

    Opening an account was straightforward. I do not use credit cards to make deposits so I cannot comment on that aspect, but you can open an account through Western Union, Neteller, Bank wire, or via transfers from other sportsbooks. Like most other books, Heritage is competitive in that they offer a variety of bets (1st half, 2nd half on all NBA games, money lines, props, open parlays, etc.). They have internet wagering and their software is the same as Millennium and a few other books. I am a 95% phone player, but I never had any problems placing a bet on the net or checking lines. I have never asked what their minimum and maximum bets are, but I believe you can bet for as little as 5 or 10 dollars on the net and I routinely place wagers over the phone between a nickel and up to 3 dimes without a problem. However, there are a couple of things that make Heritage stand out to me. By far, they have the most courteous and professional customer service of any of the books I have played with. As Underdog 7 has pointed out in previous posts, they have the fastest W.U payouts as I have received payouts within 10 to 15 minutes on many different occasions and the W.U fees were the lowest of any of the books I have played with. I also like the fact they pay for all fees when you request a check for 1000 or more. They have also been very accommodating in transferring funds to other books. Another positive is that everyone at the book speaks clear and perfect English and they have excellent phone lines so that there is no trouble getting through. However, what makes them truly unique is their “liberal” if bets. Heritage as well as Horizon, Royal, and Pinnacle are the only sportsbooks that let you “if” off an existing play on a separate phone call. Heritage goes beyond this and lets you “if” multiple bets off a single play which is much different and for the player, much better than the traditional “if:” plays offered by the majority of books. In terms of any negatives, I don’t think they offer over- night lines and I believe they open up a little later (noon eastern) than other books. For me, this is not a big deal but for those who are middlers or are followers of the Don Best Screen, that might be a problem. Overall, from my own experiences, Heritage is one of my favorite books because of their many intangibles. I believe that the majority of books are not having a good year and are getting beat up and therefore have decided to be more selective with the books I play with during this year. For me at least, Heritage will remain one of my primary outs.

  • #2
    I miss the reviews, too. Rawhide - thanks for taking the time to share your experience at Heritage.

    I opened a small account there recently to try them, but haven't been able to use them much. Their lines on IslandXpress don't match what is offered when I try and make a wager through their website.

    I don't know if the problem is something they are working on, or one that is likely to be permanent. I posted a question about this a couple weeks ago here in the forum, but got no replies.


    • #3
      I was able to try Heritage because of my buddy Sporthobby convinced to do so.

      A week before I left the country, I received a 25% free play. I didn't bother to use it since I was planning to post-up with Jazz Sports. It didn't go the way it was planned and I ended up with Heritage using that 25% free play. I called them about the offer, they asked me about a "code" on the flyer and I just said, I don't have it since I am out of the country. He put on hold (Jimmy) and said don't worry about the code you are entitle to it till Superbowl.

      Heritage is one the best, W. Union payouts takes about 15 minutes and customer service is excellent. No roaming around the bush and definitely no bs, strictly business. Chirs, Don and Jimmy you guys are one of the best.



      • #4
        Do they take plays over the internet? If so, what kind of software do they use? Do they post 1st halves and prop bets?


        • #5
          Their software is exactly the same as Dunes. They do take 1st half on NBA, props on football but not as much as OLY or WSEX have.


          • #6
            Thanks for the review Rawhide.

            The 'old' Heritage was the first offshore book that I ever dealt with(about 6 yrs ago). They were great back then and obviously the 'new' Heritage is operating in the same fashion. Their professionalism gave me great confidence in the offshore industry that was just getting started at that time.


            • #7
              So am I the only one trying to use their lines from IX?


              • #8
                What's their url?


                • #9


                  • #10
                    sportshobby, you can't use them off IX because they never udate them.


                    • #11
                      Frank, it's not that they aren't being updated. Many days I see their lines moves following WWTS, and then go to the website to see if I could bet that line. Usually I can't.

                      A stale line I could just write off as a technical glitch. But when I see a fresh line move on IX, then the website line HASN'T moved, that's really frustrating.


                      • #12
                        I think you forgot to mention something, they are owned by Dunes.


                        • #13
                          Trujillo- I believe they moved into the Dunes offices at one point, however they weren't/aren't owned by Dunes. I believe they have moved on however.

                          As for the reviews, very interesting!!

                          I'm glad some of you enjoyed them. I think back when I started doing those, they were more meaningful. The reason being, is back then, I was being more like a guinea pig. People were afraid to send their $$$ to these places, so I'd go ahead, send some $$$, make some bets, take a payout, and write about the experience.

                          These days, there's not as much to write about......however, I am into MANY of the books on this site and will probably be putting together a write up that includes them all, includung Gameday, Jazz, Olympic,WWTS,Superbook, Aces, Canbet and many more..........

                          [This message has been edited by Jeff (edited 01-06-2001).]


                          • #14
                            Maybe I missed it but........I thought that the Old Heritage and New Heritage had very little in common except the name. The Old Heritage was in Venezuela wasn't it. I had heard that most of the mgrs. etc from the Old Heritage had gone to Horizon and Pinnacle. Maybe I'm totally confused on this.


                            • #15
                              So it seems to be a waste of time to try and play the IX lines at Heritage.

                              What about looking at the lines and just playing directly on the website? If you take a couple of hours to finish your plays, you'll end up logging in 6 or 8 times. No fun!

