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Dunes is full of CRAP

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  • Dunes is full of CRAP

    Their system was not hacked into by any russian hacker. They're just using this as an excuse, jumping on the recent News Headlines about how some russian groups stole people's credit card on the internet.

    Remember, the sportsbook is a service industry. If this russian hacker did use stolen credit cards, Dunes did not lose money because of it. It just means they couldn't collect from the stolen credit card. Any any retard manager that would accept 22 different credit cards from a player in russia is a total moron.

    Stolen credit cards should not affect the bottom line of a service industry. Look, sportsbook don't sell, or ship anything. So if there was a credit card "scam" it shouldn't even affect their cash flow.

    I just hate how a sportsbook would use some lame "hacker" excuse, and alarm the rest of the customers into thinking other reputable sportsbook are unsafe or somehow unsecure.

    Especially in light of the serious problems that Olympic recently had.

    Bottom line, Dunes got their asses wiped to the floor with sharp players.

    Bettorsworld, shame on you for posting a PR release, without doing any fact checking.

    If you need to check the facts, email esports or call E-Sports. It's a toll free number. They'll tell you Dunes had no such problems.

    7th Floor Ofimall San Pedro
    San Jose, Costa Rica
    Toll Free: 1 877 593 2213
    Toll Free: 1 877 593 2214
    Email: [email protected]
    Email: [email protected]
    Email: [email protected]
    Email: [email protected]

  • #2
    Actually, you're wrong. Dunes provided me with evidence that their system was in fact hacked.

    Other sportsbooks are in fact not 100% secure, and some have also probably been hacked.

    I can't speak for Dunes as a business, but I can tell you that they provided proof of being hacked to me.

    As for Bettorsworld running press releases, that's why we are here. We aren't here simply for players to complain about books. The books also have a right to get their side of the story out. The players can then make up their own minds. We just provide the vehicle for the info.


    • #3
      I have to defend Dunes. I have received 2 payouts (1 each the last 2 months) for a decent amount of money and I received that money via bank check in 3 days and by chargeback on my card in 4 days. I can't ask for better service.


      • #4
        Actually, I have to chime back in.......this is not to defend dunes, but rather to expose the hidden agendas that dilute these forums.....

        Guy comes in with a hotmail account, makes a 1st time post, tries to hide his ip adress so he can't be traced, and then gives all the contact numbers for esports, located in what is affectionately known as the NASA building.

        Now again, we/I don't mind that players have their opinions, but we do mind when someone tries to paint the picture to suit their own purpose.

        If anyone takes Mr 1st time starter crazy parlay up on his offer, and calls e-sports, and e-sports tells you this didn't or couldn't happen, then make sure you contact me next.

        I beg to differ.

        [This message has been edited by Jeff (edited 01-04-2001).]


        • #5
          I have no doubt whatsoever that if Jeff of Bettorsworld says that Dunes was hacked - then they were hacked. Period.

          However, if the Dunes really did take 22 different credit cards from a customer in Russia then "moron" is not too unfair a characterization ...


          • #6
            MLS is right. Paraphrasing the expression, its either 100% greed or 100% fear. Seems like Dunes has experienced both recently.


            • #7

              You must like being spoon fed information huh? For an imformation site that doesn't bother to check up on facts is kinda silly. I guess just because Dunes issued a press release, and sent you some "log" information, it must be the written gospel.

              Since Dunes were the ones that brought up E-Sports, I thought it would be nice if You or your readers would follow up and contact E-sports to find out the real Truth. But why bother doing any real journalistic work, when you can get all of your "REAL" info from your sponsors. Doing so, would imply your a real news information site, rather than just a marketing vehicle for your sportsbook.

              The reason why I bother posting, is because Dunes is trying to misrepresent the truth, putting blames on software providers, credit card processors and "russian" hackers, all in the same press releases, no less.

              Basically blame everyone else, and misdirect the facts. And for you trying to imply that another sportsbook is behind the agenda is lame. You look silly attacking other sportsbook (though I don't blame you), all you need to do was pick up the phone and call esports. Or do you not have the balls to retract Dune's Press Release if the truth leaks out?

              Now you have really lame-o threads about how "susceptible" all these sportsbook software out there are.

              True, any good hackers can break into a system or with inside help, such as the case of Olympic. But when a book is just plain ol' poorly managed, there is no excuse.

              Maybe you guys are just trying to save face, since you bought into the Dune hype, and help promote a rookie book. Maybe now you just don't want to look bad, or smell like you have rotten eggs on your face in a book like Dunes?

              Anyways, don't take my word for it. Give Esports a call. It's a toll free number. I'm sure your readers would be interested if you did some leg work in finding out the real facts!

              Here's the number again, just in case you forgot.

              7th Floor Ofimall San Pedro
              San Jose, Costa Rica
              Toll Free: 1 877 593 2213
              Toll Free: 1 877 593 2214
              Email: [email protected]
              Email: [email protected]
              Email: [email protected]
              Email: [email protected]


              • #8
                Once again, to clarify. We posted the press release because that is what we do. We would post a press release from e-sports as well.

                Once again, I am not defending Dunes. They issued their release. Players can call them with their concerns, and make their own decisions.

                I am simply making one very important point. They were hacked. That is fact.

                Other sportsbooks were hacked. That is fact.

                I am not pointing the finger at e-sports, and please forgive me for referring to the mall as the "NASA" building.

                Again, 2 points in this thread:

                1) they were hacked

                2) your comments would hold more water if you weren't so afraid to identify yourself.


                • #9
                  I dont know about hacking but I know that they have changed the way they do business. When they first opened they were like pros, answer the phone take the bet. Now its hold on, check the line,ask the boss. They wont even sell half points. Its totally rediculous.


                  • #10
                    That's if you can get them on the phone. As I write this, I've been on hold for 20 minutes. I got through yesterday with "only" a 5 minute delay. When/if I do get through, it will be to close my account.


                    • #11
                      Relic, I had the same problem. Called their wagering number, and they are fixing the customer service number as we speak. Try again, or call wagering: 877-275-6280. Customer service number I have is 877-600-9116.


                      • #12
                        Dunes is in serious trouble. That's a fact. They can release all of the press releases they want about hackers and maybe it is true but it won't change the fact they are having serious cash flow problems.

                        They owe some big credit players a lot of money. They owe a large Asian post up player six figures from some big parlays. And they owe several other sportsbooks significant money from player transfers.

                        Even if this credit card scam were true it shouldn't slow down the payments of a solid operation.

                        Their comment about not wanting to cause a "run on the bank" may be the most telling. It sounds like they are operating off of the customer float.

                        Word is the origin of their problem is that the owners are big problemed gamblers themselves. I guess they try to get on board the hot moves. I guess they haven't done so well this year.

