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News On Abetz

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  • News On Abetz

    It gives me great pleasure to inform you that Abetz International Casino has been acquired by Gambling Stadium, the Internet's original gambling mega-site.

    Your Abetz customer account has been AUTOMATICALLY UPGRADED to give you full Gambling Stadium access. You can still play in the Abetz area whenever you like. But now you can ALSO play in three other casinos, each with its own look and feel, PLUS a dedicated sportsbook area!

    Abetz has been plagued by a variety of business problems in recent months. But our research showed us that this was a casino with a huge amount of untapped potential. Its customers are savvy players who appreciate great gaming action. As part of the Gambling Stadium family, Abetz is now being managed by some of the brightest people in the business. And their number-one priority is to provide you, the Abetz customer, with the first-class gaming experience you deserve!

    Please check your Abetz account balance as soon as possible. If there are any discrepancies, let us know immediately. We want to make this a smooth, seamless transition for everyone.

    Thank you for your continued patronage of Abetz International. And we cordially invite you to explore the other areas of Gambling Stadium, the Internet's original gambling mega-site!
    If you have any other questions, you can contact Abetz Customer Service at 1.800.403.3417 until Monday, December 11th. After that you may call the Gambling Stadium Customer Service Department directly at 1.800.270.5796.

  • #2
    "the Internet's
    original gambling mega-site."

    I have been around this business a LONG time, I have never heard of gamblingstadium. Has anyone else? Word was that ABETZ was going to be acquired by a major player, I don't think this qualifies. It's just a front end for a few small casinos that are probably all run by the same people. What ABETZ needed was to be acquired by a real book.

    I hope it works out for them. I hope they pay everyone. Since they are now part of this "MEGA SITE" everyone who is due should have no problem getting paid in a couple of days. Let's see what this happens.

    Is it really an acquisition or just a new front end???


    • #3
      I echo Skeptics statements. If you have an account there, IMMEDIATELY ask for a payout.

      Never heard of Gambling stadium


      • #4
        If you go to the site posted by Max the Knife, you are front ended to "Shangrila, Mona Lisa, and Snap". Don't know how long gambling stadium has been around, but believe this is a redo of unified-perplexa. Perhaps someone else can shed more light on this.


        • #5
          That's exaxtly what it long as the previous "owner" is removed from the picture, than perhaps there's hope......


          • #6
            I heard that Snap is directly owned by Al Ross himself. Maybe he stepped in and took over for David in order to protect Unified Gaming's reputation.


            • #7
              Reno...I have no idea where you got your information on who owns snap casino.

              Only a stupid person would post information about a subject that he has no direct knowledge of.

              Snap casino never was or is now owned by any u.s. citizen, any u.s. corporation, or any off shore company owned by any u.s. citizen.

              I would highly sugjest in the future you find out the facts before slandering ones reputation!!


              • #8
                Island Man, you are right on one point: I shouldn't have shot off my mouth without being absolutely sure of my facts. And I apologize for that. However, the post in no way slanders Al. To the contrary, it actually compliments him in the sense that he will do what he has to in order to ensure that Unified Gaming books don't stiff people.


                • #9
                  ok-shoot me. I use it as a small out.

                  I've been trying to get my money out of "snap", now gambling stadium, and am getting stalled.

                  Max, please tell me your affiliation with this outfit, and help me get paid.

                  Please pass on any e-mail addresses that you might let me have to correspond with you (via someone here at BW, who cn contact me).


