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wsex hockey line incident

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  • wsex hockey line incident


    Let me start by saying I have no problem with accepting what wsex did, altough i disagree with them. I did not complain, and won't, but its another example of how books have the upper hand.

    I bet 500 to win 500 on philly +.5 +100 this morning because it looked good to me. It was half of a regular bet, so I didn't feel like shopping for the best line, in case it was better elsewhere, so I had not gone to another book yet. I record opening lines based on wsex lines. I then noticed buf was -.5 +115 at most places. I decided to middle it rather than play it. I went back to wsex and it was cancelled. I had also bet 500 on was +.5 +120 when I bet the philly bet, and realized that line was "off" as well. They did not cancel that one, however, so I middled it too.

    Now, I don't understand why they shouldn't honor the philly bet, unless they got hit hard on it by others. But at the time I bet it, i did NOT know it was off. I was obviously taken with the lines which is why i bet them, but I'm often surprised to see lines 30 cents away from where I would have set them.

    I like wsex--they are in my top 5 of all time--and don't really have a beef here, but they did not call me or e-mail me about this. IF I was not constantly on-line, i would not have known until it was too late to get off the other side, and possibly had a 500 blunder on my hands.

    Once I knew it was "bad" so that I could middle it doesn't quite mean I shouldn't expect them to honor it: I've seen line changes early in the day larger than the differences here, like when chc opened at -.5 -135 at columbus, and it got bet to -.5 +115! What's to say a book cancels its culumbus bets at +.5 +115 because they had to move it to +.5 -135?

    just the title of the forum encourages us to do....


  • #2

    I would like to apologise to you for the cancelled hockey wager. Your bet should
    not have been cancelled. Because of our
    huge volume on college football, we hired
    a new linesman to put up hockey lines.
    He put up wrong lines on the two games
    you bet. I was unaware of the situation
    and would not have cancelled your bet.
    Please call me before game time and I will
    give you the option of keeping your bet.




    • #3
      Wow--that was fast. Thanks for the reply--as i said, I decided to accept the situation, so I appreciate your offer, but I am content with it cancelled at this point.

      My real concern, if I have any, is with other books doing this when the player had less recourse. My quesiton/situation is nothing new to this forum, so I don't want to beat a dead horse...

      It was very nice of you to (a) notice my post and (b) respond in such a favorable way: this is why you guys rock (except for the new guy).




      • #4
        Another fine example of a book that cares about it's customers enough to adress their concerns and make things right.

        WSEX should be on everyones list of books to sign up with.

        One of the best.........

