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I am Canadian!

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  • #16
    Hey, Hartley. How about these props?

    Alliance seats in Atlantic Canada o/u .5 -110
    Conservative seats in Ontario un.5 -200
    Liberal majority government -300
    John Nunziata reelected -250
    Joe Clark wins his seat +500


    • #17
      Seeing as how this thread has a Canadian theme, it seemed like a good time to explain my user name. The good (newfie) folks at the Canadian political satire show, "This Hour has 22 Minutes" had a bogus roving reporter at one of the ivy league schools - I think it was Yale. George W. Bush happened to be making a campaign stop at the university and was asked by the fake reporter if he intended to maintain good relations with Canadian Prime Minister Jacques Poutine (for those of you south of Detroit his name is Jean Chretien). G. W. B. answered that he hoped he could maintain good relations with PM Jack Poutine. (Side note to George - you might want to learn the name of the leader of your biggest trading partner). Anyway, I needed a user name a couple of days later and that just came to mind.
      By the way, I don't think we say eh any more than you guys eh?


      • #18
        How's it going, EH???


        • #19
          Bob Bob Bob...if you hit for a few G's you could always come down here to sunny Jamaica...plenty of intresting things to convert winnings into here.
          The deal with the wagering limits is as follows. Every business day the webmaster (Mike), enters the average going exchange rate from banks in New York.
          The effect is that you do have an increase in the limts in Canadian $ corresponding to the rate difference. We do not change the min. amount however; and this gives us Canucks the advantage of wagering smaller amounts than our rich neighbors.
          Nice try on the fixed rate on U.S. coin, maby we could put up a prop on how well our loonie will fare against the U.S. buck.
          Cnadian $ to get stronger +100
          U.S. to weaken -250


          • #20
            FATTY: Using your Tomas Cook converter I get $139.35 CAN for every $100.00 US. Our accts. dept gave me $153.57 CAN for every $100.00 US. Whats fair about their extra fare.

