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Who is the sharpest linemaker around ???

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Jeff K:
    DoggieStyle... Just curious, what would you make HFA (average before adjustments) for the following:

    NBA (3)

    P.S. The numbers I use are in parenthesis.
    Coming up with an average NBA HFA is no sweat. Let's see your adjustment matrix, so we can see how well you vary the HFA for various situations like rest, travel, and coming off OT games.

    Oh, BTW, you might also inform us as to how the NBA HFA has changed over the years and why.

    Frankly, there aren't more than a handful of people on the planet who have studied the NBA HFA more than I have.


    • #17
      Jeff K,

      You posed a very interesting question. However, don't wait by the terminal for a response. The poster you addressed doesn't understand constructive or positive ideas.


      • #18
        The first thing I want to make clear is that I don't use an HFA to come up with the line on any game.

        A line is based on ones power ratings. To me you would ruin this figure if you entered the HFA's.

        The simple reason is just what Editor just said. Rest, Travel, and coming off tough games. Plus the simple FACT that there is sometimes NO home field Advantage. Really bad teams have NO HFA against good to really good teams.

        I really think you CAN'T come up with some HFA formula based on any average of any other game or games.

        After I come up with a number thru MY power ratings, The last thing I will do before coming up with a good number is figure out if there should even be a HFA on the game.

        I think that's why I bet alot of good ROAD teams in almost every sport. I think this HFA is OVER USED. And I also think this HFA is UNDER USED. But you get the point. I don't think you can average it.......


        Get a life.. You sound like some sour little kid. Don't you get it? I DON'T LIKE MOST BOOKIES. O.K. I really could care less if it bothers you or not. All.. Let me say it again.. All the bookies I have seen close up were big time losers! They couldn't win money betting if someone gave them the winners. Now they are on the bookie side and think they are SHARP people. HA!

        A couple of the guys you claimed are sharp (guys that I have worked for and they aren't close to being sharp) are bookies by default! They are horrible line charters and have the FEEL of a freight train. Not to mention they could not win a bet if they knew the final score. Or could they come up with a line on anything.

        If you want to rag on me it's not a problem. You of all people know what you say about me is retarded anyway.

        Ideas are something I have no problem coming up with......... Everyone that uses the computor systems used by the off-shore sports books today...... is using a couple of my Ideas. 3 different programmers have asked for my advice for bettering their systems.

        WHY? Because I really don't know anything, like you say?

        Have a great day.... And win you bets!


        • #19

          I've tried to exchange ideas with you in a civil manner, but you have the most negative one dimensional mind I've encountered. Your vendetta against sitting BMs is Sicilian like.

          Quote[DoggieStlye] "The first thing I want to make clear is I don't use HFA to come up with the line on any game".---SAY WHAT?----

          Jeff K asked you a question
          that any handicapper or linemaker could answer. It's an opinion based on ones work study. You are in a fog. Since your are two losers away from being homeless I'll stay off your sad case.

          Jeff K/ As far as a ROUGH AVERAGE goes, your numbers are right there with two slight tweeks. CFB slightly lower and CBB a bit higher. You can add MLB's HFA=.15


          • #20
            Ok let's see if I can address some of this without being naive as I will sound.

            Who is Thomas Barts? I know many reading this that aren't posting are wondering the same, as I was asked who it was.

            To be honest, I have no clue....

            BB Buster, The game on MNF had no equation to the question but the responses within the thread had me wonder hmmmm who is the best linesmaker.

            My take on HFA is this:

            I don't even use it, and why, because these days it has less effect than the old days.

            With free agency and huge money to buy players, the saying on any given night, happens every night. Home teams favored by -10, -22 and so what seem to lose every week. Just check the results. I am not talking about the weak schools I am talking for example Minnesota vs Ohio State.... as 1 example that comes to mind of recent.

            My response as to who makes the best line....

            Heck I sure I do, because I wager on my information.

            In all seriousness, someone out there makes the line, it gets tweaked by some high rollers and then run out to the public to devour.

            So what's in a line.......



            • #21

              I answered the question. What do you want me to do? Lie. I think you have to take the HFA game by game. In my opinion there is no such thing as an average HFA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you can't except that answer, but that's your problem!!!

              Don't you get it?

              I also have NO vandetta against anyone! I enjoy pointing out how STUPID todays bookies are. And even some in Vegas back in the 80's and 90's. You can cry about it all you want.......

              And your right. I'm about 2 loses from being homeless. What class you have!


              • #22
                I will say this on the subject of opinions. I have had the pleasure of meeting many men who consider themselves fine bookmaker's and some of whom I have the utmost of respect for. Along with other's whom I am sure will agree upon this, the day that you sit down in the "chair" and you think that you know everything and that you have nothing more to learn that my friend will more than likely be one of the longest days of the rest of your life...If I might add there once was a man who was a bookmaker said to take any amount that anyone wanted. I will say that he was in New York and that when the customer would ask how much? The gentleman would politely say "Open the window and look up" if there is a polite way to say that to a customer. Later in life I worked for a man that turned the man down from New York when he called and asked for a job as a clerk. So that my friend is what opinions will get you on this side of the fence. I might add of course that this is only my "Opinion."


                • #23
                  Thanks for the words of wisdom Chester. That scene that you reminded us of is quite familiar in the business. I kinda got the idea of who you are referring to.

