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BW Privacy Issue re: Aces Gold

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  • #31

    Just wanted to let you know I appreciate your comments very much. One of the hardest, but most valuable, things to do in life is “to see yourself as others see you,” and one of the few things that can make that a little easier is precisely to get feedback from people, good or bad. (Hope you’re listening, Aces Gold and other sportsbooks.) If no one ever said a word about my posts, how would I know if they agree, disagree, like my writing style, hate my writing style, think I’m a genius, think I’m a blithering idiot, take me for a shill, think I have integrity, etc.?

    I just try to contribute what I can to the forum, because I know how much I appreciate it when others share information and ideas that enable me to make better decisions about choosing a sportsbook, turn me on to some sportsbook promotion I didn’t know about, help me to be a better handicapper or money manager, or just give me a good laugh.

    Let’s be frank and tell people what they need to know about the books, including the critical stuff, but let’s try to remember to do it in a fair, honest, constructive way without malice. That’s my only agenda.


    • #32
      Aces is a great book and we all know up to this point that Aces is slow for crunch time. They aren't the only ones out there slow during that time. They are a great book regardless of slowness at cruch time and I would highly suggest them to anyone. I like Azbob greatly(bring those POD's back buddy!) but want to make it clear to everyone reading these posts that although I am a fairly new customer to Aces, it is a great book that seems to always pay on time and regardless of the amount. They are a great "out", just not at crunch time so far. I'm sure they will improve that but I need to say that they are one of the top in my opinion and others whom I respect highly.
      Azbob is still "the man" and Aces so far has had hung with the best as far as books go(payouts and customer service)
      Sportshobby, I also was satisfied as you were with how they knew Azbob but would suggest that they not assume just from an email address as you never know for sure. I would suggest letting the customer call you or just post on the site to the individual as that would show us your willingness to listen and accecpt the contructive critisizm.
      Let's all move past and learn.

      PS. I do really like the new Aces web site look and set up.
      Back to Bookies Hell posting forum..
      Am I the only one who misses Azbob's P.O.D's! Bring em back buddy! We miss em!


      • #33
        In my opinion, Aces Gold is the best book there is. Though I respect azbob, I think they're taking an undeserved beating here. Assuming he gave them his handle as part of his e-mail address, then I don't think there's any impropriety in them trying to get things resolved privately. I don't see a threat to posting room freedom; in fact, episodes like this demonstrate that posters have the power, not the sportsbooks.

        Aces Gold offers a substantial inducement to bet before Sunday, so there is an alternative, which is to make the plays you're sure of on Friday, and maintain a small balance at a fast book like WSX for those last-minute plays on Sunday. Guess that's not much consolation if you play the colleges. But reduced to the bottom line, Aces offers so much that I hate to see them treated like one of those kick-out-the-winners joints.


        • #34
          Please correct me if I'm wrong, but several individuals have expressed their disdain that Aces Gold has been unnecisarily "kicked around". Maybe I'm getting a different vibe from this thread, but nobody that has taken their time to write a semi-legible post has suggested that Aces is a rotton place to play. Hell, I have an account with them and I don't intend to close it.

          The point that zippy, socceroo, myself, and others are trying to make is that Aces did not handle this situation appropriately, from the VERY beginning. First of all, Azbob did not use this forum to unleash some bogus, unwarrented blast at Aces Gold. This isn't top-secret information. The fact that Aces is slow during crunch time has been addressed many times in this forum and is painfully obvious to anybody that has an account with them. This is not an isolated dispute between Azbob and Aces. I have given this alot of thought, and I firmly believe that Aces was wrong in sending azbob that email. The problem was addressed in this forum (by azbob) and should have STAYED in this forum. From an outsider's point of view (such as myself), this is what the scenario looks like: Aces Gold sees a post about a VALID complaint in this forum. They then take it upon themselves to, somehow, make a match of a FORUM POSTING NAME and one of their customers and launch a private e-mail expressing their disdain for his public posting of his views and experiences. Folks, no matter how you spin it, this is not right. Everybody has their own individual privacy issues. These reasons can be far-reaching, ranging from a guy not wanting his wife to know he gambles to somebody who wants his privacy respected just on principal. Whatever the reason, it exists. That's why we all use monikers and not our real names.

          Secondly, after azbob expressed his concern as to what happened to him, Aces provided an evasive answer followed by a rude, "if ya don't like it, leave" response. That is not a very professional way for a business to conduct themselves. Or, at least, one who is trying to gain and/or keep customers.

          Again, nobody is "slamming" Aces. Nobody is complaining about their phone service, their bonuses, their payouts, or the brand of shirt their linesmaker wears. At least not in this thread. But, please, don't try to tell us that Aces handled THIS PARTICULAR situation in a professional and acceptable manner. They didn't. In addition, if a particular sportsbook is slow during crunch-time, I wanna hear about it. Other than the safety of your funds, ACCESS to these funds is the most important aspect of a book, is it not? Along the same lines, if a book is slow-paying, no-paying, has rude and incompetent employees -OR- pays quick, has outstanding customer service, or any other feature that deserves kudos, I wanna hear about that too. After all, isn't that what this forum is supposed to accomplish?


          • #35
            Azbob Shoot me an email when you have time.
            [email protected]

