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Slot Machine hustlers

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  • Slot Machine hustlers

    I was in Vegas this weekend and was amused at the Vietnamese gangs that stand over your shoulder and hope you leave your machine early on the cherry pie and bingo machines,one of their tricks is to breath second hand smoke in your face so you will leave early,then they complete the bonus round,there was a recent stabbing in Vegas over a machine.

    With the Indians in SanDiego County their casinos are slot machines only,unfortunatley the Indians are exempt on California laws that forbid smoking in Casinos,so their will be lung cancer issues,any way their are plenty of magots their,who make their living doing this.The Indians are pretty naive,and dont catch on to these people.

  • #2
    Railbird- Isn't it histerical ? Boom,Bingo,Cherry Pie,Diamond mine, and others have attracted a whole slew of hustlers to the casinos. Some of these people quit there low paying jobs in the Asian restaurants to be a f/t slot hustler. Here in Atlantic City we have tons of them Asian,Russian,Polish,(rolling chair pushers) and people out of the A.C. homeless shelters/rescue mission who never even played machines before. Someone in Vegas put a book out also that lists all the machine types but you can just follow the "Chinese mafia" and find out for free. (actually histerical to watch them)

    I get a call once in a while from a team that needs an extra guy on board for something or another.(mostly high progressives) I don't do this like I used to because of other commitments and I found sports.Can be very profitable and just amazing at the money some teams make.

    [This message has been edited by krackman (edited 10-18-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by krackman (edited 10-18-2000).]


    • #3
      If the Nevada legislature had any balls, instead of chasing sportsbettors to the islands, they should chase all smokers from their public places. They should enact laws similar to Calif. and Utah. Jersey should follow suit.

      Tobacco companies are now paying for all those years of brainwashing. The Marlboro Man does have Emphysema.


      • #4
        Good Point ! Believe it or not the Trump Taj Mahal's poker room is now smoke free. This is a big step for they are one of the largest poker rooms in the world.


        • #5
          Being an x smoker I have to agree it is a very nasty habit and the worst point being it effects non smokers as well however I find nothing more amusing than the obese shoveling fat grams down and complaining about secondary smoke being bad for them.
          I am waiting for the day when the family of an overweight cardiac casulty takes the buffets to court for letting them eat all they can eat.


          • #6

            The manner in which Vegas bars us sports players, the buffets are next. Many professional eaters will be blackballed from casino buffets under threat of trespassing charges. It's not the on premises consumption, but the "to go" area of concern. One family 'liberated' 5lbs. of lobster and decided to eat it later on during their drive back to LA. They all got sick and sued the hotel.


            • #7
              Ron Thats Funny

              The world of litigation.
              Being in the insurance business there are only a handful of companies that will write business in state of Alabama do to their courts awarding huge settlements on frivilous claims.Coupe De Grace was fellow who bought new BMW and found out it had been bumped enroute to dealer and area fixed and repainted.Sued because he was not informed prior and won 7 diget settlement.Don't know how appeal came out.


              • #8
                The Yellow colors on this site have caused permanent damage to my retina, and I'm contacting an attorney


                • #9
                  what is the deal with this slot hustle? i don't get it. why would you leave a machine you had some type of credits still in?


                  • #10

                    Its not credits,its a bonus level,in Bingo for example every 10 spins or so you get a bingo ball,some tourists leave their machine before they have bingo,when bingo hits,you get a 100-2000 coin payout,these hustlers have a big edge when they jump on a machine that is close to being a bingo.
                    There is other like games with these types of bonuses such as Firecrackers,cherry pies,diamond mine,etc, hot spots for these hustles is the new Indian reservations in SanDiego County,the top hustlers make 3-500 a day.
                    I respect hustlers for the most part,but these are magots,I would have kept my mouth shut,if they only would have put out their cigs.


                    • #11
                      I may have solution to your problem.I'll send you one of my army fatigue outfits from from vietnam war era and and when they approach give them a very cold stare and say Di Di Mau

