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Intertops wussy on cricket

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  • Intertops wussy on cricket

    Interesting to note that Intertops declaring their cricket bettingness when you log in

    but maximum bet on an ICC tournament game is 110? Come on. Even England-Bangladesh, with England 1.10 it was.

    Can understand that on Austrian ice hockey or Dennis Rodman's hair color, etc., but on such a major betting sport??

  • #2

    I reckon you caught that Yank communicable disease after you last visit to Vegas. Symtoms: Bashing BM's paltry limits. Making unfavorable comparisons. General whining. Quick RX: Quit! You can't win anything at your game with this shop!


    • #3
      PLAIN AND SIMPLY....Intertops is one of the jokes of the offshore industry. I have not had experiences with such clueless clerks and EVEN MORE CLUELESS management since I left *** a few years back.

      I finally spoke my mind over the net,on the phone, and in an e-mail to simon ( don't talk on the phone just e-mail me) Noble. And for that they threw me out YES!! KRACKMAN has been thrown out of Intertops.

      Let me ask you guys is anyone ever able to actually get a bet in on a Sunday with them?

      In closing I would like to say THIS IS MY OWN fault for I knew they were mickey mouse and still decided to keep funds there. Again my fault. HEY ALSO WERE IS MY 3K IT HAS BEEN 10 DAYS SINCE YOU THREW ME OUT SHEESH....If only they had the ball$ to come on and answer when people say things in forums.

      But then again Mr. Noble is a volume guy and does not give a rats a$$ about the reputation of his book. Don't worry MR. Noble Krackman will be here to help anyone in ANY forum who asks questions about your book.

      [This message has been edited by krackman (edited 10-10-2000).]


      • #4
        Ronbets, yeah, they ruined my euro hockey fun anyay, upping their market from -110 lines to 122%

        Strange thing is that they advertised that they were betting on it now, but only 100 bucks? If it was just buried in a corner somewhere, fair enough.

        I'm not likely to get to the 'geez I can't get 10 grand on this game here stage anytime soon though RB'


        • #5
          out of curiosity, what do they take for NFL sides?

          btw -- you're betting against bangladesh? remember they beat pakistan in the world cup (what's a porche in lahore cost these days?)


          • #6
            Originally posted by Fred:
            out of curiosity, what do they take for NFL sides?

            -- dunno, several thousand I guess.

            btw -- you're betting against bangladesh? remember they beat pakistan in the world cup (what's a porche in lahore cost these days?)
            Ah yes, that DOH world cup game that looked fishy, but I couldn't bring myself to do it at the time, something I am still annoyed about seeing they were what, 7.50 or something?


            • #7
              $7.50? they were something big for sure

              Carlton v Cincinnati Dockers equivalent

              actually, come to think of it, take the Dockers to even money

              what is DOH?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Fred:
                $7.50? they were something big for sure

                Carlton v Cincinnati Dockers equivalent

                actually, come to think of it, take the Dockers to even money

                what is DOH?

                Favorite expression of Homer Simpson.


                • #9
                  Dockers? Thing your brain is still a bit dodecahedral after coming out of your Canberra carbonite hibernation there Fred.

                  However, if you can arrange a large team accident for %&%&%#&$%#*%$#*$Don I would be appreciative.


                  • #10

                    or maybe the blues would have a fighting chance v

                    check their motto, lol
                    beats 'mens sana in corpore sano' anyday

                    [This message has been edited by Fred (edited 10-10-2000).]


                    • #11
                      well, a little more obtainable, anyway


                      • #12
                        Krackman, Intertops is like Bowman's: so pathetic of a sportsbook that they can't even respond in this forum. If they did respond, they'd get bashed from here to Timbuktu.


                        • #13
                          Wow..didn't even know people bet on Cricket! But your experience should come as no surprise to anyone that has had experience with INTERSLOBS....


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by tim:
                            Wow..didn't even know people bet on Cricket! But your experience should come as no surprise to anyone that has had experience with INTERSLOBS....

                            Remember, Tim, there's about what, a billion people in India. Cricket is the game there. Thats not counting Pakistan, Sri Lanka, South Africa, England, Australia, New Zealand, etc., etc..

