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do I get a 10% bonus or not

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  • do I get a 10% bonus or not

    About a month ago I opened an account at PL and I never placed funds into it. So today I call and ask if I fund (at least$500) the account do I still get the 10% bonus. The guy on the phone with music blasting in the back round says NO only on Thursdays. It’s clearly stated on the web site, I tried to explain. His answer is we are doing the 3 team parlay promotion for new sign ups. Looks obviuos to me, but I called just to ask anyways. This is the link
    So now Im confused as the dude on the phone…..If I fund the account do I get the 10% bonus or not.

  • #2

    [This message has been edited by Grand Central Sports (edited 09-24-2000).]


    • #3
      Try calling again and ask for a supervisor. It might be one of those cases that the person you were talking to didn't know very much.


      • #4
        Then why was he answering the phone. If the management is so over worked that they will tolerate this, then a change of supervision is needed. Customer service should never be taken lightly. misty


        • #5
          Grand Central,

          What does your response have to do with the man's question??? The man is asking about Premiere league and he gets a mild solicitation from GCS. Please don't use every thread as an opportunity to tout yourself. It makes you seem desperate. I know you are an advertiser here but it shouldn't matter. Go read the thread about Top of the World. Books should speak when spken to or occasionally post specials in new threads with the consent of management.

          Just my two cents.


          • #6
            While I do like Grand Central and have sent them players. I have to agree with Skeptic it comes off cheesy when you enter a thread that has nothing to do with the situation.

            Magic 8 ball- Talk to Eddie...He is a reachable person during the week.

            [This message has been edited by krackman (edited 09-24-2000).]

            [This message has been edited by krackman (edited 09-25-2000).]


            • #7
              Obvious clerk error. Talk to Eddie and it will be handled in 2 seconds.


              • #8
                Just another case of a Sports Book that won't pay Americans to do the job! More and more books are avoiding paying AMERICANS good money. They take all their action from AMERICANS, but want to pay 3rd world wages.

                This is a BIG reason NOT to play at these books! Cheap Book owners DON'T NEED OUR ACTION! Why don't they only take bets from 3rd world People. The best thing that can happen is for all these books to close.

                The internet..... Paying 3rd world People $100 a week..... 10%,20% Bonuses....... -105 juice...... +3 or -2.5 at the SAME BOOK...... What's next?

                The industry is filled with LAND MINES waiting to explode.................


                • #9
                  Sorry guys, I was here late and after the day we had yesterday I wasn't thinking. I apologize to the posters, BW and staff and most importantly to Eddie and Premiere League.


                  • #10
                    DoggieStyle, is there a reason why AMERICANS don't use AMERICAN sportsbooks in AMERICA? Then they would get customer service as perfect as AMERICA...

                    [This message has been edited by PMcK (edited 09-24-2000).]


                    • #11
                      DoggieStyle - What is the difference between taking bets from AMERICAN and THIRD WORLD PEOPLE? Please explain further and I am totally confused about that statement. I assumed you haven't gone out the country nor visited one of the thirld world countries. If you do or you will in the future try to go to the casinos and see how these people bet. It seems that there is no more tomorrow.If I will be given a chance to put my own sportsbook, Asian people will be my main source of marketing.


                      • #12
                        I think Doggie is talking about Books not hiring Americans to answer the phones. Instead most books hire the locals which work for a whole lot less.


                        • #13

                          You will get the 10% bonus without a doubt......... I am sorry I didn't get into the forum earlier. Today was my first day back in the office for a few days and I guess Sundays are a bit crazy. Give me a call at 888 221 2288 and you will be well looked assurance!!

                          I will try to cover everyone here while I am at it.

                          Misty.... the weekends have been absolutely nuts for us especially with recent marketing campaigns. Unfortunately, due to illness I have been out of the office until today otherwise the above events would never have occurred. You are right that customer service should never be taken lightly....... and you can bet I am going to look into this issue.

                          Skeptic..... much wisdom in your post!

                          Krackman & mls..... thanks for your support. You have always been great friends of PL in the past. I wish you both the very best....always!!

                          Grand Central.... there really is much wisdom in skeptic's post. I, however, understand your drive and there is no need to appologize to me. I'll accept it anyway...... . I am sure Grand Central offers great service and sincerely wish you guys the best.

                          DoggieStyle..... In fact the only man (and there is only one) in our marketing office this weekend was an AMERICAN!!!!! He was only new to the industry and simply trying his best. I'll accept the fact if he was going to answer the phone he should have been a bit better prepared. Since you are not on my payroll you really don't know what we pay!!! If you have any other axes to grind I suggest you look elsewhere.

                          In any event, just to let you know.... when a country allows an operator to open a sportsbook and carry on a business that is considerd illegal in most countries and yes that includes the USA, the LEAST they could ask is that these businesses hire locals to perform some of the less specialized duties. This assures the host country that some of the revenues generated in the industry remain there. I happen to be Antiguan by birth; do you think the United States would welcome me to open a business there and of course bring along a few Antiguan helpers?????

                          I admire your sense of national pride. I would also admit that the USA is a wonderfull place and just so you know, my best friends are American. If you've checked your world map recently, however, you will find there are just a few other countries on it!!!




                          • #14

                            Oh by the way Doggie

                            In case you are wondering, prior to opening PL, I didn't even know what a line was! I hired one of your expensive bookie types. Unfortunately I had to let him go after a month......his numbers were weak!


                            • #15
                              Ha! Ha! I like that Eddie. WELL SAID!!

