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Sportsbook Recommendations for Football

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  • Sportsbook Recommendations for Football

    I’m looking for some help from my Bettorsworld friends. I need your offshore sportsbook recommendations. But before you just groan and ignore this post—-as you would when a newbie asks for such help—-allow me to point out that this differs from the typical such request for advice in two respects. Number one: I’m going to be very specific about what I’m looking for and what factors matter to me, rather than just asking generically, “Duh, hey guys, which books are good?” Number two: I’m open to sending some referral money your way if I sign up with a book because of your feedback. (This is not bonus abuse, of course, but is precisely the point of referral bonuses.)

    OK, a little background. I’m primarily interested in NFL football. In my few years of betting offshore, I’ve generally had two to three accounts at a time. This year, I’m tentatively planning on having maybe seven to ten, in order to do more line shopping. From following Bettorsworld for quite awhile now, I have a general idea of some of the books that are most worthy, plus of course I might re-up with some of the books I’ve used in the past, but I’d like your help in making my final decisions.

    Here are the factors that matter to me, in roughly descending order of importance:

    1. Reliability. I want the places where there is the least chance of being stiffed, the places you are as comfortable with as if you had deposited your money in the FDIC-insured bank down the street. Maybe the places with enough worldwide business that if, say, the United States passed some law that made it a lot harder to bet overseas and thus put a major dent in the books’ American business, these places would be the most likely to survive anyway.

    Obviously, being on the Bettorsworld List of recommended sportsbooks is a big plus here. If they’re endorsed by other sites you feel are of high repute, then that’s relevant too. For instance, if you believe in our friend the Devil’s new insurance scheme, then a book that they vouch for would presumably have to be pretty reliable.

    2. Customer service. Does everyone the customer deals with speak fluent English? Are they competent and intelligent? Are they courteous? Do they handle problems in a customer-friendly way? Can you take things to a higher, supervisory, level if you need to? Do the phones lines and/or website consistently function efficiently? Etc.

    Some posters in other threads seem to want books to adhere to strict rules to ensure that customers will never be treated unfairly. I understand this sentiment, but I suspect that no matter how you write your rules, there will always be gaps and ambiguities and situations that require some interpretation, where the book simply has to use some discretion. In such close calls, do they tend to bend over backwards to be fair to the player, or do they tend to look for an angle to interpret things in their own short term interest against the player?

    Quite frankly, style as well as substance matters to me. There’s a big difference to me between a situation where I can say, “Well, eventually I got what I was entitled to and wasn’t cheated, but, man, I’m exhausted having to fight and claw and haggle to get there!” versus dealing with a book where they just seem like the kind of cool people it would be fun to hang out with if I ever get down to their part of the world (like the stories we hear of some of the travels of the Bettorsworld crazies and their interactions with the offshore folk).

    3. Vig deals. I’m always interested in 7% vig, 5% vig, 2% vig, no vig on certain days, etc. Do they offer attractive odds on parlays and teasers and such?

    4. Bonuses. How much do they offer to sign up? Do you also get a bonus to reload? How burdensome are their minimum play requirements to get the bonus?

    (Obviously, factors like #3 and #4 cannot override #1. All else being equal, we’d all love to get 40% sign-up bonuses and pay 2% vig on straight wagers, but of course I want nothing to do with places that are giving away so much money on paper that there is a significant risk you’ll never be able to withdraw that money in reality.)

    5. Variety of betting options. The more the better. Some of these I like to bet, some I might want to try in the future, and others probably not, but it’s good to have as many options as possible. Do they have a full menu of NFL futures, including over/unders on total victories? Plenty of parlays and teasers? Half time lines? “Action points,” or whatever else it’s called where it matters not only that you’re on the correct side of the spread, but by how much? “Betting-in-progress” like posters have talked about at the Dunes? Proposition bets?

    6. Money transfers. Do they pick up the fee on deposits or withdrawals or both? Is the process simple and straightforward? Do they have liberal policies concerning transfers with other books? It’s not a huge deal to me that withdrawals be available every single day or that the money arrive in the shortest possible time, but are they at least reasonably good in these areas?

    7. Limits. I’ll probably typically bet $100-$200 per play, but maybe I’ll want to make a “fun” wager of $20 or $50 occasionally on something I don’t feel strongly about. Or maybe some friends will want me to throw some extra on a bet for them, and I’ll end up betting $500-$1000. I want a place that won’t give me the cold shoulder for betting $50, but not a place so rinky-dink that they panic and immediately flag my account as a monster bettor if I want to bet $1000.

    8. Line variation. Since I’m going to use more books than usual precisely so as to be able to line shop, I’d prefer places that tend to sometimes differ from the herd. There’s not much point in going through the hassle of joining up with another book if their lines are invariably in between the extremes of what you could get elsewhere.

    9. Web-based wagering. So far, I’ve placed almost all of my offshore bets by phone, but one of my goals this season is to switch to all or mostly internet betting, so I’d prefer books that have good, efficient, customer-friendly web pages to wager through.

    10. Don Best. I’m not a big time enough player to warrant the $495 or whatever it is for the deluxe version, but I’d like to use the freebie Island Express to facilitate line shopping, so I’d prefer books that are on that feed. (Also, of course, being on Don Best presumably has some relevance to #1 as well.)

    11. Low risk of being booted. I doubt I’ll win so much so consistently as to scare any reputable book, and I don’t intend to play exclusively scalps, follow steam, etc. I’ll hopefully do some intelligent line shopping, but I’ll be playing my own picks in a straightforward way. Still, it sounds like some books are extremely thin-skinned about this, and looking for any excuse to boot anyone who even might win occasionally, so I may as well include this as a factor.

    12. Other sports. As I say, I’m mostly interested in NFL wagering, but I might put an occasional bet down on boxing, baseball, basketball, college football, etc. I’m pretty much indifferent to soccer or other sports that would not be considered the “major” sports from an American perspective.

    13. As a final factor, I’ll just say that all else being equal, in choosing which books to reward with my business, I’d prefer to use those that offer the best deals to customers even in ways that do not directly affect me. That is, even though I’ll likely bet little or no baseball, did they give my Bettorsworld brethren a break by sticking with the 10 cent line this season? Do they treat the players who bet even less than me with respect? Do they treat the scalpers fairly? Do they refrain from using misleading marketing tactics that others might be taken in by even if I happen to see through them (e.g., making “match play” bonuses sound like regular bonuses, equating even money bets with “no juice” bets, etc.)? Do they offer attractive betting options for sports I’m not interested in, but other Bettorsworld folks are? And so on.

    OK, hope this is specific enough for you. Which book(s) would you recommend to someone in my position, and why? Thanks.

  • #2
    I usually go with 3-5 offshores (I think 7-10 is quite a few) and here are the three that, I believe, best meet your criteria.

    Premiere League (PL)
    Aces Gold (AG)

    Here are a few notes addressing your criteria:

    1. needless to say, all meet this criteria

    2. i would rate PL a bit ahead here

    3. AG offers no vig Friday nights for the NFL and higher odds on teasers

    4. AG offers a range of bonuses including 15% on your start-up fees if you bank wire
    PL always offers 10% and WSEX has a 10% special right now (PL and WSEX generally do not offer "re-up" bonuses)

    5. WSEX has the largest variety of betting options on multiple sports. Plus they have special props for the major sports and interactive betting. PL offers a nice range of props but not near as many as WSEX.

    6. AG picks up all charges...i'm not sure about PL and WSEX

    7. no problem at any of these shops (low or high)

    8. i have no read on AG yet...if you are going to use PL, you won't get alot of variation versus Posttime/WWTS...i have found some dog and runline value at WSEX and also recall variation on the totals there

    PL also posts college lines early in the week which allows for some value shopping early. They also have overnight MLB lines.

    9. OK at all three....WSEX interface is very easy to use (you can parlay run lines) PL is fast...AG behind a bit on this measure

    10. no opinion

    11. no risk here

    12. see #5 above...WSEX the leader here

    13. WSEX also pays interest on the money you have in their account. When I signed up, at PL if your initial deposit was over $2000, you got a free BW pager for a year. That was very nice.

    As you noted, I think it is safe to play any of the books listed on the BW site and I try to throw my business their way since I use and like this site so much.

    Without it, I made a big mistake in choosing my first off shore and I am happy to pass along this info to help someone else avoid my misfortune.

    Visit the sites, read about the bonuses and check out their interfaces and good luck.


    • #3
      Here are some excellent books. They are all very safe.

      Victor Chandler - they offered 10% bonus last year. Biggest advantage with them is different #. Downside is they are late with lines up.

      Aces Gold - excellent customer service. Juice free fri night. Take 2 dimes over net and excellent sign-up bonus.

      Jazz - great super teaser odds, great sign-up bonus.

      Grand Central - lines can be off a bit. Good sign-up bonus. Terrific customer service.

      SOS- lines differ, 15% loses back can work nicely. That is paid out twice a year.

      Olympic - first out with lines. 10% signup and lots of prop bets. Their lines can also vary.

      Caribi - 2nd up with lines on sunday night. Good solid out.

      A few other good ones i have played with are Post Time, WWWTS, Pinnacle, WSEX, Carib 2% juice on Tues. Millenium, Canbet, Delmar.

      There are so many solid outs now. You will not have a problem. good luck!


      • #4

        WWTS is Gold when it comes to off shore



        • #5

          I would recommend Gameday as an out. They offer a 15% signup bonus, email confirmation after each bet, super customer service, and line variance (tend to inflate the favorites)


          • #6
            I'll let you in on a little secret. You will be the first to know. Royal Sports is about to announce an expansion of their already popular promotion 'Nickel Juice'.
            For the entire month of August you can receive a 10% New Account Bonus,10% Reup Bonus for existing accounts, and.....NICKEL JUICE on ALL FOOTBALL WAGERS. This is for sides and totals for both college and pro football. Nickel Juice also has a positive impact for the players on parlays as well. Once again all we ask is that you try it yourself and see how you like "The Royal Treatment".


            • #7

              Great promotion! I have a question for you. Is there a target date that you hope to be online by? Also, will the Pin/Password be the same for phone accounts or will customers need a different Pin/Password.

              Keep up the great work. Hope you're online service is as great as your phone service.


              • #8
                Zippy, I think us over here at Top of the World can meet all of your requirements. We are new to the whole post up thing and marketing, thats why you may not have heard of us. We have New York clerks(who speak perfect English lol!!) with NY customers so you can find attractive lines when betting against Jets and Giants. We also have many public customers, so if you play dogs this may be the spot.Come check us out at

                [This message has been edited by warawara (edited 08-25-2000).]


                • #9
                  Check out payoff plus a new OSGA member good parley odds.World's Highest Parlay Payoffs Football & Basketball
                  2 team 14 / 5
                  3 team 6.5 / 1
                  4 team 12 / 1
                  5 team 22 / 1
                  6 team 36 / 1
                  7 team 60 / 1

                  In case of "No Action" or a "Tie," Parlay is reduced to the next lowest number of plays. Two team parlays become a straight bet.

                  World's Greatest Football
                  Teaser Prices # of teams 6 pts 6 1/2 pts 7 pts 10 pts
                  2 teams even 10 - 11 10 - 11.5 xx
                  3 teams 9 - 5 8 - 5 3 - 2 10 -11
                  4 teams 3 - 1 5 - 2 2 - 1 xx
                  5 teams 9 - 2 4 - 1 7 - 2 xx
                  6 teams 7 - 1 6 - 1 5 - 1 xx

                  And... In the most heavily played "Sweet Heart" 3 team 10 point teaser PayoffsPlus buries "The Other Guys" - we charge ONLY 10-11, versus the full charge sports books who charge 10-12 or even 10-13. (All teams must win)

                  World's Greatest Basketball Teaser Prices # of teams 4 pts 4 1/2 pts 5 pts
                  2 teams even 10 - 11 10 - 12
                  3 teams 9 - 5 8 - 5 3 - 2
                  4 teams 3 - 1 5 - 2 2 - 1
                  5 teams 9 - 2 4 - 1 7 - 2
                  6 teams 7 - 1 6 - 1 5 - 1

                  Special "Sweet Heart" NBA & College Basketball Teasers: 3 Team 8 Point Teasers pay 10-11 & 4 Team 10 Point Teasers pay 10-12. (All teams must win)
                  A "Tie" or "No Action" and a "Win" or a "Loss" on a two team teaser shall constitute a "No Action" wager. Ties on a three or more team teaser shall revert to the next lowest betting bracket.




                  • #10
                    Check out payoff plus a new OSGA member good parley odds.World's Highest Parlay Payoffs Football & Basketball
                    2 team 14 / 5
                    3 team 6.5 / 1
                    4 team 12 / 1
                    5 team 22 / 1
                    6 team 36 / 1
                    7 team 60 / 1

                    In case of "No Action" or a "Tie," Parlay is reduced to the next lowest number of plays. Two team parlays become a straight bet.

                    World's Greatest Football
                    Teaser Prices # of teams 6 pts 6 1/2 pts 7 pts 10 pts
                    2 teams even 10 - 11 10 - 11.5 xx
                    3 teams 9 - 5 8 - 5 3 - 2 10 -11
                    4 teams 3 - 1 5 - 2 2 - 1 xx
                    5 teams 9 - 2 4 - 1 7 - 2 xx
                    6 teams 7 - 1 6 - 1 5 - 1 xx

                    And... In the most heavily played "Sweet Heart" 3 team 10 point teaser PayoffsPlus buries "The Other Guys" - we charge ONLY 10-11, versus the full charge sports books who charge 10-12 or even 10-13. (All teams must win)

                    World's Greatest Basketball Teaser Prices # of teams 4 pts 4 1/2 pts 5 pts
                    2 teams even 10 - 11 10 - 12
                    3 teams 9 - 5 8 - 5 3 - 2
                    4 teams 3 - 1 5 - 2 2 - 1
                    5 teams 9 - 2 4 - 1 7 - 2
                    6 teams 7 - 1 6 - 1 5 - 1

                    Special "Sweet Heart" NBA & College Basketball Teasers: 3 Team 8 Point Teasers pay 10-11 & 4 Team 10 Point Teasers pay 10-12. (All teams must win)
                    A "Tie" or "No Action" and a "Win" or a "Loss" on a two team teaser shall constitute a "No Action" wager. Ties on a three or more team teaser shall revert to the next lowest betting bracket.




                    • #11
                      Zippy, nice list of specifications.


                      • #12
                        Our target date is July 29 and you will have the same password. I also forgot to mention the unique new wagering product called Fantasy Royale. Stay tuned to the breaking news for this coming announcement.


                        • #13
                          Zip...i was wondering about your status

                          i will have to take aces gold off my recommended list as i have not found their interface to be as easy to use as others

                          good luck


                          • #14
                            azbob, I haven’t made any decisions yet. I’ll probably make my sportsbook picks some time in the second half of August. I’d like to do some pretty detailed research into several books—-exploring their websites, making note of their teaser and parlay odds, vig, and bonuses, searching Bettorsworld archives for pro and con reports on them, etc. Whether I do this in the thorough way I’d like or in a more perfunctory way will come down to how much time I have free. Right now I’m very busy—-mostly on non-gambling matters—-but I know it’s important to devote at least a decent amount of time to this in order to make intelligent decisions. As long as I stick with Bettorsworld books, I’m not particularly concerned about getting stiffed, but other things like differences in vig, differences in sign-up bonuses, etc. can add up to a fair amount of money. Plus differences in things like phone courtesy or website speed can have a big impact on one’s aggravation level, even if not directly on one’s bottom line.

                            I appreciate your detailed feedback, and the three books you discuss in your initial post will definitely be among those I research in more detail. Aces Gold—-due to the Friday vig special among other things—-is definitely a strong contender to be one of my outs, but I’ll keep in mind your remarks about their website.

                            In any case, if I go with one or more of the three you recommended, I’ll try to get you a referral bonus.

                            Also, since I haven’t made any final decisions yet, I’m still quite interested in hearing from anyone else about which books they’ve used that they think best fit the criteria listed in my initial post.


                            • #15

                              Can i just preface this by saying it is a sad state of affairs that a few dis-reputable people have made ziipy's no.1 consideration the no.1 consideration of all potential sports players.

                              1)Pinnacle Sports is a subsidiary of a Dutch-owned International Telecommunications Company. Pinnacle Sports is licensed and bonded in Curacaco and also holds a sports betting license in the UK.Pinnacle has a strong reputation which i believe most people in this forum and others would agree.

                              2)Pinnacle strives to acheive one of the highest levels of customer service in the industry. We have weekly training courses for all of our clerks to ensure that they meet our customers needs. If you do however have a problem with a clerk you can ask to talk to the supervisor responsible for that area and if that is not satisfactory you can ask for the floor manager.

                              3)Vig deals- We do have some very attractive vig deals for this NFL season- follow this website closer to our internet launch.

                              4)Pinnacle offer all new clients a 10% sign up bonus(cash bonus not free play)

                              5)Wagering options i think cater to everyone.
                              Money Lines
                              Game Totals
                              Team Totals
                              By Quarter ( 1st Qtr, 2nd Qtr, 3rd Qtr, 4th Qtr)-Before kickoff and at the end of each Qtr.
                              By Half ( 1st Half, 2nd Half)-Before kick off and at the end of the half.
                              Half Time

                              Future Wagering:

                              Odds to win Superbowl
                              Odds to win Conferences
                              Odds to win Division
                              Total Season Wins

                              Proposition Wagering:-
                              Up to 60 Propositions offered on games- Including; Who will score first, Last, Longest Touchdown, Passing and rushing yards by key players on all nationally televised games.

                              6) Pinnacle does pick up the fees on all deposits of $1000 or more and charges a flate rate of $25 for a withdrawal.

                              7)Limits- Pinnacle has a standard phone wager minimum of $50 with $5 being the minimum on the internet(being launched September 2nd)our maximum bet depending on bet type ranges from $10,000 to $50,000.

                              8)Pinnacle does take opinions on games that sometimes put us out of step with the market.

                              9)Look for our web launch on September 2nd you will see something that will be a stand out in this industry. Watch this site for further releases closer to that time.

                              10)No we are not on Don Best but that is not because of some sort of reputation problem.

                              11)Pinnacle is in the business of sports bookmaking that means taking action from everyone, it is our job to have our lines sharp enough to manage all players sharp and square.

                              12)Pinnacle caters to clients from all over the world, we have customers in some 34 countries and have toll free numbers in 26.
                              With that array of customers we have to cater to many needs in sporting interests, here is a samle of the sports we cover.
                              American Football
                              Golf Horse Racing
                              Ice Hockey
                              Nascar, Formula 1
                              Olympics Games
                              Rugby Union

                              13)This is probably best answered by the people who come to this site however in many regards Pinnacles' number one objective is to give value to the clients- Yes we have kept a 10 cent line for baseball and we have assisted many Bettorsworld members with our "Stung by Bad Books" initiative to help ease some of the pain for being ripped-off by some of the fly by night operators.

                              All books can not be everything to everyone one, however i believe that after the September 2nd launch of our new online betting site we will have achieved beating our major weakness.

                              Good luck Zippy.
                              I hope You consider Pinnacle.
                              If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact me.

                              Matt Keats
                              Marketing Director
                              Pinnacle Sports
                              [email protected]

                              [This message has been edited by Pinnacle Sports (edited 08-08-2000).]

