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  • #31

    You can't just say 'europe' - a lot of different countries there, some which have them already, some which don't, and some where the only legals ones are government, and some countries where it isn't legal at all.


    • #32
      and does he favor the Sicilian Dragon over the Nimzo-Indian?


      • #33
        Originally posted by bucky:
        Alec & PC,
        What would the climate be like to operate a sportsbook in Europe? High license fees? High taxes? regulation? They don't seem to be as big a books as the islands, etc.
        You could also add the Mafiya as an additional cost - especially in Ukraine, but I wouldn't doubt Czechia as well.


        • #34
          AV, alec & bucky,

          Good stories of Czech betting coming soon I promise! (Probably early tomorrow morning as I haven't yet adjusted to the time change )


          The bank is called Agrobanka and watch out, Czech banks are ready to topple over like dominoes! (The third biggest one - IPB - just become insolvent ... Agrobanka (5th biggest) declared the equivalent of Chapter 11 3 years ago) And it certainly is now the Czech Republic ... "Czechoslovakia" was just in reference to bucky's joke. Spiro is still the man for the O/U totals ... if he doesn't post one I'm sure he has a reason. Isn't the available selection good enough?


          Have I committed a punter's faux pas by defecting to the other side?! I was just a regular financial operations guy in a normal company when I reaized my income from betting was rivaling my salary so I decided to take a chance. No idea what my long term duties will be, or even if I'll stay long term, but I think I can contribute in a lot of areas.

          I don't even know what a wrong-un is so I guess tha answer is no!

          and AV,

          My favourite is the Fried Liver Attack (Big big points if you can name the first 7 moves to it!)


          • #35
            Originally posted by PerpetualCzech:
            AV, alec & bucky,

            Good stories of Czech betting coming soon I promise! (Probably early tomorrow morning as I haven't yet adjusted to the time change )


            Have I committed a punter's faux pas by defecting to the other side?! I was just a regular financial operations guy in a normal company when I reaized my income from betting was rivaling my salary so I decided to take a chance. and AV,

            My favourite is the Fried Liver Attack (Big big points if you can name the first 7 moves to it!)
            --If you are that good and not helping me, it is a faux pas, yeah

            Fried Liver :-

            1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5

            something like that, eh? Or did you mean 7
            full moves? That would be a lot to have to have past the Nxf7 bit...

            and what can I cash my points in on?


            • #36
              Ok, these European types keep threatening us with anecdotes... but no follow through.

              Wassup with that?

