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St. Kitts Casino is NOT reputable

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  • St. Kitts Casino is NOT reputable

    Here is my problem:

    7-14 NY (Clemens) vs. FL (Dempster)

    I bet on this game on 7-14 at 2:27 eastern.

    They graded this game as no action claiming of a pitching change. Initially they said it was because Clemens was replacing Smith for Florida (how ridiculous is that). THen they said it was Dempster for Smith, but I know this pitching change was made overnight. I am positive I bet on Clemens vs. Dempster because I checked the stats of Dempster vs. NY before I bet.

    Worse yet, my email confirmation and when I review my tickets on-line, only shows the team I bet on, Clemens as the starting pitcher for NY. I call them and they tell me, the pitching change was made overnight but noone at their book noticed it until 3-4 Eastern time. So they claim that they did not have a line of Dempster vs. Clemens before this time and therefore my game was graded as No Action.

    I am calling tomorrow to talk to a "Manager".

    If someone has a similar experience, please reply. I feel like I am getting cheated here.

  • #2
    Could you ask them for an e-mail or fax of your ticket? I try to copy and paste these kind of things to "my documents" when you don't get a good confirmation situation. The key is trying to get some proof of when they implemented the pitching change. Did you get a different line than what everybody else had? I had the Yankees anywhere from -185 to -200.


    • #3
      I ended up a dime heavy on the Yankees, thank goodness. I bet the game at GO TO, and they had Smith instead of Dempster, which I obviously didn't notice. But due to my early-season 11-game losing streak on games I was heavy on, I'm still way down this season on heavies.


      • #4


        • #5
          Reno, have you read JOHNNY COME BLOW YOUR HORN lately. You really come across as self serving. Nothing personal though, of course.


          • #6
            Hi Bucky,

            They wrote me yesterday and told me they would credit my account and they have done so. I was told to call them so they could explain what happened. I really am not sure what happened whether or not its their fault and if they are admitting it or if they were just afraid to get bad press.

            I am relieved that they credited my account but it has left a bad taste in my mouth because the customer service was confrontational.

            I am going to start copying my bets, but can't these easily be replicated? Will they accept this as proof? By the way, I bet the run line. Money line was Clemens -200 and run line was +100.

            Thanks for replying and your concern.
            Originally posted by bucky:
            Could you ask them for an e-mail or fax of your ticket? I try to copy and paste these kind of things to "my documents" when you don't get a good confirmation situation. The key is trying to get some proof of when they implemented the pitching change. Did you get a different line than what everybody else had? I had the Yankees anywhere from -185 to -200.


            • #7


              Glad to see this resolved in your favor! I guess just seeing your post here was enough to get their attention.

              Good Luck to You and See You at the "other" place!


              • #8
                Glad to hear the good news. Know how you feel because I've been in the situation. I've got to say it was my fault in most cases but I did get lucky a couple of times with the sides so I just tried to double check the next times. In the heat of the battle it is possible to make a mistake and I couldn't believe I made the mistake afterwards. I try to go back and review my confirmations and I have caught a mistake or two by myself that way. Some books give clearer confirmations than others and sometimes I copy the page before I confirm it so I get everything copied. I have used a ticket # and copy to solve a squabble and I think the copy comes off so that the book can see it is in their style and I don't think anyone could make up a bogus copy.
                If you don't mind I have a story to tell of a run line problem that I had that I was able to resolve. I bet a team on the runline at what I thought was -1 1/2. Not real big to win 500 or so. But I copied and pasted it and the books confirmation wasn't real specific but said my team/runline/listed both pitchers and the amount. I thought I had it confirmed and forgot about it. My side won but the next day there was no credit just a refund. I call them and they said "Oh we voided that because there was a clerical error and we posted it at - 1/2 blah blah. I said there is no such thing as -1/2 that would be the same as a money line. They said yup that's why we voided it. Well, I said show me a copy of my ticket. They said can't do it as it was voided and we don't have it anymore. Well, it certainly could have been at -1/2 because I wouldn't think that could happen.
                Eventually, I got to the owner and after much discussion he took care of me. He did mention that the the thing could have went in my favor and I wouldn't have been able to even give the money back to them if it was voided. But, I was getting steamed over it and it is hard to keep your cool at a time like that. But, I would have walked away from one of my favorite outs. However now I have made at least 100 wagers there and I am sure I will make plenty more. At any rate Best regards and give that book a little business in appreciation for them treating you right.


                • #9
                  Happens to me, too. Sometimes, the action someplace,listed somewhere else or only one listed, etc. I even blew one by haveing one set up and then checking one of the other windows and then forgetting to confirm it. Came back to the window after posttime and saw that I blew it.
                  So, I went out to get Dunes to be able to bet on the game after one inning, etc. Haven't tried one yet though after the game has started.
                  Sometimes, when the fur is flying during the game rush it is sure possible to get something wrong and boy is it hard to get everything copied and double checked until you get past post time.

                  [This message has been edited by bucky (edited 07-17-2000).]

                  [This message has been edited by bucky (edited 07-18-2000).]


                  • #10
                    no holds,
                    Chill out - you are just trying to stir something up again. No need to reply just lighten up because it really serves no purpose for you to come into threads and chew like you have been.

