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Software for Casinos question

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  • Software for Casinos question

    as most of us know and believe, the cars and dice don't remember the past and don't care about the future. at land based casinos you are confident that the eye in the sky protects your chances as the odds might dictate.
    that being said, i wonder if the casino games are written somewhat different to protect the casino owner. if the anser is yes, then simple math cannot apply. if there is code in any online game that will purposely force a number/loser to be thrown or turn a card based on
    1) player
    2) current win/loss in that session for player
    3) based on bankroll entering session. ie; if player is down a few dimes or more program insures a repeat does not happen.

    the point is this. are there ANY outside factors programmed into the software that makes determinations based on things that simply cannot happen on land based casinos?

    the internet casinos clain a percentage of giveback is equal to or better than land casinos. if this is the case and the sofyware is written to include "other" factors then the trick would be to find what the factors are so you are now at an advantage.

    any thought on this would help.

    The Puppetmaster

  • #2
    The advantage you have as a player is chosing where you are going to play. IGW, Starnet, Crytologic, etc... The big casino software suppliers all have their software audited by big name accounting firms. At WSSB we use IGW software which is a publicly traded company. The algorithms are audited by Ernst & Young. This is the same way state lotteries back up their random number games.

    [This message has been edited by WSSB (edited 07-02-2000).]


    • #3
      This is all a bunch of garbage. Casinos are in business to do 1 thing. WIN. Their are not many casinos going out of business because they are broke. The online software is designed for all players to lose eventually. You will have winning sessions but in the long run you lose just like a landbased casino. The fact of the matter is they say they have nothing to do with processing fees, which is a bunch of bull also. they say their software is state of the art. Their algorithims and software can be audited by Ernst and young, price waterhouse, bert and ernie, i dont care, it is all a fraud. they can be publically traded or private, they still favor the house more than the player. All these places are located outside the USA for 2 reasons. It is illegal to bet in most states and these places are not governed by any US laws. Sportsbooks are different. They cant fix the games (sometimes we think they do) or make up phantom plays. They make mistakes like most people but they are quick to fix.. Use reputable recommended sites but as for online casinos, they all cheat..


      • #4
        Anybody who is stupid enough to even log on to a internet casino deserves to lose.


        • #5

          i take offense to your comment if it was directed towards me. just as i win sometimes and lose other times, like most people i play for the enjoyment and the chance to win.i said "chance".

          every casino is in this to make money. every sportsbook in this to make money. there is no argument there.

          let me ask this question.
          if play $10 on the pass line and take double odds on the point, will my chances overall be the same playing online as they are playing land based? house gets approx six tenths of 1 percent?

          the puppetmaster


          • #6
            Johnny D

            Out of curiosity, what would you call someone who called your scorephone and heard that Fixer has made a dime player 82,000. Upon that information called you 900 number and
            proceeded to wager his rent money on a parlay of Fixer's plays, in hopes of breaking out of the everyday grind of working to pay the rent.


            • #7
              I think the question is a good one. We all know an on-line casino can be programmed to do whatever they want, whether monitor betsize, distribute winning bets in patterns that would damage most players bankrolls....
              But do they? My whole problem with the auditing thing is who is to say that there aren't 2 sets of programs, one for the auditors and one for use. In response to Gastordan, yes in the longrun you will lose, but MOST SPORTSBETTORS and horseplayers will also lose in the long run. Most Gamblers accept the fact that losses are the cost of the entertainment. That doesn't mean that they do not want A FAIR SHAKE.

              On the other hand, if they are smart, the
              casinos will play fair, since they will win anyhow, in the longrun. But just like some books like to boot anybody who beats them, I am sure there are going to be casinos who will rig the game in their favor(beyond the standard rules).

              I always remain skeptical of on-line casinos and only use them for recreational purposes only. I also try to get a feel for the results(are they random or do they seem other than random). It is a purely subjective thing, and if I feel cheated I would not come on a board like this and say I felt cheated by xxx casino, because it is purely subjective. But if they have a sportsbook I will get my revenge.


              • #8
                Play at in Austalia and don't worry about it.


                • #9
                  Yeah we have all called johnny D's 900 number, and all lost. Hes the only winner at 10 per call. Bet with your minds not your hearts, listen to NO ONE. Dont subscribe to services because they never lose when your money is in their hands. Ive had to bail out on late games and call any number just to make a decision that wasnt mine and still lost. Ive learned my lesson several dimes later and now i can hold my own.

