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Books that kick out winners

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  • Books that kick out winners

    Several recent posters have wanted to know which books kick out winners:

    I have been kicked out of:

    Grand Prix
    Big Book
    The Mayan

  • #2
    I have never understood why books kick out winners. If somebody is beating you for five dimes a throw and your lines have integrity, this guy should be the customer you want to hang on to: Just take his plays and play them for ten dimes somewhere else, and use his play to sharpen your line.

    I had a place (name withheld) that would send me their Spanish soccer lines early, let me play them for my usual peanuts, and then adjust the prices for their public. A win-win arrangement I suspect. But for my overt involvement with another book, we might still be doing it.



    • #3
      Shawn-What you say makes sense, but the places mentioned above that throw people out often dont have lines with integrity. Their lines are off to the point where they cant pick up a phone and get off a position at the same number.


      • #4
        Also it makes sense to do what you say when your dealing with a handicapper who is betting an opinion at the market price, but often the people who get thrown out aren't betting their opinion's, they are just picking off weak numbers or following steam.


        • #5
          Forgot one:


          (Actually Easybets reduced my limits from 2000 to 200, which I considered the same thing)


          • #6
            I thought this might be appropriate for this thread. Add Millenium to the list.

            Copy and pasted from a thread at osga.

            May 14th Krackman wrote....
            I have to admit after sticking up for this book it seems there stock is going down in the eyes of a few.I just learned that a friend of mine was thrown out for being a sharp player.

            May 15th Tom Miller wrote...

            As far as choosing our clientele, we do not cater to Syndicate or "Computer" bettors and have the right to prohibit them to be betting clientele whenever we spot them. I might point out that these people ruin wagering for the small guy who has to buy a line at a bad price and the value taken out of it.Doesn'T AC and Vegas bar card counters?

            May 17th krackman wrote....

            "These people ruin wagering for the small guy who has to buy a line at a bad price and the value taken out of it." What does that mean? Does everyone bet the same side? A bad side for some is a good side and offers good value for others. I am usually the first one to stick by a good book(like mill)but would 100% disagree with you on that.

            Let me also say I have been with Mr.Miller since ABC Island and feel he runs a good shop and of course has the right to throw anyone out of his book. But cannot stand by him or his business with the above excuse for throwing someone out.


            • #7
              I can't believe books are like that. The excuse they gave krackman sounds like they throw out anyone who knows what they are doing with sports betting. It sounds like the "small player" is more like the "misinformed player". They don't want to pay out to anyone who has a strategy.

              And I am shocked to find out Sports Interaction and Easybets does the same thing. I have accounts with both, and I am very disappointed to hear this.

              And I thought Intertops was supposed to be a "stand up book". It seems like they are all changing for the worse now.

              I would like some of these books to come into this forum and post their grievances for kicking these winners out. And I don't want those phony excuses either.


              • #8
                A freind of mine got chased from VIP Sports. They cut his limits to $100 sides & $50 totals.


                • #9
                  Their reasons are pretty simple. They are all in the business of making money and some books think that if they will throw out all the bettors that win they will be left with just bettors that lose.
                  Other books look at the whole pie and as long as they are winning overall they are satisfied, sometimes winners get different limits and lines in an effort to control their liabilty to that player.
                  The other day I was in the grocery store and I started laughing because I was thinking about how I shop for groceries and how it is like I bet sports. I often buy the onsale items and stack up on them when they are on sale. For example my favorite pasta sauce is Classico it is normally $3 a jar. Last week it was 2 for $4 so I bought 6 of them. I pass on Corn flakes when they are $2.79 but last week they were 99 cents so I bought 4 boxes. I imagined the store manager coming up to me and saying "Sir your business is not welcome here you can't shop here because you only buy stuff when it is cheap and advantageous to you, we only make 5% on you while we make 15% on our customers who always buy the non sale items."
                  This reminded me of my last account to get closed down, where the manager told me I could'nt bet online because I was cherry picking their lines. I had hit 2 dogs for the limit in baseball. This place also had 20 cent baseball lines. God forbid everyone doesn't lay -190 with the Yankees and Braves. How dare you bet on the Twins,Cubs and Marlins.


                  • #10
                    Bbuster- Great comparison and yes that may be the case like a loss leader. I ( and I am sure others) would love to know what book that was.

                    I also have to add Bowman to the list it's just like being thrown out being put on the 2nd or 3rd set of wiseguy lines. And the manager actually did threaten to throw me out if I kept talking bad about Bowmans in this forum.


                    • #11
                      There's two ways to look at a guy who's beating you.
                      1. He's been lucky, in which case the last thing you want to do is lose his business, because if he keeps playing, you get it all back and then some.
                      2. He's good, in which case, for the cost of handling his bets, you get a gold mine of info. I mean, people pay money for lousy touts. How much would a proven good one be worth? Especially for a book? If I had a book and someone was beating me so long for so much that I finally had to admit they were flat out winning cappers, I'd set them a dime limit and pound other books when his bets came in, or move my own lines to suck action out the opposite of his plays. The last thing I'd do is say, "Stop tipping me off on who's going to win tonight."


                      • #12
                        Shawn, pay2play,

                        You guys are right on. Apply the crap table theory. Why bet the dont when the shooters making #s? Peter Lynch of Fidelity coined the phrase trend is your friend(he thinks so).

                        Shawn, you werent backdooring that soccer out were you? Do what you gotta do.

                        bbuster, your slipping! You forgot the coupons. Good analogy,

                        The rest of you guys good thread.


                        • #13

                          Actually had someone I talk to tell me VIP Sports asked them to leave the other da as well. Interesting.


                          • #14
                            For the umpteenth, umpteenth time, anyone who has any question whatsoever about any sportsbook should do a historical search in Bettorsworld. PabloSan Loco, if you do this search, you will find lots of nasty, critical stuff about Intertops and Easy Bets. Easy Bets was kicked off the Bettorsworld Cream of the Crop List and Intertops is infamous for kicking people out. In fact, renowned BW poster Hartley, who for a long time staunchly defended Intertops, has even relented. Plain and simple, Intertops sucks.

                            I've personally been kicked out of Intertops,, and VIP. I've had a number of other sportsbooks lower my limits.


                            • #15
                              But you're a huge player Reno, we like to know about those that can't even handle mid-range winners....

