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When will 5 Dimes be up???

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  • When will 5 Dimes be up???

    I've been unable to log in for four days.Any info would be appreciated.

  • #2
    good question


    • #3
      I've been in touch with the folks at 5Dimes, Golden Wager, and some of the other Unified Gaming books affected by this server crash. Here's what I've been told as of noon today (Friday):

      1) The problem has been diagnosed as a hardware failure, NOT a database problem as was first suspected. The good new about that is that all account records (balances, wager histories, etc) are believed to be intact.

      2) The replacement hardware is expected to be delivered today or tomorrow, at which point the installation and configuration may take the rest of the weekend.

      3) The Monday only redemption requests scheduled for processing on June 12th have NOT been processed and will not be processed until the network is back up and running. So if you're expecting a FedEx this week (or early next week) for a redemption made on June 12th, well you can FUHGETABOUTIT!!
      Also, credit card redemptions from the previous week (June 5th) also have not been processed by some of the books. So if you made a cc redemption on that date and had the funds deducted from your account, don't expect to see a credit back for AT LEAST 72 hours after the system comes back online. I was assured that the June 5th credit card redemptions would be the first to be processed when the system comes back up.

      Hopefully, someone from Unified Gaming could come in here and give a more complete explanation of what is happening and assure customers that their account information is safe. All the info I described above come from the SB managers and not from the IT experts who are tasked to fix the problem.

