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Casablanca Baseball Lines

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  • Casablanca Baseball Lines

    At the beginning of the baseball season the lines at Casablanca seemed to move on their own, often showing value in differences for the shopper. Now they seem to mimic the Caribi lines, even down to the moves that Caribi makes.

    Does everyone else see these same lines, or have I been put on a different line?

    Does anyone know if they are really completely in sync with the Caribi lines? In other words, could I call on the phone and expect to be quoted the live screen line at Caribi?

    I don't have any problem if this is what they're doing for everyone. I'm just curious.

  • #2
    Sportshobby, last season when I first played with Casablanca I got great lines. However, after a few days they figured out my M.O. and started giving me clone lines. I then bitched that I wasn't being given the numbers on the Internet site. They then started giving me those lines. However, I soon noticed that I wasn't seeing good lines anymore on the Internet site, so it was back to zero.

    Well, after last season's ordeal, I decided not to re-up with them this year. Now that you inform us they are a clone joint, I'm glad I didn't bother with them.

    Clone joints should be exposed. I'm sending a letter to Ralph Nader telling him to give up his bull**** causes and do something useful for once in his life: help stamp out sportsbetting clone joints.


    • #3
      Certainly if they all turned into clones that would be bad. But actually in this case, if I could just be sure of getting the Caribi number any time I called, I wouldn't be too upset.

      I really posted with them because they were on the Island Express service. After they dropped off of that, it became a real pain to get their lines. So if I could just look at the screen and play them as I would Caribi, that would be OK.

      After more checking, however, it appears that they are only in step with Caribi early in the day. Later there appears to be some small variance.

      My other worry, of course, is that I'm looking at different lines than are others.


