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UK2000 & ANTON

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  • UK2000 & ANTON

    Have you guys gotten paid yet by Patrick.


  • #2

    are these the only 2 guys that should be getting paid in this particular situation? is there others? i have a feeling they are not being paid. even if they do get paid, does that not admit a mistake on the part of players only which can can only be fully rectified by paying all outstanding winning bets in this case or is it a case of the sqeaky wheel gets he oil first?



    • #3
      Brian, I'll bring up the point I brought up next door. If EVERYONE who had the winning side gets paid, does that mean that everyone who had the losing side and got refunded should now have that refund taken back? We both know that's not possible, due to acccounts being less than they need to be or closed in the interim. IMHO, UK2000 and Anton, and anyone else with documentation that the bet was going to stand BEFORE THE EVENT should ABSOLUTELY be paid, but anyone else, both winners and losers are covered by the incorrect date rule. I've taken flak for that opinion, but I feel it is the only fair one for all concerned.


      • #4
        They made the mistake of making a wrong call.
        They should eat all the monies they paid out and PAY all the money that they kept.

        Brian, I think you are correct in saying that Patrick thinks this will go away by paying the two players that complained.

        The software can easily produce a list of all players that bet on the Cambuur game.

        If you steal a $100 million or $100 you're still a thief in my book.

        By paying two and keeping the rest, guess what you are.

        THE DEVIL

        [This message has been edited by thedevil (edited 06-14-2000).]


        • #5
          Devil, I know the software can do that, but my point is that someone who was refunded lets say $500 may now only have $100 in his account, or may have closed it. I feel it is unfair to expect Sportfanatik to pay all winners AND refund all losers, especially since they have a rule in place to cover what happenned. Obviously UK2000 knew about the rule, that's why he correctly Covered his butt with all his documetation and HE MUST BE PAID. I undersand the feeling of wanting to get Patrick and his books due to his attitude n this situation, but I'm trying to remove emotion from the equation.


          • #6

            I'm only $7 away over the bridge, maybe one day we'll discuss this in person. I can agree with what you saying.

            However, we dont know how many people this involved. Were there 2 winners and 800 losers. Was a large profit made off this game??? We will never know the real answer..

            Being American, I never heard of these two teams as soccer is not my forte, and don't know what kind of action he took on this game. But I'd like to know if Patricks office got any other complaints about this game from customers that don't know about these forums.

            I think the monies that were paid should stay as is and the monies not paid should be. Yes a double loss. Patrick should make believe he got double middled.

            THE DEVIL


            • #7
              this seems to be a calculated move where they "lessened" the blow they will take by taking the approach they have.

              this approach most like likey will not win the hearts of many people. they would be better served to suck it up and do the right thing.


              [This message has been edited by bgeorgia (edited 06-14-2000).]


              • #8

                You are right, we shouldn't let emotions be part of this equation. But I think you also have the facts wrong.

                Sportfanatiks rule: "...if an error is made in the prices or conditions published on-line, we reserve the right to correct any mistakes..."
                Several of the employees knew the line had a wrong posting. Their upper management even had a meeting before the match about letting the bets stand or not. They decided to let the bets stand. The rule says RESERVE the right, meaning they have the option to go either way. They choosed to let the bets stand. Therefor I can't understand how you reason when you say "both winners and losers are covered by the incorrect date rule."

                SPF is beaten by the facts. Not only by emotions, ethics and moral.

                No money for me yet.


                • #9
                  Guesser, Can't see many people betting the wrong side of a bad line...


                  • #10
                    Scott, Since I know nothing about Soccer, I don't now what a bad line is, except if a team is favored by 3 goals, cause I know every damn game is 1-0 .
                    Unfortunately I see people betting bad lines all the time, either through ignorance or only having one out, so I don't doubt that there indeed were people on the other side.
                    Anton, if they said all bets stand BEFORE the event, then that's the way it should be. I know they said it to UK2000 based on his documentation and that's why I'm steadfastly on his side and anyone else that has such documentation. If they said it to everyone, then everyone should be paid. I'm just going by what I've seen on the various forums. I also wish we would hear from more people who bet this game at Sportfanatik as well as other Starnet Books, since they all have the same lines regardless of ownership. I'd also like to hear from someone who bet the other side (if anyone did) to see if they got refunded as well.
                    I also hope we get to hear from UK2000, and hope that he wasn't paid only on condition that he remain silent, as that would be counterproductive to Patrick and his books, IMO.

                    [This message has been edited by The Guesser (edited 06-14-2000).]

