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Beware of Promotions!

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  • Beware of Promotions!

    As Johnny D. recently stated, these off-shore outlets never expect any bettor to recover their post-up funds. Although Boomer and Reno apparently get five figure payouts without any problem, I can almost see the tears in the books' eyes whenever I request a payout. I guess squares like me aren't supposed to get the money back. The BMs' marketing play is promise the bettor anything to get the post-up and then watch the balance disappear.

    For example, last Thanksgiving my balance was running low in my only remaining account and I was looking to make a deposit with an establishment that would give me a bonus. Pinnacle had a nice promotional ad here that appealed to me. I called and spoke to this guy, Allie (respectable by all accounts here), but his offer wasn't consistent with what Pinnacle had advertised at this site. In fact, every type Allie explained the promotion to me the terms were different. I decided to pass on Allie's British jive. Instead, I re-uped with Post-Time which had a Thanksgiving special of a ten percent bonus and, as I recall, a free 50 buck parlay. I was planning to use the parlay as a hole card so that when my balance ran low I would get one last chance to restore it a bit. Well, I attempted to use the parlay last weekend as my balance (following one more re-up and some transfers to other books) was finally running low. The parlay was gone because, as one manager explained, it was only good for the life of the promotion. He compared it to airline miles that expire. Well, I beg to disagree. Nobody ever told me that the "free" parlay would expire and think Post-time had an obligation to do this. Thus, I strongly agree with Johnny that the deal is to get the money and worry about the consequences of the marketing devices latter. To balance my complaint, I should add that Post-Time is an excellent book, abeit a bit boring with clone lines and few props, in that it pays timely and can be reached quickly even at crunch time. I just think that when they make offers they should be good for the life of the account unless the bettor is informed otherwise. It certainly didn't kill me to lose the 50 buck parlay, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

  • #2
    I have long preached that the offshore books should try to set an example when it comes to marketing. Although this industry is still in the germination phase. The books are certainly showing us things to come. POST UP WITH US, WE PAY 40 TIMES DEPOSIT. Although this example may sound rediculous, I think not. A good marketing team knows very well the value of "one upmanship". It is however the poor marketer who decides to go the way of the used car salesman! Anyone can do that, but not everyone can advertise effectively without the hook line and sinker. Perhaps it is time for these companies to be hiring professionals who will market these Books in a positive light, not they way we would expect from our local used car dealer. After all, how many of you would send five dimes to the likes of them.
    It would be prudent for the leaders in the industry to keep it clean and keep the misrepresenting to other less reputable industries unless of course, that is where they want to end up.
    Just looking a few years ahead



    • #3
      DougDeac, please do me a favor. The next time you talk to Post Time, put in a good word for ol' Reno and see if you can get me that 10% bonus on my initial 8-dime sign-up. It's tough living in Vegas knowing that if I'd lived anywhere else in the entire universe, I'd be $800 richer.


      • #4
        Reno, I gather you got no bonus because you are viewed as a professional living in Las Vegas. Would you have gotten one if you still lived in Reno or is all of Nevada included as wiseguy territory? To be honest, I never saw many wiseguys when I visited Reno. I met a BIG guy named "Coach" who used to play with Bob Martin by mail years ago. Coach's claim to fame was that he hit big on a parlay card (so many others did also that the casino went bust) and used the down payment to buy a trailer home. Yet, I don't really fancy wise guys as living in trailer homes. Maybe very low-level ones. And I can't imagine that there are any wiseguys in Fallon on Elko. Anyway, I guess its too late for me to claim you as a referral or vice versal. I can't imagine that these clone lines are that benefial to you.


        • #5
          deacdoug. I have to disagree with you here. I have dealt with post-time and feel they are one of the best. I think it is a little irresponsible for you to wait 6+ months before you ask for your parlay. I am sure that if you would of requested it in a reasonable time they would have given you the parlay. But, thats just my opinion.


          • #6
            I hear what you are saying but considering we leave our money posted up for sometimes in excess of six months, we should be able to take advantage of the bonus offered. How would you feel Faifax if you called and they said well your account has been dormant for six months and we have seized all of your money. I assume your response would be the same ??? because what they did was steal this mans 5 dollar parlay . Listen, if you offer it ,pay it.... PERIOD. It always amazes me that people can actually defend this sort of behaviour.
            Nothing personal Fairfax, but I think you are dead wrong. unless of course you can the show me the used car fine print!!!!



            • #7
              I don't see how you can call DD irresponsible. I think he was stiffed pure and simple.

              Personally, I'd worry about a place that felt it had to nickle and dime people like that.


              • #8
                Fairfax, I agree that there are two sides to this story and that Post-Time is a good book. Maybe I should try a few more in order to realize just how good they are. My final word on this subject is that, if there is an expiration date on the offer, they should tell so and exactly when that occurs.


                • #9

                  First of all, the bonus is his, plain and simple. If there was no expiration stipulated, then he should be able to play the parlay whenever he wants. Secondly, many of these books offer internet or phone betting, not both on one account. I personlly don't like phone accounts and rarely use them. However, these free parlays usually have to be called in. Thats a pain in the ass. 5 dimes has a nice solution for this. As long as your bonus has not been played, a menu option was available on the screen. Just click on it to play your parlay. Once you've played it, the option disappears. Other books should follow suit.

                  [This message has been edited by FatBoy (edited 05-23-2000).]


                  • #10
                    Nevadas largest concentration of wiseguys is in the city of Ely. No incentives whatsoever for most of the residents housed there. One of their newest wiseguys will be Rick Tabish.


                    • #11
                      DeacDoug I hope I didn't offend you. It seems I offended a couple other people. I just have always had great experiences with post-time. Post-time and Premiere League are my two favorite books. I like these books because they have the best customer service. They have generous bonuses. And most importantly if you request your money early in the morning your fedex will be there the next day. Luckily, I have never been ripped off by any book, but I have been extremely concerned several times. Post-time and premiere league have never asked why I was cashing out or tried to play games with me. They verify my adress and send the check. Other books have tried many tactics to try to get me to keep my money in their shops.
                      I know that this really does not relate to your situation, but I think people should also hear what a pleasent experience I have had with this book. I feel alot better seeing the fedex man at my house the day after a payout as opposed to experiences I have had where I waited over a month for a fed ex.


                      • #12

                        you should have saved that 800 already though on 99c margaritas


                        • #13
                          DeacDoug...I was in Reno for 11mos in 80'-81'. I opened the Race/Sportsbook in the Cal-Neva then headed back to Vegas. I know the "Coach" and never was he dressed in anything but sweatpants. Strange. Another player was The Crab who beat us for quite a bundle and made himself into a sort of legend. I hired a kid from Buchanon, WV, Chris Wallace, because his Dad was from Alliquippa, Pa which is back where I come from. Chris went on to publish The Blue Ribbon and is now the GM of the Celtics. Just thought I could ring a bell like you did with the Coach for me...Scotty


                          • #14
                            I got a free $50 parlay with Sportbet for a deposit - actually the winnings from BW Tournament of Champions.

                            They didn't even have to give me the parlay, but they did anyway on BOTH occasions where I advanced and was awarded an account at their book. Last time I looked it was still there - and it should be.

                            I am NFL for the most part and will play it in the 2000 season. The last freebie was a KR shy of being a tree team winner.

                            As always - Good Luck,

                            As Always - Good Luck,



                            • #15
                              The Crab made his big bucks on NBA totals before Vegas had a clue on how to make the lines. When I moved to Reno last year, I was told by a renowned Vegas sportsbettor to avoid working with the Coach and to never trust him with money.

                              AussieVamp2, I'm a Johnny Walker Black Label man. I never touch tequila. Hey, if you want to know how bad Margaritas are, take a trip to Margarita Island. That's all anybody drinks there. And my guess is that Patrick's boys messed up on that soccer match because they were psychedelically sauced from drinking Margaritas.

