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    Beavis and B u t thead were also dreaming of

    Poor guys were taken off the air a couple of years ago and had to deal with reality of a score!

    mehehe heheh hehehe

  • #2
    Sad to say, but the creator of Beavis & Butthead is a fellow graduate of the University of California at San Diego (UCSD).
    And the University wonders why I don't attend alumni functions or contribute money to my alma mater. In reality, except for the
    waves I surfed, the pot I smoked, the chicks I boned, and the VietNam War draft I avoided, my four years at this institution were a glorified waste of time. Not one thing I learned at that place has helped me in my career as a scalper/middler. I even recently called the University and volunteered to teach a course on scalping/middling, and the stodgy University officials turned me down. I learned more about Reality from dropping LSD than I ever did from this ivory-tower, government-run institution.


    • #3

      Its puzzling it an era where gaming is growing leaps and bounds more institutions don't educate the masses in scalping/middling/gaming...

      A good part of my cirriculum was around the mathematical area of probability/statistics/game theory. A lot of it was real world examples. I actually thought that my best exposure to chance
      was when we (a classmate and me) ran a book for the Melbourne Cup when I was in High School in OZ. We set the prices, schoolmates made their plunges and then we adjusted our prices and lo and behold we came out in front.... This was reality!!!

      I have heard though, that UNLV does teach some courses on the Mathematics of Casino gaming...
      I've never looked into too seriously because like yourself my diploma was on the wall and it was time for some serious work. I wonder if they actually did get a program developed how to keep your head afloat in an era of Proliferated Gambling Access????



      • #4
        They came seeking the truth, but they couldn't deal
        with the intensity of it's REALITY,
        And in that moment of denial, they were reduced to a life of FANTASY...



        MAY 4th, 2000

        [This message has been edited by Chester (edited 05-04-2000).]


        • #5
          a junior college in vegas has numberous
          courses on sports betting, taught by
          some vetern sports bettors. They actually
          counted towards someone getting an AA
          (you know what that stands for) degree.
          (as an elective) Of course, this same
          school probably has courses in basket
          weaving so who knows what they were
          taught, and what a teacher's qualifications
          were. (a plus account at the hilton and
          a college degree in physical education??)


          • #6
            Chester, that is some heavy-duty philosophy that is absolutely true. According to Adi Da, a contemporary spiritual Master, Truth (or absolute Reality) is unqualified Intensity, the unbroken Field of pure Light. Ordinary un-Enlightened beings, however, live in darkness or ignorance) because from, moment-to-moment, they retract from Infinity. Instead of being at one with That which is always already the case, they instead live an exclusive-reductive existence that is created by their moment-to-moment refusal to literally and whole-bodily embrace the Truth. True spiritual life is a life of conducting--rather than obstructing or denying--the Power(or Intensity) of Reality. Esoteric Christianity calls this Power of Reality the "Baptist Fire", and Hindu yogis call it "Kundalini" (which means "coiled serpent.") Because ordinary (Un-enlightened) beings live life as a contraction, as a recoil from Infinity, they do not experience the literal Intensity(or spiritual Power) of Truth (or Light).


            • #7

              Your dose of philosophy is what is needed when your are looking for a miracle...
              Superb stuff! Worth remembering and putting in my Black Book.


              As you say, reaching this Intensity of Truth or Baptism by Fire as you mentioned by esoteric Christians is very rare... But when it happens it is the start of a new era or a complete change it one's life.

              I could discuss Apostle Paul here but I don't think it is necessary. Your search for the
              Truth is deeper than I thought and I apologize for focusing on wisecracking B&B...

              Good luck

