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  • #31
    Most interesting Reality.How about more stuff like this and this forum will start to sound like a bettors stock-market rather than little girls schoolyard...p.s Whats your oppinion on watching line-moves in bases from a bettors standpoint,How do you seperate the wheat from the chaff so to speak.....Sincerely d.f


    • #32

      I think the answers you gave were pretty close. I don't fall into the novice class either but wanted to see if you could back up your words and in my opinion you did. Personally I think you should stay and post. I don't like personal vendattas(not in print anyway) as they serve no useful means in this forum. MLS is also valued for his opinion. I think the forum loses when all we get is trash talk.



      • #33

        you asked for it.

        MLS is really one of the most pathetic games that I have ever seen.

        Its not about the sport, its all about the bookies.

        They are all chickens.

        For a sh!tty little league with only 5 to 6 games every weekend and with such low limit, they don't even dare to hang out some lines regularly every week.

        Itops, I can't imagine they will have lines for J-league, Peru, Paraguay, etc., but they can't even make their own lines for MLS. (BTW, please move your MLS lines back to the soccer section, Itops, its NOT a 2-way line anymore and the current format is just awful).

        5dimes?, promiesd every Friday will have the lines up?

        Even Betmaker, just tell me what had happened last week? Where were the lines when they were supposed to be there?

        When you need to "consult" the opinions from some tiny east Euro books to hang out your lines on a game in America and will be playing on ESPN, isn't this a joke?

        A pathetic joke, indeed.


        • #34
          Originally posted by mls:
          Well now Reality, you told Bob:

          "If you can show me one unprovoked nasty, self serving statement that I made I will thank you and post an apology to whoever I made it."

          Here it is:


          Welcome back.
          You finally woken up from that B-ITCH SLAPPING you took from the PHANTHOM."

          You decided to get into a flame war with me when you had nothing to do with my and Phantom's argument.

          Personally I have never called someone a "" I did not even know; actually I consider myself considerably above such trash talk with anyone, let alone a stranger.

          Do I expect the promised apology ... from a man who betrayed a confidential business discussion ... obviously no.

          I have been sports betting for 30 years, and I too have friends in the business, both in Vegas and offshore. Two book managers have already called me to express utter disbelief in your betrayal of Spiro at Olympic.

          They know the rumors this will start, since (a) books aren't ususally sold unless there are financial problems (e.g., Majestic and many many others disasters ...); (b) you would not have brought an Australian all the way to Jamaica if Spiro had not expressed serious interest in selling Olympic, and (c) with Spiro rumored to have lost $4 mil last year in baseball some might reasonably question his solvency.

          You had to insult me and I had done absolutely nothing to you - in your irrational rage you have caused an injury to Spiro and Olympic that.

          You cannot imagine (yet) the harm you have done to yourself professionally ...

          Hope your childish insult was worth it ...

          I could chose to ignore this like you and I truly am getting tired of this.
          I said UNPROVOKED.
          I found your snide remark about the twenty cent line offensive.
          I was addressing Reno and you broke the mood.
          How utterly uncouth!!!


          • #35
            ZZzzzzz . . . . .


            • #36
              For those that do not remember (and are not asleep) this was the very "first exchange" between Reality and MLS:

              REALITY for Reno:

              I've been asked to extend an invitation to you by that gentleman at CRIS whose FIRST and LAST name you put in one of your posts.

              All is forgiven,no hard feelings,we welcome all baseball scalpers at CRIS.

              MLS then posted:
              With a 20 cent baseball line I guess so ...

              Uncouth ... to point the fact you conveniently overlooked - why wouldn't any book with a 20 cent baseball wants all the suckers, oops I mean customers, they can get.

              You really do not have a clue do you ...

              Your "" retort was an irrational over-reaction and simply began to evidence a character and personality which is now all too clear.

              And now you cry, "I didn't do anything to MLS(whimper). Mean old MLS attacks me without provocation (whimper)."

              Maybe in your circles a "bitch" is a term of endearment - I read somewhere it is in prison ... But in the straight normal world calling someone a bitch is a serious personal attack.

              By all means, continue to call anyone who disagrees ever so slightly with you a "bitch." Anything else would be out of character for you ...


              • #37
                Originally posted by irish:
                Most interesting Reality.How about more stuff like this and this forum will start to sound like a bettors stock-market rather than little girls schoolyard...p.s Whats your oppinion on watching line-moves in bases from a bettors standpoint,How do you seperate the wheat from the chaff so to speak.....Sincerely d.f
                I assume you are watching the moves on a premium Don Best feed.
                I suggest you set up your casino rotation in this order:

                20 cent books


                10 cent books


                Make yourself a spread sheet making sure you have enough columns to continually update while your sitting during your regular session.

                Mark the opening line in red it will be easier on your eyes and help you identify the point where the line opened in case you have to make a snap judgement.

                The 20 cent books are an excellent tell in the case of dog plays,because lets face it that is the only place where it is of value to the WISEGUYS.

                When you see the 20 cent books getting picked off that should alert you to a possible impending move.

                Train your eye to spot out of the norm numbers being picked off,even though the MOVERS want to wipe out the market place all at once they do use BEARDS pick off numbers that are to good to pass up.

                Delmar is an excellent out to confirm the STEAM PLAYS his line is usually exagerated to get on the side.

                I wish you the LUCK OF THE IRISH as I am leaving this hallowed forum after conversing with THE DEVIL and an IRISH man.


                • #38
                  To mls and the people that use this forum.

                  I want everyone to know, I enjoy this forum and read the postings here on a daily basis. I'm often entertained and many times I have the urge to post but, I usually decline unless the situation concerns me or the company.

                  I have two points, and I will try to make them short and sweet. Please do not be insulted by my short reply because at this point I have been working close to 20 hours striaght and I'm sure Reality would take the over for the limit.

                  My first point-- Reality's credentials are above and beyond most people. I know (mls) you probably did not know this but I thought maybe I could help put an end to your attempt to attack his character and knowledge of the business. You refer to him as a $4 dollar an hour clerk but the truth is I would hire this gentelman in a heartbeat if I could afford him. His talent and knowledge is sought after by many people in the industry. That is a far as I'm going to go with that because I'm exhausted...

                  My second point---You attack him for being a consultant and for his breach in confidentiality. I have news for you, he has given our company advice and if he could find the right buyer with the right price I would sell. Selling is not a weakness sometime it is a business decision. (Just like going to a twenty cent line in baseball.) I remember when the Japanese bought up prime real estate in the 80's and they definitely took the worst of it. Many people in this industry want to know what their comapny is worth. I ask, what better way to find out than to find a potential buyer.

                  John Melton


                  • #39
                    Problem is, it really doesn't matter which of these two guys have the biggest one. This flame war is a grave disservice to the Bettorsworld posters.


                    • #40
                      John Melton ...

                      I do not know you from Adam.

                      As far as Reality I have already explained how and why he started this flame war. I politely questioned your 20 baseball line and he jumps up screaming "Bitch" like a street corner hooker.

                      And like an irrational street hooker he screamed out some very interesting confidential inside information about Olympic. An ideal employee ... right ...

                      Not that I'm not saying that a few hookers around a book might not brighten things up ... I just would not trust anyone who acts or talks like one on my payroll.

                      Every single book that went broke and stiffed its customers tried to sell out first. Of course, this is not true of every sale (although you know that Sting reported that had ABC/CRIS not bought Majestic we would have seen bouncing checks everywhere).

                      People simply do not "usually" sell successful relatively new companies unless they are having serious financial problems. You should know this from Majestic.

                      Bet-the-Net had 3-4 sales fall through before it stiffed me for 13 dimes and everyone else.

                      There are financially solid reasons for selling a book. But when a book that has just admitted losing $4 in baseball, admitted getting hit hard with high limit half time and opening numbers (13 points of for the NCAA championship game as I recall), gets crushed on the Super Bowl, is trying to find a buyer ... well you get the idea.

                      These are all red flags. I did not pay attention to these very signs in the Bet-the-Net case and paid dearly.

                      Reality revealed confidential inside information that made all the pieces fall into place for me. I have seen the exact same signs before Bet-the-Net went under.

                      Once again I appreciate the confidential information Reality revealed. Maybe he saved me from another bet-the-Net fiasco ..


                      • #41
                        I am not a genius,but for common-sense sake,guys please let this guy(REALITY) just type what he is willing to share of his knowledge in this business.It appears to me he has alot more experience than most and although maybe rough around the edges he is willing to give serious advice.Thankyou for your help REALITY.......Sincerely D.F

