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  • #16
    Originally posted by mls:
    Ah what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive ...

    Your stories seem to be developing cracks ...

    So this big negotiation you did for your personal friend Spiro was: "Want is sell? No."

    Lets see now, either you lied about Spiro all together (my vote) or you tried to deceive everyone as to your importance (your vote).

    No question about it, you are a monument of turth and integrity (in your own eyes) ...
    One question when Spiro reads this and has the time to make the post I know he will ,are you going to post a reply or just ignore the post's you can't defend like you always do.
    I delivered the interested party to Spiro's doorstep in Jamaica with the reccomendation that this would be an outstanding business to buy if he could make Spiro an offer that peeked his interest.
    Spiro at my request was kind enough to speak to the interested party.
    The business was not up for sale and the gentleman could not make Spiro an offer to induce him to sell.
    Any questions?


    • #17
      Originally posted by Casablanca:
      MLS and Mad Dog

      I really shy away from getting involved in these type of posts. Most of the time I respond it is only to a question or concern from a customer.

      However, I have to say that REALITY is highly regarded in this industry for his professionalism and overall knowledge.

      At a time when Casablanca was starting to enter into the post-up business two years ago it was this knowledge and professionalism that drove us to inquire about his services and in the end hire him as a consultant.

      I am not sure of your experience in the gaming industry (bettor or bookmaker) but I can honestly say that to refer to this man as a $4 clerk is perhaps one of the largest injustices I have ever seen. I consider myself extremely knowledgeable and experienced in this business and I would recommend him to any other operator looking for someone with experience from both sides of the floor.

      I have read everything he has posted and I feel his posts have been extremely informative. If you disagree with something he has said then post it here so the forum can debate over it.

      When someone works for you and does a great job most companies are more than happy to let you use them as a reference. REALITY did just this and is welcome to divulge it whenever he wants to.

      Thanks for your time

      Dave Johnson
      Casablanca Sportsbook
      [email protected]

      Dear Dave,
      Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to make this post on my behalf.
      All the best to you and CASABLANCA in baseball and all seasons.


      • #18
        I have a friend with a financially struggling sports book.

        Maybe Reality could help him find a buyer ...

        Of course, integrity, character, and above all CONFIDENTIALITY are essential ...

        Oops, never mind Reality ...


        • #19
          Originally posted by mls:
          I have a friend with a financially struggling sports book.

          Maybe Reality could help him find a buyer ...

          Of course, integrity, character, and above all CONFIDENTIALITY are essential ...

          Oops, never mind Reality ...


          • #20
            As for Casablanca ...

            A true professional does not post numerous "f..k you" "bitch ..." etc etc.

            Reality's posts read like exactly what I would expect from a $4/hr clerk wannabe ...

            He started this flame war simply because he is a jerk and has nothing better to do with his time - his motives and language define his true character.

            He has certainly embarrassed Spiro and revealed confidential information in a sensitive industry.

            I have no doubt you admire his gambling advice since anyone who follows such advice is going to lose big.

            "Reality" may not be much of a sports betting professional, he may be utterly lacking in class and character, but he is certainly quite a con man ...


            • #21
              Originally posted by mls:
              As for Casablanca ...

              A true professional does not post numerous "f..k you" "bitch ..." etc etc.

              Reality's posts read like exactly what I would expect from a $4/hr clerk wannabe ...

              He started this flame war simply because he is a jerk and has nothing better to do with his time - his motives and language define his true character.

              He has certainly embarrassed Spiro and revealed confidential information in a sensitive industry.

              I have no doubt you admire his gambling advice since anyone who follows such advice is going to lose big.

              "Reality" may not be much of a sports betting professional, he may be utterly lacking in class and character, but he is certainly quite a con man ...
              Have you no shame?
              Aren't you embarrased?
              You didn't address one point in any of your posts,now your hiding behind the Amy Vanderbilt manners defense.
              I only gave you that treatment because that's what you deserve.
              I try help answer some of CK's questions and you brand me a know nothing know it all.
              In other words i should take the same intellectual beating the PHANTHOM gave you.
              I don't think so.
              Homey don't play that game...


              • #22
                Originally posted by Mad Dog:

                One of your posts above really disturbs me. I myself do consulting work and depending on the type of work I'm doing, I am required to sign a confidentiality agreement. I'm pretty sure that logging on to a posting forum and telling the public about any work I did for that company or others involved would be a breach of that contract.

                Regardless of whether the sports book in question made you sign anything, you going on this board and telling everybody that they were almost bought by a "prominent Australian outfit" is RIDICULOUS!!!

                You may be the greatest gambler/bookmaker in the world (I really don't care), but please don't call yourself a consultant.

                Needless to say Jeff, his post should be edited.

                [This message has been edited by Mad Dog (edited 05-01-2000).]
                MAD DOG,
                Feel free to jump in here as soon as you get that e-mail from MLS....


                • #23
                  Reality .. haven't you taken enough ...

                  You are branded as an uncouth wannabe with a street corner hooker's foul mouth and the character and integrity of an alley cat.

                  You plastered confidential information all over the internet and anyone in the future would be crazy to trust or rely upon you.

                  Well done ...


                  • #24
                    Come on, you two. Get on the phone or something, and give the rest of us a break.


                    • #25
                      Can't help it but jump in here for a quicky.

                      Anyone that knows anything about this business knows Casablanca as a very respected book. I know even your friend Boomer can verify to this. So insulting his inteligence is like hitting yourself in the face cause you are the only one that looks like a wannabe gambler. I am sure you have been in the business for a while so you must truely understand that if Casablanca says that this guys is legit and calling him a $4/h wannabe clerk is like calling Donald Trump a wannabe business man, then it means this guy is legit, period. Please don;t let your personal issues with Reality and me get in the way of your thinking, that will only make us look better.

                      You know what I find funny here, you defended Reno for posting names in here because it was information, and then you try to kill Reality for saying somebody wanted to buy Olympic but Olimpic wouldn't sell.

                      Well what is it? For information or against? Or do we play both sides depending on who says what? Comon MLS a man should stand his ground, you can't change your beliefs just becasue you saw an opportunity to post something against Reality that as always doesn't deal with the point he tried to make and try to come out as a knowledgable bettor.

                      The Phantom


                      • #26
                        REALITY, I know a lot of people here are pros and work in the business and blah, blah blah....and that's great for me because I'm just Joe Q. Public bettor who enjoys picking up bits of information here and there and listening to what the big boys have to teach me.

                        But I have to ask myself, what is the purpose of this thread? How is all of your experience and knowledge helping me here?
                        It isn't. This is all just an immature rant against some guy who got under your skin for some unknown reason.

                        If you're such a big shot pro who forgot more than we'll ever know and yadda yadda yadda...why are you acting like some petty schoolyard bully bound and determined to humiliate someone you don't like?

                        I must say I'm disgusted with CASABLANCA for endorsing your small minded attack and I sincerely doubt we'll be hearing from Spiro who is far too decent a man to involve himself in this type of slime.....and for that matter, if you're as wonderful as you say you are (which is seldom the case with people who make such a claim) I think you'll soon realize this is all beneath you as well.

                        Do you know more about gambling than me? Yes. Do you know more about gambling than MLS? Probably. Are you a better person than he is? I doubt it.

                        I truly enjoyed your post yesterday on the weakness of the halftime line. How about we stick to stuff like that?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Bob:
                          REALITY, I know a lot of people here are pros and work in the business and blah, blah blah....and that's great for me because I'm just Joe Q. Public bettor who enjoys picking up bits of information here and there and listening to what the big boys have to teach me.

                          But I have to ask myself, what is the purpose of this thread? How is all of your experience and knowledge helping me here?
                          It isn't. This is all just an immature rant against some guy who got under your skin for some unknown reason.

                          If you're such a big shot pro who forgot more than we'll ever know and yadda yadda yadda...why are you acting like some petty schoolyard bully bound and determined to humiliate someone you don't like?

                          I must say I'm disgusted with CASABLANCA for endorsing your small minded attack and I sincerely doubt we'll be hearing from Spiro who is far too decent a man to involve himself in this type of slime.....and for that matter, if you're as wonderful as you say you are (which is seldom the case with people who make such a claim) I think you'll soon realize this is all beneath you as well.

                          Do you know more about gambling than me? Yes. Do you know more about gambling than MLS? Probably. Are you a better person than he is? I doubt it.

                          I truly enjoyed your post yesterday on the weakness of the halftime line. How about we stick to stuff like that?
                          If you read the posts,I came in here to offer some kind of perspective from the other side of the counter.
                          I never came on like I was the end of the world until I was put on the spot.
                          If you can show me one unprovoked nasty,self serving statement that I made I will thank you and post an apology to whoever I made it.
                          I have no agenda here,I made a bet with a friend of mine that i believed the readers of this forum would welcome an insiders view of this business.
                          It appears I was wrong.


                          • #28

                            I would like to hear exactly what kind of consulting work you do. Do you help them with systems, hardware, software. Also in your vast experience what software do you consider the best available for sportsbooks to use. Lance posted he thought Monty was the best bookie out there do you agree or will you give another name. Share some of that knowledge and lets forget about the pitty patter bs.

                            THE DEVIL


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by thedevil:

                              I would like to hear exactly what kind of consulting work you do. Do you help them with systems, hardware, software. Also in your vast experience what software do you consider the best available for sportsbooks to use. Lance posted he thought Monty was the best bookie out there do you agree or will you give another name. Share some of that knowledge and lets forget about the pitty patter bs.

                              THE DEVIL
                              I'll make you likely my last post because this was what I had in mind when I decided to enter this forum.
                              I have next to no computer expertise,I am lucky I can log on to get my mail.
                              I go into an operation and see where they are weak in the wagering department.
                              I analyze the key employees in the wagering department and make my recomendations.
                              I also put certain daily systems in place to regiment the wagering depatments daily operation.
                              I discuss with the operations bm my take on what he is doing and make suggestions accordingly.
                              I analyze the customer base and recommend certain actions to be taken in regards to their play.
                              I am a BM first and foremost and i do the consulting work mostly on a special request basis.
                              Monty is a friend of mine and he is an outstanding BM.
                              To show you how outstanding he is I'll give you an example.
                              The line that moves the least is the best.
                              Most bm's will say no then there is no juice.
                              That's not true.
                              In a perfect world a bm would open 5 mins. to game time with a line that never moves the closing line.
                              We assume the closing line is the strongest line because it has been hammered out all day.
                              Consider this if you knew where the line would close and you could book all your action at that number you would not be open for sides or middles and you would be booking all your action at the best number for the house the closing number.
                              If your line opens-1 then moves in 1/2 point increments with each move the exposure becomes greater and your chances for profitablity in this event become smaller because of this exposure.
                              With that in mind I made a bet with a friend of mine during the ncaa's I bet on Monte and my friend bet on another excellent bm.
                              To make it even more interesting we did during half-times only the toughest props to book.(see my Dunes post regarding interactive betting).
                              We assigned a value of 1 to each 1/2 point move in the side and total.
                              Whoever has the lowest number had the strongest number.
                              Monte won hands down in the toughest arena there is half-times.
                              In my opinion the three best bm's are Monty,Spiro of Olympic and the gentleman at Grande.
                              I have a particular area of expertise I read a Don Best like you would read a book.
                              In the morning when I post opening numbers and I am looking at an equal amount of 2.5 and 3's on game and the game closes 4.
                              I'll probably open you at 3 80% of the time.
                              Do you know how strong that is and what that can mean to your bottom line ,especially this year one of the worst years in recent memory in baskets.
                              This was what I originally planned on posting when I started.
                              Thank you Devil ,for the opportunity to begin and end a 2 day posting career on a positive note.This certainly was to paraphrase the Grateful Dead song a long strange trip.
                              Good Luck...


                              • #30
                                Well now Reality, you told Bob:

                                "If you can show me one unprovoked nasty, self serving statement that I made I will thank you and post an apology to whoever I made it."

                                Here it is:


                                Welcome back.
                                You finally woken up from that B-ITCH SLAPPING you took from the PHANTHOM."

                                You decided to get into a flame war with me when you had nothing to do with my and Phantom's argument.

                                Personally I have never called someone a "" I did not even know; actually I consider myself considerably above such trash talk with anyone, let alone a stranger.

                                Do I expect the promised apology ... from a man who betrayed a confidential business discussion ... obviously no.

                                I have been sports betting for 30 years, and I too have friends in the business, both in Vegas and offshore. Two book managers have already called me to express utter disbelief in your betrayal of Spiro at Olympic.

                                They know the rumors this will start, since (a) books aren't ususally sold unless there are financial problems (e.g., Majestic and many many others disasters ...); (b) you would not have brought an Australian all the way to Jamaica if Spiro had not expressed serious interest in selling Olympic, and (c) with Spiro rumored to have lost $4 mil last year in baseball some might reasonably question his solvency.

                                You had to insult me and I had done absolutely nothing to you - in your irrational rage you have caused an injury to Spiro and Olympic that.

                                You cannot imagine (yet) the harm you have done to yourself professionally ...

                                Hope your childish insult was worth it ...

