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    I've been asked to extend an invitation to you by that gentleman at CRIS whose FIRST and LAST name you put in one of your posts.

    All is forgiven,no hard feelings,we welcome all baseball scalpers at CRIS.

    This is a sincere invitation that was issued over pork chops and chicken prepared by one of Las Vegas'premier BBQ chefs WOODY WEST.

    I kid you not........

  • #2
    With a 20 cent baseball line I guess so ...


    • #3
      Originally posted by mls:
      With a 20 cent baseball line I guess so ...

      Welcome back.
      You finally woken up from that B-ITCH SLAPPING you took from the PHANTHOM.


      • #4
        Actually, the 20 cent issue is an interesting I mentioned when all this started, a true wiseguy wouldn't pull out of CRIS simply because they have a 20 cent line. A true wiseguy needs solid outs with opportunity.

        Case in point,(true example) every book out there has a game -120 just before gametime. CRIS goes to -145....take back +125.......opportunity. Doesn't matter if it's a 40 cent line if the numbers are right.


        • #5

          An extremely astute observation...


          • #6
            Occasionally - very rarely - CRIS will have such an extreme buy-back price just before a game goes off.

            In watching the Don Best screen you might see 1 or 2 such instances a week. But by the time you called in either the game has started or they had already moved the line back to "normal."

            For every such "good" price at CRIS you will find 20 better lines at any of the dime line books. My ratio of CRIS-Skybook baseball bets is probably over 1-20 since the CRIS line is almost always worse regardless the side I like.

            Only "astute" bettors like Reality bet into a 20 cent baeball line.


            • #7
              Originally posted by mls:
              Occasionally - very rarely - CRIS will have such an extreme buy-back price just before a game goes off.

              In watching the Don Best screen you might see 1 or 2 such instances a week. But by the time you called in either the game has started or they had already moved the line back to "normal."

              For every such "good" price at CRIS you will find 20 better lines at any of the dime line books. My ratio of CRIS-Skybook baseball bets is probably over 1-20 since the CRIS line is almost always worse regardless the side I like.

              Only "astute" bettors like Reality bet into a 20 cent baeball line.

              You have outdone yourself with this gem.
              Thank you for enlightening the readers of B.W. that there is more advantage to betting into a dime line than a twenty cent line.
              I see your still suffering for the effects of the PHANTHOM K.O. your like a child reluctant to get back on a horse after your thrown,you show no stomach to hop back in the ring to defend youself in the PATHETIC MLS post.
              Keep posting those two sentence brown nose posts,maybe we'll ask the readers of B.W. to weigh in on this,MLS SEZ REALITY must go.
              I guess your not bright enough to realize I'm on the other side of the counter.
              What I suggest you do is the following, although I take issue with Reno on a certain subject I have no problem giving him his due in public.
              I don't expect Reno to come forward here and publicly say, believe me REALITY knows what he's talking about.
              E-mail him in private and see what he has to say.


              • #8
                The problem with posters like Reality is that novice readers might actually think he knows what he is talking about.

                His advice on how to wger on sports successfully is "pick winners and manage your money." I did not know it was that easy ... I guess everyone, armed with these secrets, can get rich quick betting on sports ....

                "His" secrets and advice on gabmling are right out of the first gambling books I read over 30 years ago.

                90% of new gamblers know these simple rules and still lose - because they too are 30 years behind the times.

                There are numerous new betting weapons in the professionals arsenal ... which every pro here knows and of which Reality obviously has no clue.

                It is about keeping up with the times. Reality advocates betting into the 20 cent line at CRIS - and yes, while very very rare opportunities may arise, it is simply a waste of valuable time, which could be used to find 10 times as many good plays elsewhere.

                Reality has no idea how or why anyone would use the betting-in-progress now offered by the Dunes. Yet the real pros, like Boomer, are already using it to their advantage.

                My problem with Reality is that he portrays himself as a pro or someone qualified to teach - he is not.

                If Reno or Boomer or any of the other pros most of us know here post advice I listen very very closely. When wannabes like Reality start giving advice I fear for the novice reader ...


                • #9
                  MLS, often when a male repeatedly speaks in an arrogant, yet implicitly defensive tone, they are suffering from a severe complex as it pertains to their sexuality and/or manhood. This is the most common profile of a one who must always - figuratively speaking - compare ***** size.

                  I personally would feel awful if I had ever exposed such embarrassing tendencies in a public forum. Thankfully, I have a grip on what's important and reality (not you, Reality).

                  But don't worry; you are ostensibly not alone.


                  p.s. Ultimately, however, I enjoy your unraveling, and await your reply .


                  • #10
                    Gooden ... sounds like you were listening all those years on the couch ...


                    • #11
                      couchtime ain't cheap



                      • #12
                        Oh my God!

                        Just what the readers of B.W. needs another pseudo-intellectual.

                        Readers weigh in MLS and nurse Goodhead say we can't stand REALITY it even overcomes our overdoses of lithium and prosac.

                        I posted despite the warnings of a friend of mine who advised against it.

                        I truly thought a professional insight might outweigh the petty personalities, it appears I may be wrong.

                        I have zero typing skills as you can see by how long it takes me to reply,there is absolutely no upside in me posting here.

                        I just hate seeing so much incorrect information being posted without question.

                        It's ELECTION DAY IN B.W.

                        MLS and NURSE GOODHEAD say we can't deal with REALITY...

                        Don't feel bad boys sometimes even adults have trouble dealing with REALITY...


                        • #13
                          I'm confused! What is the point of this thread?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by intheknow:
                            I'm confused! What is the point of this thread?
                            Check out the PHANTHOM posts during the last 5 days.


                            • #15
                              I have read them, it's about the only active threads in the forum. I was just wondering if there was some point to all of this back biting. No one is backing down and this could go on forever.

