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Picks my butt!!

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  • Picks my butt!!

    Being a newcomer to this forum. Something really picks my butt. Why is it that when there is a newcomer that has some innocent questions regarding sports betting that you have to put them down.
    Are sportsbettors in this forum that tightassed that they have to resort to this.
    Participating in this forum gives me the necessary information from a range of topics. And it gives me the opportunity to asks questions to the players that know!!
    So everyone just take it easy and try to benefit one another!!


  • #2

    I agree that many of the members of this forum are not very “welcoming” toward new posters or toward questions they perceive as naïve. A common attitude seems to be: “Check the archives, and if you can’t find what you’re looking for there, tough. Anybody we accept as one of us, anybody who’s worth communicating with, would already know all the answers to the kind of questions you’re asking. We certainly can’t be bothered to school some newbie.” I cringed when I saw some of your early posts, because I anticipated that people would not respond favorably, that they would either ignore you or criticize you. I’d love to see substantive, informative exchanges on some of the topics you’ve raised, but I don’t have high hopes.

    So a lot of the lack of receptiveness to your posts is just due to arrogance, and due to the fact that it’s easy and tempting for some people to be surly and negative when they’re posting anonymously to a forum like this. But allow me to suggest other possible reasons you are not getting more and better responses to your questions:

    1. People realize you might be a phony. “Ip police” has suggested in another thread that you are not whom you claim to be, though he hasn’t been very specific in his accusations or offered any evidence. No one wants to offer up information that might be useful to a book trying to profile them, a tax collector, etc. People engaged in illegal activities tend to have a generalized reluctance to say anything about it to a stranger that might leave them in any way vulnerable.

    2. Some of your questions pertain to becoming a more skilled sports bettor. Frankly, most of the people here would prefer that not happen. Many Bettorsworld members own books, work for books, or have some connection with books, and they will get more of your money in the long run if you bet stupidly. Even your fellow bettors are indirectly better off if you lose. You are not directly betting against them, but indirectly you are in competition with them. They want the books to be prosperous and to have the ability to always cover withdrawals, offer bonuses, offer reduced vig and other promotions, etc. They don’t want other bettors wising up and beating the books’ brains out, thereby leaving less money for them. So they prefer to keep their “secrets to success” to themselves.

    3. There are people who probably wouldn’t mind giving you a little information here and there, but they’re reluctant to start down a slippery slope. Sports betting is such a broad and open-ended subject that any question of yours that they answer will give rise to two new ones from you. Rather than get sucked into providing a very time-consuming online tutorial, they prefer not to bother starting down that road at all. Awhile back, for instance, I received a helpful, intelligent response from Reno to a question about sports betting strategy that I raised. But I purposely held back from jumping in with too many follow-up questions. I didn’t want him to regret his initial helpful gesture and to wonder if I’d ever shut up. There is an enormous amount I could learn from Boomer, Reno, and some of the other Bettorsworld veterans, but I try to be sensitive to not exploiting their expertise and good nature by bombarding them with too frequent questions.

    4. Many people don’t feel fully qualified to give accurate reliable answers to all your questions. I would put myself in that category. I’m maybe one level above the purely recreational bettor, the “square.” I’m above even for my sportsbetting career, which I consider pretty darn good, given the vig we’re battling against. But there are many, many members of Bettorsworld who have a lot more experience and knowledge than me, and who have had a great deal more success at sportsbetting. A lot of the questions you’re asking about terminology and concepts and such are things that I have a general idea what they mean, but some of it I would just be taking educated guesses. Many of us are reluctant to jump in with answers of only probable accuracy when there are so many other members out there who could give you definitive answers if they chose. Part of that’s due to the fact that we know we’ll get our heads bitten off if we misstep. The one thing you can guarantee about Bettorsworld is that if the second most knowledgeable sports bettor in the world offers an opinion about something, the only more knowledgeable one will jump in to tell him how wildly wrong he is and what a moron and a fake he is.

    5. I suppose some might say that some of your posts are not directly relevant to this forum. This is supposed to be "rants” and “raves” about offshore sports betting establishments specifically. Questions about middling strategy and such are not, strictly speaking, a rant or a rave about an offshore sports book.

    These, at least, are some of my best guesses as to why new posters like yourself who come in full of questions about sports betting tend not to be well received. As for me, if your questions are sincere and you are not playing some game with us, I have no problem with your posts. I’d prefer to see the members of this forum be more receptive to getting into the kinds of exchanges of information that you’re trying to initiate. Good luck.


    • #3
      If someone asks a specific question pertaining to sportsbetting, I'm sure that a number of BW members would chime in. However, because CK's questions are general, my sense is that it is best for him to first read the BW archives and some books on sportsbetting. Then, he can ask more pointed questions in this forum.

      Also, people get tired of answering the same questions again and again. And why do so when you have archives? For example, in one of my "Las Vegas Is Not Disneyland Posts,"
      I summarized the basics of sportsbetting. Why do it again?


      • #4
        zippy, welcome to the rhomboid club


        • #5
          Thanks for all the info.
          Now I know where I stand in this forum. If it wasn't for you. I would still be blabbing about topics that have been brought up way too many times in this forum.
          But, I guess American sportsbettors are a bit more paranoid and egotistical than Canadians!!


          • #6
            picks my butt.. thats pretty they say that in Canada alot?


            • #7
              Very very well said zippy ... like it or not the truth.


              • #8
                In Canada, we say alot of things that the Americans view as strange, like eh?
                But I can't put it eloquently enough about the attitude and paranoia in this forum.


                • #9

                  In response to the below quote from an above post of yours:

                  >>"I guess American sportsbettors are a bit more paranoid and egotistical than Canadians"<<

                  What I suggest is go to the friendlier, less paranoid Canadian gambling forums on the internet. Gambling theories are no different up there unless your Canadian brethren rudely blew you off and drove you south of the border for your answers.

                  I honestly think you were given a lot of attention and respect with answers to questions that really should be aquired from anyone of many books that can be purchased very reasonably from Gamblers Book Club in Las Vegas or any good Canadian book store. Your really taking a severe shortcut to gambling proficiency by tossing out isolated "Gambling 101" questions here. After digesting all you can read, the most important phase of understanding gambling come into play and that is the part we in a America call "PAYING YOUR DUES"! And like most of us along the way -----man will you pay. However---that is how you learn.

                  I think some intelligent gamblers on this forum donated some of their very valuable time to you, showed patience and friendly understanding. Thats a hell of a lot more than I ever got when driving through Montreal.



                  • #10
                    Dot Mix,
                    If you read my other posts. I did thank the necessary people that responded to my questions. When I stated that there are alot of "posters" here that are paranoid and egotistical, that was the impression that I got.
                    As for me paying my dues. As I stated before, I am a recreational gambler. I bet on games to provide a bit more entertainment value when I watch it. But at the same time, I want to get some more experience on increasing my chances of winning bets.
                    You have to understand one thing. The sports lotteries in Canada are absolutely brutal in that they don't offer straight bets. The only way to win is basically winning on a three team parlay.
                    So now you know why I switched to offshore sportsbooks.


                    • #11
                      ck---don't get so paranoid man.

                      I made a suggestion to you regarding pertinent reading material that you should take some of your free time to digest, evaluate and gather different ideas and philosphies of gambling. Not all to be taken as the gospel, but opinions on basic gambling theories. Gambling is certainly nowhere near an exact science, but has certain rudiments or basic concepts that are the foundations for successful sports gambling. Once these are understood, digested and weighted----successful gambling then becomes an art. Until you take the time to learn these rudiments and basic theories you may as well hitch your hopes up to one of the good handicappers on the various "post your picks" forums or a good service.

                      As someone else pointed out---gamblers who learned the hard way by reading, absorbing, watching and paying may have little desire or patience to come forth and respond to a question and answer segment on a forum devoted to evaluating the gambling "scene" rather than teaching novice gamblers the rudiments of gambling. You have every right to ask questions and maybe BW should set up a "gambling 101" forum to help new bettors understand what their up against. I'm sure certain "oldsters' would be thrilled to help out, but this particular forum is not really the designated place.

                      Wishin you well....Dot


                      • #12

                        speaking from experience, and I am not a professional/wiseguy/alien, or whatever,

                        the ONLY way to get better, is to read a lot, plus have a good statistical understanding


                        • #13
                          Aussie Vamp

                          Being from down under sort of makes you an alien. Thats so far away from most of us that you may as well be in outer space

                          Remembering my old globe...Dot

