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Reno part II

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  • Reno part II


    His name was already posted, that is public knowledge. As his friend a man you claimed to truly love and respect you should have been outraged as this post does nothing to serve the readers of this forum. Instead you go on to outline the man's history for the last 15 years. Why don't you just volunteer to testify against him?

    Did it ever occur to you that with all the sensitive information you dispense here that law enforcement might want to know who you are? All this just so that you can enhance your image here with the novice readers.

    The real people in this business, the readers here who are truly in the know can't believe your total disregard for anyone but you. These posts serve no purpose here but the glorification of Reno and his vast experiences with the inner workings of professional gambling. In the future take a minute to think is anybody going to be hurt by me posting what I know about somebody or some situation, and if so will the readers of these posts derive more benefit than the harm that some person might suffer. You are an interesting and articulate person please take this post in the spirit it was written. Looking forward to reading your future posts.

  • #2
    Back up to top a la mack for boomer in All Action Sport Posts!


    • #3
      Phantom, nothing I said isn't already well known by innumerable people, including the Feds and the Nevada Gaming Control Board, which collaborated on the bust. I disagree with you about the information I dispensed being "sensitive" The bust had been in the planning stages for nearly four years, and phones had been tapped.


      • #4

        You are forgeting that Reno knows the people involved. Reno is not stupid and would not have said anything if he thought it would hurt them! Reno would help them if needed. This is the type of person Reno is. Reno for the most part gets both sides of a story before opening his mouth. This is why people respect him. THE PLAYERS WHO GOT BUSTED ARE VERY GOOD PEOPLE. Once again the people who got busted have been betting sports for years! They also bet their own plays too. This is not Illegal!

        I'm 100% percent against anyone using names if all they want to do is harm them and Get them into legal problems. I'm sure saying his name anywhere is not going to help or hurt him at this point in time! THE POLICE HAVE THEIR NAMES *******.

        I mean what's your point?

        This whole thing is getting out of hand. These goverment employees are thiefs.


        • #5
          One more thing. The Casino's would have had to be behind this wouldn't you think. Police just don't go into a casino and bust players without the Casino's helping them. If the Casino's cared about these PLAYERS the goverment could not have touched them in a Casino, right?


          • #6
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