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Skybook & Don Best

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  • Skybook & Don Best

    I talked to Lance (one of the owners of Skybook) today and he said that Skybook is going back on the Don Best screen starting tomorrow.

  • #2
    Great news IMO.

    And thanks to Don Best for reconsidering the wishes of his customers.


    • #3
      It wouldn't bother me if they stay off the screen. It was more work but I was getting better numbers.


      • #4
        ShiftySheik, I agree 100%. Obviously they weren't getting the buyback from being on Feist, or they wouldn't return to Don Best. On SportsTracker, there was little competition for their juicy numbers, so it was scalper's paradise for me. Tomorrow, it is back to reality.


        • #5

          Actually, it sounds like Skybook "reconsidered", but I agree that it is great news.

          Maybe all your vitriolic comments about Don Best will cease now.

          BTW- whats going on with instantodds these days?


          • #6

            You spent so much time bashing Don Best and praising instantodds and sportstracker...remember your quote "LONG LIVE INSTANTODDS"?

            So, I ask again, what is going on with Instantodds? Not long ago, you posted over and over again shouting your love for this fledgling service. You even included responses by Lou to various naysayers, in YOUR posts. So you obviously have a lot invested emotionally.

            Also, your rabid love for Skybook is well-documented. This may yet prove to be a costly allegiance for you.

            What do you make of Skybook dropping Sportstracker in order to go back to Don Best? You are strangely silent on this issue. It seems to me like Don Best has always wanted Skybook on their feed as long as they lived up to their agreement. It was Skybook that chose to 'test the waters' and then came back...because it benefited THEM.

            In this thread alone, Reno and Shiftysheik stated that they didn't care one way or another if Skybook stayed on the screen. In fact, now that I think about it, MLS is one of about 2 people that really cared if Skybook was on DB or not.

            Reno and Sheik are not alone , believe me. Not by a long shot.

            I don't know what your agenda is in continually bashing Don Best and sucking up to Skybook, and if you find a free feed service that delivers, godblessya, but you sure start to sound silly after a while....


            • #7
              With your tone I would not stop and talk to you on the street.

              Why in the world would I want to talk to you here ...


              • #8


                • #9
                  Scotty - feel free to respond to every nut looking for a flame war ...

                  I just don't have the time ... sorry.


                  • #10

                    Yes, MLS, I am straight out of Whispering Winds mental home. It was a lot of fun, but now i'm out and looking for a 'flame war'. You are quite amusing.

                    Your type likes to spout off without rebuke. That's ok, that's natural.

                    'Flame war' huh? Here are some recent quotes by MLS, Mr. "above it all":

                    "what a terrible business decision by Don Best" (you are the expert)

                    "to drop the most important BB book at the beginning of BB season is business idiocy" (looks like leaving the feed was business idiocy)

                    "Ayce can't be from America....I can rarely understand what he is saying" (classy)

                    "Thanks again Don Best for screwing up everything" (screwing up what?)

                    "JR44-obviously you don't play bases" (I would bet that JR44 has forgotten more about baseball than you have learned)

                    That was just from the first few threads that I looked back on.

                    So, perhaps you wouldn't talk to me on the street and you consider me a nut, but in fact you are a classless troublemaker who hasn't a clue about much of anything.


                    • #11
                      Sad ... so sad ...


                      • #12
                        I mean sad that I have been wasting time in this forum when there have been some excellent analysis in the Bookies Hell Posting Forum!

                        The difference in intelligence of posters between this forum and the Bookies Hell Posting Forum is astonishing ...

                        OK, I admit it, I feel like a fool for wasting so much time responding to these guys ...

