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Support for Jay?

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  • Support for Jay?

    I'm suprised at the lack of responses to the request for letters supporting Jay Cohen.

    Does that mean people aren't going to do it, or they're just not talking about it?

  • #2

    I'm not suprised.

    In my humble opinion, more then half the active participants of this forum are probably fellow offshore sportsbook competitors of Jays who are not necessarily endeared to Jay or the great success of his business. They are certainly not going to give a hint of any attachment or interest to Jay by supplying their names, addresses, or even their resident sun-drenched haven to anyone, anyhow or anytime, much less someone connected with law enforcement.

    The rest of us are mostly squares who have no reason to have any interest or emotional attachment to any bookmakers for obvious reasons! Most of us view them as loud-mouth hotshots flashing big bills and expensive cars, who shut you off any how, should you you demonstrate an ability to beat them. I'm sorry---they've perpetuated their own image, and very few of us are going to make the time to help individuals who've become very wealthy people at our collective expense, and then shut you off or move the goal posts(Reno and his sign-up bonus)when ever they decide. We need places to gamble and it's our right to have them. What we also need are honest and upstanding places to conduct our business with. Unfortunately not enough are out there, and the "good ones" like Jay's are discredited by the negative consensus view of the industry.

    Jay Cohen to me is a red, white and black web-site to whom I've contributed money. There's nothing loyal, personal or inspirational about that. Do I like the site? Yes. Has it personally been kind to me or improved my life any? Not really. I'm talking facts now and talking straight.

    I admire what I read about Jay because he came back to this country to fight the charges. I am as pissed as the next person about the gov't and the politicians self-interests boldly bullying into my personal freedoms. It feels like our reasons will never prevail, so we are forced to once again skirt around the governments legal bullshat by coming up with another method of doing what we want to do. Gambling is here to stay stronger than ever with a newer, smarter computer aged demographic. The gov't should concede and adjust around it and spend their time and our tax money on
    bettering the real societal issues of much greater importance. I'm rooting for Jay, but just my opinion why lack of evident support for his situation.

    Sayin it as I feel......Dot


    • #3
      i have to disagree. people here have a tendency to act without feeling the need to post further about it.
      i do agree that there is a large number of registered sports books owners here but the vast majority are regular joes and they will come through.



      • #4
        I hope everyone is aware of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. This is the amount of time the Judge HAS to give Jay.

        What these letters and pleas of leniency may achieve is FREEDOM. The Judge has the right to put Jay in Jail until his appeal is heard. He also has the right to release him until his appeal is heard.

        If you do not want an innocent man to spend 2 or 3 years in Jail waitng for his appeal to be heard, WRITE A LETTER!!


        • #5
          I've written my letter and it will be mailed in about an hour. Wasn't much I could say, but if numbers matter----mine is another number. "BSKY" put a human touch on what this man faces and I wrote my letter.

          I sincerely hope Jay is a great person to his family, loved ones and friends. I hope Jay has been honest and fair as a person. I'm vouching for someone I don't know and am hoping he's a good person.

          Good luck...Dot


          • #6
            The more letters the better, I say. I'm not an American and I've never met Jay Cohen, but I've always felt his fight was my fight too.

            I'm an adult and I like to bet on sports and Jay Cohen has fought as hard as anyone I know to try and establish my right to do it. And he's risked more than I ever would to make his point. I consider him a genuine American hero....although I know plenty of them have done jail time too. Hopefully Jay will be spared, but if he isn't I don't want it to be because I didn't write.


            • #7
              Can't use my name because of my priors so my wife and girlfriend are both writing one each.

              THE DEVIL


              • #8
                Dot Mix - Regarding your two posts above, as well as numerous others I've had a chance to peruse, written by you - Well done and Well put. Keep up the good work.


                • #9

                  Thanks for the kind words. I may not say what all want to hear, but I try to speak with truth.



                  • #10
                    Write a letter


                    • #11

                      your wife AND girlfriend, wow you really are "thedevil" aren't ya.

                      fwiw my letter went out the other day.

                      [This message has been edited by phaedrus (edited 04-25-2000).]

