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    Everyone in the world wants to know why I do not have my money yet. I have tape recording after tape recording saved where you repeated spew out "we have the fastest payouts in the Caribbean."

    What you are is the biggest liar, fraud, charletan and thief in the Caribbean. I want my $8,608.00 now. You have been back for two days and not one action has been taken to contact me or send me my money.

    I want you to come on this site and tell the hundreds of thousands listening and watching why you choose to be a welcher and a thief. We also want to know how the government of St.Maartens can allow your criminal enterprise to operate.

    What words do you have Ray Meyers to let everyone know what sin was created by me which made you think you could steal my posted-up money and hide behind another country.

    I want my money now...tell the world what reason you may possibly have for not sending it to me tommorow.

  • #2
    boomer-i really help you get your money from that *******...


    • #3
      Well, Boomer I for one would like my 30,000 and change as well. I have been trying since 2/13/00.....No luck


      • #4
        Does anyone have the contact number for the Dutch Government on St. Maarten? By the way if you want a good laugh, you should read the "message from ray" on the Action Sports home page.


        • #5
          I have only been involved in one situation like this since I’ve been betting offshore. I don’t know how analogous it is to this case, but for what it’s worth, I’ll tell you what I did and what the outcome was.

          This was several years ago. The problem I had was with English Sports Betting. (Obviously that’ll come as no surprise to the regulars on this site.) I attempted to withdraw the money from my account (I don’t remember how much—somewhere in the four figures I’m sure) fairly late in the football season, in December I believe.

          Then ensued several weeks of dealing with what I now gather are fairly typical stall tactics. More than once they claimed they had already sent the withdrawal, but for some reason they couldn’t yet give me the tracking number. Then I was told that withdrawals are only done on certain days so I’d have to wait and call back then. Then it was, “We have a two week period at the end of every year where we do all the bookkeeping and audit all the accounts,” blah, blah, blah, “So you’ll have to call back in January.” Probably the most common tactic was simply to say that only a supervisor could deal with my problem, and unfortunately none were there at the time. Of course, by a bizarre coincidence, all the supervisors were absent every time I called (busy in a meeting, out to lunch, etc.) and they never once returned my calls. Toward the end, they often just hung up on me.

          I grew increasingly angry and heated with them on the phone the longer this went on. I threatened them with lawyers more than once, but I never followed up, because I didn’t want to have to pay somebody to probably just end up telling me they couldn’t recover my money. I threatened to contact every place I was aware of that carried their advertising (e.g., “Pro Football Weekly”) and expose them as crooks and urge them to refuse their ads in the future. This one I actually did intend to follow through with, but the situation was resolved before I did.

          One thing I did do was to call the local government (they were in Jamaica if memory serves me) and to inquire about who regulates them or what laws they might be breaking by cheating their customers. Eventually I was given the name of a Senator So-and-So, and told that writing to him was my best option. I know in a lot of these countries there’s little or no regulation of the books, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to let the government know what these people were pulling. I thought maybe they could at least put some unofficial pressure on them.

          So I wrote to the Senator and explained the whole situation to him, telling him that at the very least it was potentially damaging p.r. for their country to permit such practices to continue. I never got a response.

          However, maybe two weeks later, out of the blue I got a phone call from the owner of the company—Dennis. He gave me a very lame excuse as to why I hadn’t been paid yet. (Supposedly, one of their employees had been falsifying accounts for his confederates, so they had temporarily frozen the accounts of everyone who had won suspiciously more than chance would dictate. Apparently I had had a two week stretch where I won twelve out of thirteen bets or something during this time, so I was one of the suspect customers.) He apologized, and he insisted my money would be on the way that day, and that he would put an extra $300 in my account for my trouble. (Interestingly, during the conversation he was kind of muttering aloud, reading to himself some notes about my situation. But I recognized the wording of what he was saying as being directly from the letter that I had written to the Senator. So, clearly that letter had been brought to his attention, and that’s what somehow got the ball rolling.)

          Perhaps not surprisingly, it took about two weeks more for my money to finally arrive. So as a final insult, they extended the slow-play just a little bit longer. But ultimately, I did get paid in full.

          And, yes, when I called next, there was a new $300 in my account. I of course never deposited another penny of my own money, but I did play with that $300. As luck would have it, I won virtually every play I made there, even as I was losing or breaking even with my other accounts. It built to, I think, $2000-$3000. At that point, I requested a withdrawal for the full amount, and got it with no incident. I absolutely relished taking that money from them.

          A frustrating, infuriating experience, albeit with something of a happy ending. I can only wish that Boomer’s (and Thor's) situation ends as happily.


          • #6
            I agree that contacting the local government office in charge of licensing is the best option.

            When Bet-the-Net out of Dominica stiffed me for 13 dimes last year (Mark and Bob Judge), I contacted the appropriate government office there - bottom line was that I never got paid but at least they ran the crooks out of Dominica pretty quickly.


            • #7
              It's my understanding that Action Sports DOES NOT have a license to operate in ST Martin. They haven't issued any to anyone.

              The governing body for the island is located in Curacao. Ray seems to be having trouble with money. In this business you cant keep giving away the store(10-20% sign up bonus', pagers 5% juice etc)without winning a good percentage of the games. With some promotions the book is at a larger disadvantage than the player normally is.

              Most readers of this forum have no idea what the phone bill looks like for 500-1000 customers.

              Also Ray(not his real name) has not chosen wisely for his op mgr. Jason while meaning well appears to be incapable to handle a rough situation. By paying off on the complaint and saying he was sorry for the problem that arose he would have been able to save face and a lot of lost business that will follow.

              However by putting in lame excuses and pussyfooting around the real issue he came out looking like a jerk and lost respect from a lot of Bettors World readers

              In defence of Action Sports and this is only my opinion they have been in business for a while and up until this debacle i haven't heard too many bad things about them. i realize that a few complaints are a few too many but maybe we should wait until we hear from Ray himself and not Jason.

              THE DEVIL


              • #8
                devil, I think we did hear from Ray. It may have been submitted under Jason's account. Which compounds the nonsense, of course.


                • #9
                  Back Up for all to see


                  • #10
                    As a man who has done advertising for several offshore outlets, I would recommend that you contact the people that advertise for Action Sports. They will be your best bet as far as getting paid. If they mailed you anything you can persue mail fraud charges. Also, when you signed up with Action in the beginning did they give you a cash bonus of any kind? Did they say you had to play for "x" amount of days before you could cash the bonus out? Was there a credit card involved? If I know for sure that they really stifffed you, I will lay them out on the scorephone. 140+ cities.
                    Let me know...

                    John Edens
                    [email protected]

                    [This message has been edited by JohnnyDeMarco (edited 04-05-2000).]


                    • #11
                      I really think, with the heat that is being put on this "Ray" or whatever his name is - Action Sports would pay Boomer if they had the money.

                      From reading these posts re "Ray" four things are obvious:

                      1 - They truly owe Boomer the money.

                      2 - They are getting a tremendous amount of heat and bad publicity about it.

                      3 - Any rational person would pay Boomer and make up some b.s. story about accounting department or bank "delays".

                      4. Therefore, the only reason that they aren't paying Boomer is that they don't have the money to pay Boomer.



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