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  • Bonus??

    I just signed up with Carib. I was going to fund it via credit card. However, since they charge 2.5% for that convenience, I decided to transfer money from another of my accounts. When I inquired about the bonus, I was informed that it is not applicable, since I am only transferring funds.

    My question;

    Is this standard operating procedure amongst books? If so, why. It shouldn't matter how you fund your account. I could have asked for a payout from one of my books via fed ex, then after reciving the money, funded my Carib account. But why go through all that hassle? Am i off base here?


  • #2
    I had the same experience at Premiere League. I had run out of my original funds there and received a letter offering me a bonus if I refunded my account for football season. I chose to refund it through a transfer. When I called to check my balance, there was no 10% bonus added in. When I called to inquire why, they stated that the bonus didn't apply to transfers. I forget what I said but I remember them agreeing to provide the bonus anyway and that there was no hassle about it. It seemed to be a fairly recent policy since I had originated my account through a transfer and received all the normal bonuses (pager + 10%). I had opened other accounts that way previously and always received the bonus. My guess is now that transfers are becoming more popular this might be necessary in order to keep people from continually transferring money to take advantage of whatever bonuses might be available at a given moment. It would probably be a good idea for any books with this policy to state this in their advertising to avoid confusion.


    • #3
      A little complaining helps. They just gave me a 5% bonus.


      • #4
        This seems to be a continual problem - books not disclosing enough of the rules and stipulations about the bonuses. There really is no excuse. If there is an exception to the bonus, it needs to be spelled out.

        For one data point, I actually got a full 10% bonus from CRIS from a transfer.


        • #5
          I'd better clarify - it was a 10% free bet, so actually worth about 5%. I don't know if the special is still being offered.


          • #6
            I knew Carib would straighten it out. They are good people. As always - Good Luck,

            As Always - Good Luck,



            • #7
              About bonus yeah i agree...they should layout much more information about giving out Bonuses. Sometimes there is just to much fine prints....

              I believe now bonuses is one of the norm in this industry, ie 10% and so on.... I believe in the long run that is not what bettors are looking for.... best is always having good odds and wide selection of games available.



              • #8
                Carib ****in people charging 2.5% plus you get hit with 3% cash advance fee. New credit card processing company perplexa.

