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Apology for deceptive postings

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  • Apology for deceptive postings

    Pinnacle Sports has recently learned that two of its employees have been posting messages to this forum, concealing their affiliation with Pinnacle, and posing as impartial participants in forum discussions; they posted their messages under the names of "Rigoberto" and "DarkViper".

    These postings took place without the knowledge or consent of Pinnacle's management, and we consider them unprofessional and unethical. Pinnacle very much regrets whatever false impressions these messages may have given other forum readers, and is taking steps to see that this will not happen again.

    No business, in any area, can succeed without the trust and good will of its clientele. In our industry, this principle is doubly true, and Pinnacle would never jeopardize this relation with our customers by using "shills". Our policy has always been, and will always be, to treat our clients honestly and fairly.

    Once again, the management of Pinnacle Sports would like to apologize for this incident to all readers of this forum.

    Terry Maxwell
    Pinnacle Sports
    Customer Relations Department

  • #2
    I wanted to respond from OLD MAN's posting regarding Pinnacle but unfortunately I saw it late and thread was closed for some valid reasons. I just wanted to relay my experienced with Pinnacle to everyone specially for those who are skeptical about this operation.

    We all know that Pinnacle is offering a lot of contests ever since the begginning of NFL. Out of curiousity and since it was free, I decided to join. Few weeks had gone by, I had an email saying that I won and came in fourth. Deposit $700 and you will get a $1000. About a month and a half had past I decided to give them a "trial run". I called customer service asked them if I put in $2100, will I get $3000. I know I was asking too much, just wanted to test how far their bonuses will go. We settled with the amount of me sending them $1700, they will add $300 from the contest I won and 10% initial deposit of $200 which will total to $2200. I was thinking, this is too good to be true. I started wagering and luckily odds were on my side and started winning. Next day, I checked my balance and I was about $1700 short from what I expected. I panic and called them immediately and we found out that there was a problem with my W. Union transactions. I was told to call back in 15 minutes and my call was escalated to someone (I will not mention names)and resolved immediately. After that weekend I asked for a payout (customer service people were so professional) and receive the dough a day in advance as promised with no shipping charge ($1000 or over). I requested for two free payouts after that with no problem at all.

    To make this long story short, Pinnacle is highly recommended. And for you Terry, no matter what you say, you guys are still one of the best. Keep it up!!!


    • #3
      From everything I have heard Pinnacle is certainly a class act - as soon as they start posting their lines on the internet I am definitely going to sign up!


      • #4
        Class act by Terry and Pinnacle coming to the front and admitting that some of there employees had done wrong!!


        • #5

          You handled this just right. Kudos.


          • #6
            Maybe Action Sports can learn something here.

            Great Job Terry


            • #7
              First let me preface this by saying that i have an account with pinnacle and haven't encountered any problems, which means that i am happy with them.

              However i was just wondering what these employees of yours would have to gain by posting these comments. In other words do they have some stake in your company? Is there profit sharing? If not why on earth would they bother trying to drum up more business for you guys.

              I guess what i am saying is that i doubt that some low level employee posted the stuff before unless he had some stake in the company.

              What i feel is more likely is that the above post is an attempt to save face after a failed attempt to drum up business.

              Whatever the deal is, Pinnacle is a solid out, and other bookies should learn the following from this incident:

              You can't come in here and drum up business with shill responses, or at least if that is your attempt, have a little more respect for the overall intelligence of the posting forum community.

              (they aren't easily fooled).


              • #8
                Terry - cool - I applaud your comments.

                I'd like to see ALL comments from individuals who are affiliated with a sportsbook in any way, to identify themselves as such. It would really improve the quality of this forum.

