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Carib Sports Cleared as bank messes up

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  • #16
    we hope a lesson for all has been learned here. it is simply unfair to take this approach knowing that the headline posted will reach a few thousand people.
    we have the inquiry forum for such problems. we recommend going that route if the book is listed there.


    • #17
      This exlains why so many people jumped to Carib's defense. Trust is earned and Carib has earned that respect with a fantastic track record over several years.


      • #18
        I did indeed learn things from this thread, though perhaps not what bgeorgia has in mind.

        I learned that Carib--a book that I have never used and that I know next to nothing about--has a solid enough reputation and track record that many Bettorsworld posters stated with confidence that the matter would be resolved in a way that showed Carib not to be in the wrong. This public support increases my likelihood of signing on with Carib in the future.

        I learned from the absence of negative postings by others reporting similar problems with Carib withdrawals that there is no pattern of check-bouncing or other problems of that nature with Carib. This too is a point in their favor in my choosing what books to do business with in the future.

        I learned some of the pros and cons of different types of withdrawals, some of the ways things can go wrong with withdrawals that can be the customer's fault, the book's fault, or the bank's fault. I learned that there is no reason to immediately panic if a withdrawal check from an offshore book bounces, because typically it is only a temporary mistake that will soon be resolved. This gives me slightly more confidence about dealing with offshore books in general, including Carib.

        I learned that Carib chooses not to reply in this forum and give its side of things when there is a problem, and also that they express displeasure to a customer like Stinger who does choose to go public like this. For me, that counts as a very small mark against Carib. No big deal, and certainly not something that would stop me from signing on with them in the future.

        I would have learned none of these things if Stinger had never brought the matter up publicly in this forum but had used the recommended inquiry method to handle it more discreetly. And overall, as a potential customer, I felt the publicity given Carib in this matter was more positive than negative. I would be more, not less, likely to use Carib in the future after following this thread.

        I don't say that people should never go the inquiry route. I'm glad both routes are available when there is a problem, and I respect whichever choice people make. I just wanted to make the point that there are advantages to bringing the matter public like this, even in cases where the book is ultimately absolved of any wrongdoing.


        • #19
          the point i am trying to make is this. it is simply not fair to the book to have a headline that reads "XYZ CHECKS BOUNCE". what you have to remember is many people see the heading and never delve further.
          those people would leave with the wrong impression. a better heading might be "Is there a problem with XYZ?". this would entice the visitor to look further.



          • #20
            Carib has the BEST customers in the world and we thank you all for your support in this matter. We had nothing to say until now because we never had any idea why Mr. Stinger's check was returned. We did know that the funds where their and that no matter what, "he would have been paid in the end".

            William J Caesar


            • #21
              Point well taken, bgeorgia. A less sensationalist or less judgmental original headline for the thread would have been more appropriate. (I don't think anything in my earlier post stated or implied otherwise. I was addressing a different point--whether the matter should have been brought to this forum in the first place.)

              Again, kudos to Carib. It appears you conduct your business in such a way that you have earned the loyalty and support of many customers who will immediately interpret things in your favor and who have confidence that any problems will be resolved appropriately. It's always a good sign to see "Hey, don't worry, X-book's solid. This problem will turn out to not be their fault and you'll get your money," instead of "Yeah, I'm not surprised you're getting jobbed by Y-book. They're a bunch of lousy crooks. They did the same thing to me..."


              • #22
                I agree the subject title was too strong, and
                I should have kept it more neutral.

                I will say that Carib Sports is definitely top notch, even though this mix up was
                entirely the bank's fault, they sent a memo
                offering a choice of one of their carib merchandise. This is definitely above and beyond their duty (especially since they must be pretty pissed at me).

                They have definitely moved to the top of my list and I would recommend them to anyone out there looking for a reputable place to wager.


                • #23
                  An absolute premature post, if my memory serves me correct from my days in Antigua this shop is run by Jon Rodgers, who was running that shop on the top of the hill ways back.As BW has said repuation is as good as any, in the old days all the heavy hitters were dialing his number when going off shore.

                  But hey live and learn on what you post.

                  Good Luck


