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Action Sports Responds

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  • Action Sports Responds

    Well after sitting back and letting everyone get their 2 cents in I think it is time for me to respond. First off, granted boomer sent in 10 dimes and played for a week. Then request a payout of 10 dimes, what Mr. Boomer fails to mention is that he only had 11.9 dimes in his account being the type of player he is who plays a decent amount of games daily. An eye brow was raised as to why he would pull the 10 dimes out. So hence the payout was questioned. What boomer also neglects to mention is that he was given 5 free ½ points. Now after careful review of the situation, my conclusions are as follows:

    a) After using the 5 free ½ points, we the sports book who are looking to build a long term relationship obviously would want some more action before the account is practically closed.

    b) We did pay boomer below his initial deposit but not to the tune he would have liked. Being the type of player that he is, who plays 2 dimes a game, leaving less that the amount he usually bets on one game is a little weird.

    c) Boomer got paid to the tune of 50% of his account balance. So as to show that we do pay.

    d) Boomer then proceeds to run the account up to 26 dimes and requests a payout the following week, of 10 Dimes. HE GOT PAID. Which by the way he forgot to mention. Funny thing for some one that starts off by saying "Everyone who reads my posts here knows I speak the truth and rarely say a bad word about anyone unless it warranted"

    e)He played a little more the next week and and requested a payout of $13919, because he was uncomfortable. Well up to this point we had already paid him 16.2 dimes. ACTION SPORTS PAID HIM AGAIN.

    f) Now Boomer plays a total of 6 games over the course of the next 12 days. He then wants to cash out the rest of his account after being paid a total $30119. Speaking for my self as a book maker and a business man I always speak to any client before an account is closed and paid out.

    All of the above are facts with little or no personal opinions so far. Now here comes my personal opinion of the situation.

    First off to call MR. Meyers a cancer of the industry after being paid 30 dimes on a 10 dime deposit is being bit of an ingrate. Now for the past 5 days my staff has had to put up with all the question and insecurities because of the posts here on bettors world. So far I think that we have been more that fair and I really do not understand what has caused you Boomer to make such a derogatory post when we treated you like gold. The reason behind our change in the amount of the first payout I think should be obvious but just in case I will spell it out. After taking 5 half points, a free parlay, 5 % juice and other sign up perks we wanted more action from you boomer before you closed your account. Which despite what you might say with drawing 10 dimes out of 11 when you play 2 dimes a game to me, is closing your account. We are looking to build long term clients not for some one to come in and take all our perks and then close out.

    I spoke to you boomer on the phone yesterday and I said I do not understand the reasoning behind why Mr. Meyers did what he did. I now not only agree with him but after looking in to the entire situation I am very upset with how we have been treated by the post you made.

    To want to hurt a business that paid you 30 dimes, I really just don't understand. But what I will say that after REVIEWING your account. It is you sir that is a cancer of the industry, my reason for saying that is that you take the same bookmakers that you spoke about and turn them in to *****s when they have to deal with the likes of you.

    As for some of the other posts on this topic by other people, they just make me think of the bible, where is written " Let he who is with out sin cast the first stone".

    And just for the record, someone asked why would an account need to reviewed, I will just give you one reason, the rest are real easy to come up with when you think about it.

    One of the reasons for reviewing an account is just in case an employee could be working with a friend and trying to screw the office.

    For all the Action Sports clients that come to this forum.

    1) I am sorry for not Posting a reply sooner.

    2) Your money is safe here at Action sports and we are not going any where.

    3) To any of my clients, if for any reason you are feeling insecure I would like a call to at least let me know the way you feel.

    Jason Johnson
    General Manager
    Action Sports

  • #2
    So the question remains, why has he still not been paid in full? Looks to me as though he has put the original 10k into action several times over.

    Next time, make an agreement with a player that he has to generate xxxx amount of business before he can cash out. Don't make up the rules as you go.

    A player wants his money, he should be paid immediately, not when Ray Meyers feels like it.

    You make it sound as though Ray Meyers is RIGHT for not paying him after he wagered his initial deposit SEVERAl times over.

    If a player posts up with Action, plays a ten team parlay on his 1st wager for a hefty sum, and then wants to cash out, will you allow him to or will you say he hasn't given you enough action?

    Boomer is not the only one to have made the same complaint.......


    • #3


      • #4
        I feel for a long term commitment comes trust. To build that trust comes in time. The offshore has the advantage and must gain the players trust not the other way around. The players forks over the money first and then collects after. So I feel if u paid him right away instead of delaying you would of gained Boomers trust. He may of put 20000 the next time.


        • #5
          To quote(to want to hurt a business that paid you 30 dimes), I have a question. Should one eternally grateful to recieve partial payment on what they have earned?

          [This message has been edited by Rebunkshus (edited 02-13-2000).]


          • #6
            Boy, that response is even more lame than the original one given Boomer. It's his money. He won it fair and square. There's no excuse not to pay him. None.


            • #7
              This posting by Mr. Johnson of Action Sports has infuriated me, and I don’t even have any money at stake in the dispute. I can only imagine how Boomer feels about it.

              According to Mr. Johnson’s own account of the events in question, Boomer—identified as someone who bets about 2000 per play--made a “decent” number of plays per day the first week, made enough bets between then and his next withdrawal request to run about 6000 up to about 26000, played “a little more” after that, and finally made another six plays over the course of twelve days before requesting to close out his account. In other words, off of an original deposit of 10,000, Boomer bet his account actively for a little over a month, giving Action Sports several tens of thousands of dollars worth of action during this time.

              Two points. Number one, it certainly seems to me that Boomer has fulfilled any plausible minimum play requirements to be entitled to the various sign-up perks that the aggrieved Mr. Johnson whines about having given him.

              Number two, and much more importantly, if Action Sports wants to attach strings to its sign-up perks, it needs to state any such conditions and qualifications clearly up-front. If minimum play requirements are necessary to “build long term clients not for some one to come in and take all our perks and then close out,” then specify those requirements from the outset so that the customer can make an informed decision about whether to open an account under such conditions.

              Having read many of his postings, I believe the evidence is consistent with Boomer’s claim that he speaks the truth and rarely says a bad word against anyone unless it is warranted. Nothing in Mr. Johnson’s posting gives me any reason to change my mind about that. Indeed, I believe Boomer’s credibility is bolstered by Mr. Johnson’s unpersuasive and insulting response. This is one of those unusual cases where hearing from both sides of a dispute puts me more solidly in one camp than when I was exposed to only the one side.

              Now that I’ve heard Action Sports’s version of the dispute, I am able with even greater conviction to state that they will never see a penny of my money. It is totally appropriate that Action Sports has had to “put up with all the question and insecurities because of the posts here on bettors world.” I hope their customers take it the next step and make them “put up with” the massive withdrawals and account closings that are fully warranted under the circumstances.

              If anyone knows of other books that follow similar policies to those we have learned are operative at Action Sports, please alert us immediately.

              I will close with a quotation from Boomer’s original post. I suggest that honorable books post this somewhere in plain sight, as it really says all that needs to be said about disputes such as this:

              “[A]sk [only] one question when someone asks for a payout: ‘WHERE AND HOW DO I SEND THE CHECK?’”


              • #8
                Talk about a sportsbook shooting itself in the head!

                That excuse is utter nonsense. If, after reading this messege from management, you play with Action Sports you deserve sleepless nights.


                • #9
                  My question is "Where is this Ray Meyers Character, and why is he hiding beind one of his employees instead of answering for his actions?" It is inexcuseable under any circumstances not to send a customer any or all of the balance of money in his account, with the exception of him having pending bets, which does not seem like the case here. If that is the best response that could come from Action Sports, let me give you guys a bit of advice: Pour Gasoline all over your computers and telephones and throw a match on it and go out and try and find a line of work where you have a clue about how to conduct business properly. You guys obviously don't have a clue as to how to be a sports book. What do you think because you are on an island thousands of miles away from your clients you can hold them and their money Hostage, and pay them THEIR money when YOU feel like it? Supposedly you guys have a Government license, I wonder what kind of controls the government on your island has over how you conduct business? Or are their no controls, and all you have is a License to steal, and operate with no regulation other than the ones YOU make up as you go along. Anybody who send money to you guys should have their head examined, and anybody who presently has money posted up there would be smart to get it out of there as soon as possible and put it on deposit with a reputable operation.


                  • #10
                    This one certainly backfired...

                    Also, isn't it a breach of customer confidentiality to say how often and for how much a player bets, as well as the profits they make. I mean if the IRS was snooping around they'd sure be interested in a 30K payout.


                    • #11
                      You gave him 5 free 1/2 points big deal, i wonder if you told boomer beforehand that by giving him the 2.5 points in total that it meant that you could decide when to pay, and when not to pay him, i am sure he would have told you what to do with your 2.5 points.

                      Another thing, Boomer being a "2 dime" player, even if the plays would have been losers, you would have saved him approx. 1 dime in juice max.

                      That is a very big if, i am sure he could have found the .5 points elsewhwere for free just by line shopping, and in my opinion if you want to establish a "long term" relationship with a player you should have paid him promptly with the promise that he would receive similar prompt and courteous service when he decided to post up again.

                      Your attempt at saving face is sad, you really should have thought of this before deciding to hold his money.

                      Finally, what does this speak of the financial stability of your book if you are willing to foresake such bad publicity at the cost of a few dimes.

                      Action sports is either run by very near sighted individuals


                      they are in financial difficulty.

                      EITHER WAY

                      they are not a book that i would (or i am assuming the vast majority of other gamblers) would play with.


                      • #12
                        Oozing throughout Action Sports' response is the feeling that we owe them some huge applause for returning Boomer part of HIS money. It may interest Action Sports to kmow that not all gamblers are stupid and that some of us know the realities of business. Every business is interested in long-term customers. As businesses, whether it be sportsbooks or other, we decide the promotions we want to offer to attract customers. We do it for business reasons and that reason alone. To accept a customer, give him the special promotions and then delay him on the way out is outrageous. I'm sure that Action Sports will come back in here and tell us how many satisfied customers they have and all that other s**t. I for one will never open an account there, period. No promotion, bonus or points is worth the aggravation.


                        • #13
                          That excuse is like my employer telling me that he is only going to pay me part of my paycheque on payday, until I work a few more hours. Ridiculous. Action Sports is not fooling anyone. Do the honourable thing and pay Boomer!


                          • #14

                            I totally applaud you here.

                            You without any doubt in my mind have stood up to Bettorsworld.

                            Not only did you state your case in a fine eloquent manner, you did something that all businessmen should learn from.

                            Never goto a site and come up with the most pathetic,lameass, useless repsonse known to the industry.

                            For you to come here and give out personal information of boomers, and then try to use it against him, because you gave him some freebies that truly didn't amount to much. It wasn't much because a bettor of the magnitude can shop for that 1/2 point anywhere and get it.

                            To me you have broken the code of bookmakers and I will NEVER EVER EVER put 1/2 cent into your operation. I will be sure that when my website is up, you will be added to the list of books to steer far away from.

                            You have done some good though, you have made sure any prospective clients that visit here, well most definitely go elsewhere.

                            I personally thank you for that.

                            Thanks again....


                            • #15
                              Nice response Jason you should run for president.

                              You run a real smooth operation

                              And happy the man beat you out of 30k because if you would have paid him the 11.9 and left him alone he wouldn't of had the chance to LMAO............

