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Betmaker - double dealing lines

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  • #16
    No, the guest line is the public line - the one with inflated favorite prices.

    A friend of mine is a small bettor, and a favorites bettor, and we compared lines. Many of his favorites were 1/2 point higher.

    Since I am a larger bettor my lines are always an average of the Don Best screen.

    If a sportsbook double deals lines - and I know for sure only that Betmaker does - then you can check the guest lines with the lines after you login. If the lines are the same then you have the sucker (public) lines.

    If Betmaker sees you betting the dogs at the inflated lines you will get moved quick to the real Don Best lines.

    So if someone says anything to me about Betmaker my first question is whether they get the "sucker" lines or the "real" lines.


    • #17
      The sucker (public) lines are a lot easier to beat (from my viewpoint, anyway). If I could always get put on the public lines, I would be very happy. Its my belief that most books have at least two sets of numbers; its been discussed in here several times, although not recently. In fact, at least one of the books mentioned above as having a policy of dealing only one line, most certainly has a public line and a sharp line. I was on their public line for several weeks, and the day after I requested a payout, was moved to the sharp lines. Something to remember, if you ever find you are lucky enough to get the public line (at least if you consider this lucky), try to hold off as long as possible on requesting a payout. It seems a lot of times your betting patterns don't get checked until you request some money.

