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Victor Chandler online - not so attractive

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  • Victor Chandler online - not so attractive

    In reading the stuff on their website, noticed they had the evil pommy ripoff 'doubles or trebles' except on 4 biggest leagues deal.

    Brave bookmaking, indeed.

    No thanks.

  • #2
    I actually choked when BlueSq had something similar on their web site...

    You see, the trebble thing is required by British Law, so it's not like the bookies here are putting out trebbles just to steal our money. The only legal exception are games carried live on domestic tv. These are allowed to have singles taken on them.

    Unfortunately, whereas BlueSq is based in England (and even has the heart to cover most of the tax involved), VC is based in Gibraltar and doesn't need to follow the "trebble-min" bull$hit. So they really don't have an excuse for this any more.

    Maybe they are not taking much action on the lower leagues, or their lines aren't as sharp. Overall, I'm not affected at all as I don't bet obscure leagues unless I can get a good middle or it's a tip from the soccer forum. Otherwise it's just the PL for me, and occasional bets on La Liga. And all Euro games as well of course... It's only a matter of weeks away now...

    [This message has been edited by Cons (edited 01-21-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by Cons (edited 01-21-2000).]


    • #3
      oh well Cons, your loss

      English 1st division has groooooovvvvveeedd this year as has Austria decreasing leagues decreases profit, obviously, with an Asian focus, they should take craploads of cash on PL, etc.

      but yeah, crappy, given they are not in England with its ripoff the punters bull**** about matchfixing craperola so have to bet multiples (wouldn't have anything to do with increasing their profits at all, and hence government money?)

      someone showed me info that said the UK would start Exacta betting on horse racing and the takeout would only be 24%!
      24!!!!!!!!! and as was pointed out, they were happy - twice as bad as the extortion on soccer currently that they have inflicted on people (that did not exist in the past)

      If they are worried about the other ones, or not interested, why not just have small limits?


      • #4
        Hey mate, it's their problem. If someone wanted to point out a few points about the low quality of sportsbooks in Australia then they could easily find a scapegoat or two.

        But when you think about it, it's the UK books that have limits that others can only dream about. Sure we can point out the bad examples, which we should also look at, but places like BlueSq will take as much money from a single bet as some books will take from a dozen of their customers put together. A few British books I know will laugh when you ask about max limits.

        The term MAX LIMIT doesn't apply at many places. It's only the minimum that's ever mentioned.

        Want to put $350,000 on a game. Try that Down Under and you'd be sent to the mental asylum...

        Try that in England and your bet will be approved, though I'm sure they'd move the line somewhat soon after...


        • #5
          350,00? Cons, from what I have read of those suits, I would think they would be getting very antsy with money like that - unless balancing dumb money the other way

          I would find that hard to believe

          If I'm a hong kong kingpin, ring up and say, ok, half a mill on these 6 games, they will take it on each one?


          • #6
            Someone made a single $320,000 bet this week, some foreign guy. Sometimes they get bets like $80,000 in cash I read. Now that's crazy, walking into a betting shop with briefcase full of dough. Also, with a bet like that an offshore out would save a little as well, considering the um... 9% tax?


            • #7
              indeed, 9% on that is a fair swag

              yeah, read about a few betting shop robberies, so would not want to be in there with 320,000 in cash when guys with guns wander in!

              320,000 on what, btw? Interesting figure, balancing something by the look of it

