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WSEX Interactives and Spread Betting are Totally Different!!

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  • WSEX Interactives and Spread Betting are Totally Different!!

    I just found out more about spread betting from the horse's mouth, and I have come to the conclusion that not only are they different but spread betting is a bad bad bet.

    Looking at NFL football here are how the two differ:

    WSEX Interactives for the Tennessee/Jax game on Sunday:

    Assuming the line stays at 7 you'll probably see a spread set at 7.5 with Tennessee listed at 50-55 and Jax listed at 45-50.

    This means that you can get even money on Jaxonville if you're willing to give up the extra half point (similar to action points). With Tennessee it will cost you 55 for a return of 100 - slightly better than if you bought 1/2 point. However the key is that this is just a starting line and as the play goes on the lines change. And in close games lines can fluctuate like crazy in the last quarter. The spread always stays the same but the buy/sell change. So with 3 minutes remaining, if Jacksonville is up 30-20 and they have the ball you would probably see a spread of something like Jacksonville 90-95
    Tennessee 5-10. In better words if you think Tennessee can still score you can get 10 for 1. On the other hand if you are holding shares of Jax you can sell them for 90.

    Say on the next play Jacksonville fumbles on their own 20 yard line. Realizing that Tennessee (needing 2 scores) is already in at least field goal range which would put them under the 7.5 point spread, you would probably see the line change to

    Tennessee 75-80
    Jacksonville 20-25.

    In the space of 1 play you can make $65 on each share of Tennessee you just Jacksonville your shares are essentially worth 1/4 the value. And with each play/penalty etc., the spread changes fast and furiously. The only frustration with WSEX is when you place a sell too high and you are beaten by too many others doing the exact same thing. But it is fast, furious and exciting action.

    Now onto spread betting (and this is from sporting Index which Cons keeps raving about).

    Spread is set at 5-8. This means that in order to win on Jacksonville, they must win by at least 9 points. At 8 points you break even. For each point they win by more than 8 points you win 1 unit extra. However if you want to "buy" Jacksonville (the opposite of WSEX's terminology), they must win by less than 5 points. If they win by 5 points, then you break even. If they win by 6 points, you lose 1 unit. If they lose by 7 points (the actual spread) you lose 2 units. If they lose by 3 points then you would win 8 units.

    So essentially the spread of 5-8 points is the juice for the book. If the final outcome is right on the line at 7 points, the book is going to make 1 unit from everybody who bets on Tennessee and 2 units from every person who bets on Jacksonville. Now that's fair!!

    And as for the lines changing, I have been informed that for NFL football the spreads are revised at the end of each quarter and remain open until the start of the next quarter. So if Jacksonville is up by 10 at the end of the first quarter, a new spread would be set up (probably something like 12-15), whereby you can "buy" at the new price the team you "sold" to guarantee a profit. But you cannot bet after each play like at WSEX. Apparently in soccer you can bet more often because play is much slower.

    Also, you must phone in the bets (online betting is not currently available at sportingindex). Thanks but no thanks Cons, I'll stick with WSEX - it is much more exciting for American sports and even if sportingindex was more secure because it was owned by the United Nations it wouldn't change the facts that the bets are different.

  • #2
    But the option to buy to lock in a profit if your team is ahead after a quarter or a half is pretty sweet (especially since it's on a per point basis). For instance i'll bet there was a lot of money to be made on the Rams this year as they were always jumping out to those big leads.

    I think both options are viable and it's just a case of which one you prefer, or which one offers you best value.

    The more ways to bet that books offer the better, whether in the carribean or in England.


    • #3
      interactives and actual spreads like that are different, interactives and spread betting on a points index is basically the same


      • #4
        They are VERY different.

        Spread betting is much closer to action points than interactives. With action points you are wagering on how much the team will better the spread by. American style books generally have a cap between 10 and 20 points (some higher). You make 100 for every point your team exceeds the posted spread by, you lose 110 for every point they come short of the spread.

        In Spread betting you make 100 for each point your team exceeds the pointspread by and lose 100 for each point they come short of the pointspread.

        The difference is in spread betting they deal a dual line such as 9-12 and it is an even money bet on both sides. In action point wagering they deal a single line but the losing side has juice.

        No some European style books will make an "in running" spread betting market throughout play on selected games. I don't know of any American style books that take a fresh action point wager during play.

        WSEX Interactives are essentially moving money lines against a fixed pointspread. The moneyline changes with sentiment and supply/demand. The price changes in Interactives probably don't correlate with changes in spread markets on the same game. Interactives tend to have some big swings in both directions.

        With both Interactives and Spread Betting ("in running") you are getting some sort of variable payout that you can trade out of in the middle of the game for a profit or loss before the game is over. That's where the similarity ends.


        • #5
          Thnaks for teh input on the interactives. I have been watching them a little closer lately.

          Question: I have the Rams now at $70. If Jacksonville wins over Tennesee and the Rams beat Tampa, could the shares be worth less. How about if Tennessee earns the trip?

          Thanks for the help. These exotic wagers are fun, but you really gotta watch them closely. As always - Good Luck,

          As Always - Good Luck,



          • #6
            If JAX wins I expect a buy price for thr Rams at 82. If Tenn wins, at 87.


            • #7

              First of all, "buying" isn't the opposite. By buying the favourite you are taking that team to win by the higher end of the spread (or more), not to lose.

              Secondly, if a sport is carried live then you can open or close positions at any time. Thus, you can either cash in on a profit or lessen your losses if you think your team will slump even more. If the event is carried live, the bet is available constantly.

              Sportingindex might not be online, I believe IGIndexis. But I remember when you were whining about not being able to get rid of shares which were plummetting faster than "C" Grade shares on the Nigerian stock exchange. Thanks but no thanks!

              In spread betting, one call, one price, and you offload (or take on) bets at will. No need to panic...

              Also, your calculations should have shown that spread firms make the same juice regardless of the final outcome. Since they offer evens for all sides, they have to take their juice somewhere. So it's in the line itslf. Wherever the game ends, the juicewill be the same, and it's not a penny more if the outcome is directly on the spread itself.

              And as for soccer being a slower game, I can assure you that it is much easier to carry football live because it is in fact the less volatile of the two. There's a 5-10 second play and then a break for half a minute. That's a lot of time to reshuffle odds. In soccer, the ball is almost constantly in play. Free kicks, penalties, red cards, all a total nightmare for those running live betting. Whereas in football they have all the time in the world to set the odds as they see them. Soccer doesn't have these constant breaks all the time, after every single play...


              • #8
                To be honest, a recent experience with regular betting online on a live event has made me more friendly with the telephone. I was placing a bet online, and the odds were at 1/2. B the time I got read to place it it said 4/11, and after I placed it everything changed once again to 1/3. So I had to go back and forth in the software to set things right and finally get the bet in. By phone, I think it would have been quicker and less hassle-free.

                Hartley, try and check out the tennis spreads at IGIndex. They might interest you. I think they could offer value, as long as whoever you back doesn't crash out in the first round and cost you dearly. Overall, I think there's value there, as you can make a profit on some players by just having them win two rounds or so.

                Also the single match spreads might be worth it, though to be honest I haven't a clue how they work.

                [This message has been edited by Cons (edited 01-18-2000).]


                • #9
                  Cons, you are correct about WSEX and the difficulty I had of getting out late in the game, but I realized my error and how to resolve it which I explained on this site.

                  As for your comment that they offer even on both sides so the juice is in the spread, I still claim it's huge juice.

                  To buy 1/2 point costs -110. So each point is worth -120. And on major lines like 3 or 7, the juice is usually -120 off or on.

                  That being the case, the theoretical juice Sportingindex gets from the 5-8 spread is -130 between 7 and 8 and -150 going from 7 to 5. Consequently overall this equates to a -180 advantage on Jax with the spread bet unless I'm mistaken.


                  • #10
                    what is address for igindex. thanks


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        IGIndex is a great company to deal with, but unfortunately it doesn't offer many bets on US sports. Sportingindex does though, and seems to be the only spread firm to actively target the US bettor.

                        Hartley, you're right about the juice. It is a little excessive, I must admit. I'm not very happy with the way they give those lines. If they would cut it by a single point then these lines would be much more competitive. But as things stand the juice is somewhat unjustified.

                        As far as dropping out of a bet at WSEX, it seems to be a risk because you need to offer a lower number ahead of time in order to stand a good chance of the transaction being accepted. It might still be worthwhile because of the numbers and the the ease of making the bets. Can't say about dropping out of a bet though...

                        About the tennis spreads, have you checked them out. On some of them I don't know how the hell they are offering them. I do think there might be value there, considering that "the more you're right, the more you win." So unless the guy you take twists his ankle and leaves early, you should be able to make a decent profit. Especially with the draw showing all possible matchups...

