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costa rica

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  • costa rica

    i'm told than in san jose, costa rica is one building which houses many books? if so, which books?


  • #2
    I'll try Matt, but I've never been there.

    Gamblers Palace, Go To, iBet, (not 1 Bet or Majestic which are in Costa Rica, but I don't think in the same building), Players Bet, Money Plays, Island, Sportbet (IGN).

    I was under the impression that there were more, but after racking my brain can't find any others. ABC is in San Jose, but I don't think in the same building, as is *******. I do know for a fact the books read these posts so if they can correct me, I'd appreciate it.


    • #3
      ABC is in the is betmaker.....nasa was also in that building. I guess they still are, not sure....


      • #4
        There is one complex that is home to CRIS, little NASA, RIO, First Fidelity, Horizon, Tradewinds, and a couple of small fry


        • #5
          Matt, why do you need to know this? I am sure that the parties involved would not be crazy about disclosing their current locations to all of the general public that reads these posts. It is a horse of a different color if you would happen to have business to tend to then I am sure that the folks of BW would be happy to help you.


          • #6

            Why would you want to use a bookmaker that wouldn't tell you where their office is? That would sound pretty dodgy.


            • #7
              I have no problem telling anyone why I want to know. I'm an ESPN television producer trying to do a story about gambling on the Super Bowl. One of the segments will focus on offshore books. I thought it could be interesting to focus on all (or some of) the books operating out of that one location in Costa Rica. The story angle would be that while most of the public believes the mecca of sports gambling is Vegas, the true hub may be in a single office building in San Jose, Costa Rica. I need to find out which books are there, so I know who to contact to see if they would be interested.

              Pretty harmless, actually.


              • #8

                This is not really the case. There are a quite a few offices in CR, so some are in the same office buildings. But these are large office complexes that house many businesses other then sportsbooks. It is like having an office complex with more then one insurance company in it.

                There are some operations that have multiple names, but operate from the same office. But this is not the norm.


                • #9
                  Hey Matt, according to some of my friends, there are 2 main concentration of sports books in Costa Rica although you can some other scattered around. There is 1 building which has about 16 or 17 books, some of which have already been mentioned and another place across town which is not a building but several buildings which are home of another 12 or so books. Again you can find some others scattered around but those 2 locations have the most amount of books. I will not name the books or the places because I don't think the owners would appreciate so much info on them.

                  The Phantom


                  • #10
                    NASA International is no longer located in that one building in question. They became too large.


                    • #11
                      Aussie, I am from the old school of credit have gone through and dealt with agents in the past Postup is still new to me but I realize that it is the present and the future. But in the past the money was never a question in my book there was always someone that I "knew" or a friend of a friend type of deal. I feel sure that you can understand this. I just do not feel that it is wise to disclose the locations of these books regardless of where they are located. Let's face it if "those" people want to know where you are located they probably are not wondering anymore now are they...


                      • #12
                        This isn't sensitive info, if someone wanted to know where any office is they can go the Del Rey hotel and casino and sit in the bar and get locations to any sportsbook in San Jose from anyone.


                        • #13
                          Also, Sting
                          Little NASA is still in that Complex, the big NASA in on the other side of San Jose.


                          • #14
                            good luck with your interviews i am looking forward to see it.i know and have talked to several owners of books in Costa Rica and most of them don't want thier faces on national t.v and have told me that that is the feeling in town .........i really dont blame them but i wish you and i have spoken on the phone before about 21st century.feel free to call me.good luck to all
                            bills win! bills win!!


                            • #15
                              big hands:

                              thanks for inquiring on my behalf. how do i get in touch with you. please e-mail me at [email protected]

