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Anybody Like Intertops' New Look?

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  • Anybody Like Intertops' New Look?

    The thing that caught my eye with it was -fewer graphics (should help speed things up), and also the fact you can pull down a team. I think that could be a good feature (i.e. you want to bet the Lakers so rather than having to sift through many screens, you click on LA Lakers on the first screen and up pops the appropriate game for betting). It could help when there is 1 minute to the game and you know you'll be timed out if you have to go through 5 different screens.

  • #2
    Yuck..still slow as molassus and I'm on a faster computer this evening. I really just wish they would change this whole site. I go in every night because I use the Intertops lines for my site since they are one of the few to offer overnight lines.

    Once inside it's much faster...and more eye appealing to the eye I must admit..but getting inside...there in lies the problem. Maybe they are still working on that part.

    I have to say I started writing this post before I really got inside and it's somewhat refreshing. I just hope they do something about their home page.


    • #3
      No, I don't like it.

      Maybe they believe fewer graphics will faster the speed but like Sting said, it didn't.

      BTW, the team feature is basically worthless.

      I tried to pull down a soccer team couple times and it only give me the correct scores. Also, they missed a lot of team names.

      And more importantly, I believe they haven't change the fonts. So right now you are having about only 2/3 of the betting screen than before.

      It is too small.

      I don't like it at all.


      • #4
        one thing they should have kept is the
        icons or names for all betting
        i.e. I could choose soccer or hockey
        or basketball straight away, now have to flip through a screen to get there
        but credit card screen available at the start

        I would imagine for most users betting is done a lot more than depositing, or I would hope so - so have an 'account link' or deposit link, but not ten of them on the first screen - it is certainly faster getting rid of the graphics, and they have still kept their red look, so that is good.

        Their team function, as Ray says, does not have all teams for games that are up, and should if they are going to do that, and is buggy for soccer.

        Also, why is horse racing one a screen ahead of soccer? Or other sports with far more
        events available than the odd breeder's cup?
        That makes no sense to have that a priority.
        It is too hard to get to certain sports.

        Why have the useless sportsmen icons with no longer any links to those sports? If wasting people's time with a graphic - put it on the front page! Then it should serve some purpose - the other one was good in that you could get to the major betting sports from a picture of the athlete, and getting rid of the button graphics a definite big improvement.


        • #5
          I used to like their web site, but now I think it is utterly worthless. Whoever designed this site couldn't have got it more wrong. The dart didn't even hit the dartboard...

          It now takes me longer to get to the sport I want. As AV said, no more buttons for the different sports, and also the sportsmen icons have stopped being links. What is going on?

          Is there anyone that thinks this site is actually an improvement????


          • #6
            I do not like that I cannot change the font size now like I could before (Explorer 4.0).


            • #7
              I tried Netscape Communicator and you can change the font size (although only 3 NFL games/page).

              Wonder why I cannot change font size with Microsoft Internet Explorer (only 2 NFL games/page with "fixed" font)?


              • #8
                It looks a bit cleaner than before but it still takes way too long to get to where you want to go. Also - if you try to cut and paste their lines into another document it crashes IE4 every time.


                • #9
                  Well, as luck would have it, I had Intertops bookmarked on my speed bar, but my bookmark still takes me to the old interface. Give it a try instead of plain 'ol and see if it does the same for you:



                  • #10
                    Good call, Pepsi. At least we can access the site the old way... seems much easier to me.

